在疯狂工作了51个billable hour以后,楼主又死灰复燃了
先介绍一下billable hour。前面好像其实已经说过了,但是楼主话痨就多说一遍吧。总之就是按时间算钱的,楼主身价便宜,一小时才值$220. 一周51个小时就表示楼主的firm 可以向各个客户收取$11,220. 本周是超级忙。一般的要求是我们这个档次的人每周做满30个小时的billable。law firm里面,billable hour is almost everything. 做不到billable 就被请走人的例子比比皆是 
周一,partner 跟我和manager开会说这个事情要发生了。
周二,跟partner 和某个senior associate 开会,SA称述了他在做的一部分。partner 表示一共有三部分,三个SA一人做一部分
周四晚上,收到某junior lawyer发来的两份文件,一份是SA3的部分,一份是第四部分!!!!!!!!!!!擦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!为嘛第四部分突然出现了!!!!!于是加班加点忙着弄SA1的部分文件和已经完成的两部分文件。
周五晚上,跟partner 开会,他很惊讶的表示完全不知道SA1和SA2的部分出现延期了。。。。。。你们之间都不交流的么!!!!!!!!!!!
打的到家以后印度小哥的读卡器表示刷AMEX要AUTHORISATION CODE. 我问印度小哥CODE多少,小哥表示不知道!!!!
擦!!我当即表示我打的回家将近30次了从来没有刷不出的情况。就是你读卡器的问题,就是你不知道自己CODE 的问题。我是绝对不会换卡的。你有两个选择,一个是用复印纸把卡号和金额写下来工作日去兑现 (出租司机的车里都有一本check, 机器坏的时候就可以把号码抄下来),一个是打电话问authorisation code. 你自己选。
小哥支吾了几句打电话给他印度哥们。印度哥们也表示不知道authorisation code... useless.
后来我就自己试了。刷卡,问CODE, 我打进去000,结果CODE 正确,解决了。
小哥疯了。给印度哥们又打电话说我居然知道authorisation code! 小哥又问我怎么知道的。
我看了小哥一眼说, Doesn't matter. You should have known it. That's what matters.
Maomao: have you ever bungee jumped before?
Me: Me? Bungee jumping? No way. No way I ever take any risks. I have a name for being cautious.
Maomao: Yeah, but it's really just like going across the street. The possibility of you dying in bungee jumping is pretty much the same as you getting hit by a bus.
Me: Really ?!!! I shall never walk on the street again!!! Too dangerous!!!
Maomao: That was so not the point................(desperate look)
Me: Just kidding. Have you bungee jumped?
Maomao: Yeah. In Zambia. It's pretty cool actually. You jumping in a pool of piranhas but you are out of the water before they realise there is a body in the pool. And then they pull you out.
Me: ........... I am not sure which part I should comment on... The fact that there's enough water in Africa for bungee jumping, or the fact that you stick your head into a group of piranhas.......
Maomao: You are only in the water for half a second. Piranhas are not that quick. Not like the ones you see in cartoon where...
Me: where they devour you in a second and all you got left is skeleton. Yes I am aware of that. Hmmm. Wait, if you are too heavy, then you will be in the pool longer, and you may hit the pool more than just once. That's too scary!!!
Maomao: That's why they weigh you. It's accurate to millimeter.
Me: Really?! They have that high technology in Zambia?! Millimeter sounds like really accurate.
Maomao: (Desperate Look again) I have to tell G that comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Fine. But you are aware that you are not succeeding at talking me into bungee jumping, right? I mean it's incredible experience, but it's just not my dish. I may try the hot air balloon some time.
Maomao: Yeah, that's a good start. And if you ever want recommendation for bungee jumping sites, I am available.
剧终。 |