... -for-Applicants.pdf
指南列举了如下的Application Types:
1. Recent Graduates of an Australian University in Australia
2. Recent Graduates with ICT skilled experience considered
3. Skills Assessment
4. Recognition Letter
5. Recognition of Prior Learning – (RPL)
关于“Recent Graduates with ICT skilled experience considered”里边提到:
The assessment of the work experience for this type of application is only for the purpose of the points test and will not contribute towards the suitability result of the skill assessment.
请问各位朋友,红色部分的points test是指EOI的分数吗?后边橙色的部分该如何理解? 选项2应该最符合我两年后的情况,我有3年8个月左右的编程经验(还有毕业前5个月的带薪全职实习没算进来),我想尽可能让这段经历给EOI +5分