If you are unable to obtain an offshore police clearance certificate it is in your best interests
to demonstrate to us, with documentary evidence where possible, that you have made a
genuine attempt to obtain the relevant certificates. Evidence of the following may
demonstrate a genuine attempt:
● Sending a request to the relevant authorities in the country from where you are required to
obtain a police clearance;
● Making several attempts to contact the relevant authorities in the country from where you
are required to obtain a police clearance if they do not respond to your initial request;
● Asking your relatives/friends living in the country from where you are required to obtain
a police clearance, authorising them if required, to seek the penal clearance on your behalf;
● Providing all the identity details or documents, if available, that are required by the
authorities of the country from where you are requesting a police clearance;
● Paying the fee charged by the relevant authorities to provide an offshore police clearance
and any other associated costs that may arise; |