a fictional character in the animated television series South Park,
Cartman is an elementary school student who lives with his mother in the fictional town of South Park, Colorado, where he routinely has extraordinary experiences atypical of a small town. Cartman has been portrayed as aggressive, prejudiced and emotionally unstable since his character's inception; Trey Parker and Matt Stone describe the character as “a little Archie Bunker”. These traits are significantly augmented in later seasons as his character evolves, and he begins to exhibit psychopathic and extremely manipulative behavior, and also be depicted as highly intelligent, able to execute morally appalling plans and business ideas with success.
Cartman is probably the most popular character on the show, and has remained one of the most recognizable animated characters on television since South Park became popular during its first season. Parker and Stone state that he is their favorite character, and the one with whom they most identify. South Park has received both praise and criticism for Cartman's politically incorrect behavior. Prominent publications and television channels have included Cartman on their lists of one of the most iconic television and cartoon characters of all time.