我觉得7份还是有差距的。建议看看step by step.
应为你的结构不清晰,supporting sentence没有支持住controling idea 如下面的 emotional bonding.
题目: Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology.
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?
Has this become a positive or negative development?
The development of technology is proceeding at an astonishing rate and it has fundermentally (fundamentally) changed our means of interacting with each other. This issue (什么issue?应该加上 of how technology affected people and whether it is a positive or negative development)has become a source of constant debate.(下面有点突然的进入分论点了,From my point of view, there are both advantages and disadvantages technology interact with peoples’ lives. )
Thanks to remote teaching, teacher-student relationship has gain(+ed) a bigger (better) development, (.) because (去掉) students are able to receive education at home, regardless of time and geographic limits. The (去掉.The 变从句which) result (+ed) is (去掉)that students (+teachers)can be (can be去掉) from any corner of the world, and teacher(去掉, and teacher) could attend class(at) anytime permitted. However (,) this change would lead to the fade of teacher-student emotional bonding(s), (.) as(As) there are no strict class rules and discipline(s)(可去掉,和emotional bonding没关系), students are (may be) less likely to join face to face group discussion, thereby making their communication skills less compectitive(spelling 用effective). (没延伸和老师的emotional bonding)
Similarly, employer-employee relationship experience a considerable changes. The supervisor from headquarters can monitor subordinate office's employees performance, without having to travel oversea frequently. Also, with the increasing popularity of smart phones, businessman can store their business partners' contact information, hereby enlarging their social networks.
No surprisingly, the development of technology would pose a threaten to family cohesion. Though with the help of video calling, people are able to maintain contacts with their family even across the border, it is preceivable that it also make it less opportunity for people to sit in a table to have dinner. This is particularly the case that retired people are exposed to lonely feeling when their children are work in another cities.
In summary, the proliferation of advance technology, such as remote education, video calling, smart phone, has change(+d) our life pattern(+s) significantly, both in positive and negative side(+s). The key is how we utilise these technologies to serve for us, rather than undermine our interpersonal relationship(这句话又展开新问题了,不应该,因为没有后文,喊个口号就行了).