Yet, after the war, he had to prove to the World that German musical Art had indeed survived that fateful period as well as some attempts by the Allies to ignore or undermine German culture. The whole musical world retained its breath while Beethoven was universally re-born when Furtwängler conducted the Ninth for the re-opening of Bayreuth in 1951
反观郎郎,由于有观众请求他弹首乐曲献给六四死难者,他就从音乐会上拂袖出场,面有愠色。这样的人弹奏的音乐我实在无法欣赏,因为脑子里老是有一个声音:He is not interested in all those human feelings that we call compassion and love. He is just a piano player, not a musician, he plays for money and fame.