东京申奥成功,在Japan Times上看到一片文章,其中有一个地方的语法觉得有点问题,特此请教。
...(previous paragraph)
The Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry and the Japanese Olympic Committee need to strategically development athletes, with the focus on today's middle and high school students.
(next paragraph)...
我认为这里"strategically development atheletes"有点问题,这里是个adv在修饰noun。我的理解是adv是不能修饰noun的,所以我觉得这里要么应该是"strategical development atheletes" (adj + noun),要么是"strategically developing athletes" (adv + gerund)。
After "Need to", there should be a verb "Develop" rather than noun. "Development"
Personally, I do think there might be some TYPOs in the newspaper articles, if the readers care enough to tell the editors, they wouldn't mind apologizing and correcting them in the coming newspapers!
No big deal. The native speaker can also make mistakes or is simply not careful enough. I also believe there is a typo there, where "development" should be "develop" instead. It is not good English anyway.