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[language study] 6个信号他其实喜欢你 ---- 更新 #38

发表于 30-8-2012 10:43:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Are you waiting for life events to turn out the way you want so that you can feel more positive about your life? Do you find yourself having pre-conditions to your sense of well-being, thinking that certain things must happen for you to be happier? Do you think there is no way that your life stresses can make you anything other than “stressed out” and that other people just don’t understand? If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, you might find yourself lingering in the land of negativity for too long!


  The following are some tips to keep positive no matter what comes your way. This post will help you stop looking for what psychologists call “positivity” in all the wrong places! Here are the ten essential habits of positive people.


  1. Positive people don’t confuse quitting with letting go.


  Instead of hanging on to ideas, beliefs, and even people that are no longer healthy for them, they trust their judgement to let go of negative forces in their lives. Especially in terms of relationships, they subscribe to The Relationship Prayer which goes:


  I will grant myself the ability to trust the healthy people in my life …


  To set limits with, or let go of, the negative ones …


  And to have the wisdom to know the DIFFERENCE!


  2. Positive people don’t just have a good day – they make a good day.


  Waiting, hoping and wishing seldom have a place in the vocabulary of positive individuals. Rather, they use strong words that are pro-active and not reactive. Passivity leads to a lack of involvement, while positive people get very involved in constructing their lives. They work to make changes to feel better in tough times rather than wish their feelings away.


  3. For the positive person, the past stays in the past.


  Good and bad memories alike stay where they belong – in the past where they happened. They don’t spend much time pining for the good ol’ days because they are too busy making new memories now. The negative pulls from the past are used not for self-flagellation or unproductive regret, but rather productive regret where they use lessons learned as stepping stones towards a better future.

  回忆,无论好坏,都应该留在原地 —— 也就是事情发生的过去。乐观人群不会过分怀念美好的旧时光,因为他们正忙着创造新的回忆。而过去那些负面回忆的作用不是让你自怨自艾,也不是让你毫无意义地后悔,而是让你在后悔过后从中吸取教训,然后让其成为通向更美好未来的垫脚石。

  4. Show me a positive person and I can show you a grateful person.


  The most positive people are the most grateful people. They do not focus on the potholes of their lives. They focus on the pot of gold that awaits them every day, with new smells, sights, feelings and experiences. They see life as a treasure chest full of wonder.


  5. Rather than being stuck in their limitations, positive people are energized by their possibilities.


  Optimistic people focus on what they can do, not what they can’t do. They are not fooled to think that there is a perfect solution to every problem, and are confident that there are many solutions and possibilities. They are not afraid to attempt new solutions to old problems, rather than spin their wheels expecting things to be different this time. They refuse to be like Charlie Brown expecting that this time Lucy will not pull the football from him!


  6. Positive people do not let their fears interfere with their lives!


  Positive people have observed that those who are defined and pulled back by their fears never really truly live a full life. While proceeding with appropriate caution, they do not let fear keep them from trying new things. They realize that even failures are necessary steps for a successful life. They have confidence that they can get back up when they are knocked down by life events or their own mistakes, due to a strong belief in their personal resilience.


  7. Positive people smile a lot!


  When you feel positive on the inside it is like you are smiling from within, and these smiles are contagious. Furthermore, the more others are with positive people, the more they tend to smile too! They see the lightness in life, and have a sense of humor even when it is about themselves. Positive people have a high degree of self-respect, but refuse to take themselves too seriously!


  8. People who are positive are great communicators.


  They realize that assertive, confident communication is the only way to connect with others in everyday life. They avoid judgmental, angry interchanges, and do not let someone else’s blow up give them a reason to react in kind. Rather, they express themselves with tact and finesse. They also refuse to be non-assertive and let people push them around. They refuse to own problems that belong to someone else.


  9. Positive people realize that if you live long enough, there are times for great pain and sadness.


  One of the most common misperceptions about positive people is that to be positive, you must always be happy. This can not be further from the truth. Anyone who has any depth at all is certainly not happy all the time. Being sad, angry, disappointed are all essential emotions in life. How else would you ever develop empathy for others if you lived a life of denial and shallow emotions? Positive people do not run from the gamut of emotions, and accept that part of the healing process is to allow themselves to experience all types of feelings, not only the happy ones. A positive person always holds the hope that there is light at the end of the darkness。


  10. Positive person are empowered people – they refuse to blame others and are not victims in life.


  Positive people seek the help and support of others who are supportive and safe. They have identified their own basic human rights, and they respect themselves too much to play the part of a victim. There is no place for holding grudges with a positive mindset. Forgiveness helps positive people become better, not bitter.


[ 本帖最后由 KYLIE2008 于 25-2-2013 09:55 编辑 ]


参与人数 3威望 +60 收起 理由
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果仁1212 + 20 你太有才了!
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发表于 30-8-2012 12:13:44 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-8-2012 14:21:37 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-8-2012 14:26:05 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-8-2012 14:30:23 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-8-2012 19:15:06 | 只看该作者

  I smile alot

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发表于 30-8-2012 20:16:49 | 只看该作者

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发表于 30-8-2012 20:52:04 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 30-8-2012 20:57:39 | 只看该作者

回复 #8 妮南 的帖子

Dear,  that is not a Q ...but a real positive attitude for life

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 楼主| 发表于 4-9-2012 10:05:39 | 只看该作者

We all face ill-wishers, when we set goals and begin to reach them, no matter at what stage we are now: sceptics, critics, people who taunt us or say that we won't succeed in what we do.

Such people are a very powerful force, because even with "innocent" jokes and comments they can make you slow down or even stop moving towards your goals.

How to deal with ill-wishers? Of course, they are all different, but here are a few good general tips:

1.First, learn to identify them.

Sometimes we just do not realize that someone is our ill-wisher. They can be close friends or family members, so when they say negative things, we often believe them and take them to heart. You should remember that there is a big difference between realists and sceptics. Learn to listen to what others say, and note your reaction. If that upsets you and makes you feel depressed, then probably these people are your ill-wishers.

2.Think maybe they are right.
As was mentioned above, sometimes they are just trying to be realistic. They may have good reasons for their negative attitude. Take a step back and think objectively why they have doubts and see a real obstacle, and if so, then try to figure out how to overcome it. If you really want to reach your goal, you will find a solution. If your ill-wishers are certainly wrong, just move on.

3.Reject any negative thoughts they bring.
Enemies will always try to bring to you their negative thoughts, which can raise doubts about your rightness. Then it can grow and affect the way you feel about your goals. Stop these negative thoughts as soon as possible! Replace them with positive beliefs. Do not let them beat you!

4.Understand that you will always have enemies, and don't take them to heart.
In everyone's life there is at least one enemy. You cannot avoid seeing them but you can avoid listening to them. Just smile and do not pay attention to their words. They will not be able to affect you if you ignore their words.

5.Try to win them over.
Sometimes ill-wishers are your close people and you can't ignore them. If so, it is better to enlist the help of these people, rather than fight them. Try to do it as soon as possible. Tell them that it is very important to you, and you need their help. Tell them that you understand their concerns, but you really need a positive attitude and support. If they are your close people who care about you, they will become your best allies.

6.Laugh with them.
Sometimes people feel uncomfortable when you take some changes and in order to get rid of this discomfort, they come up with different jokes and begin to taunt you. They just do not know how else to react. Be aware of this and just laugh. If you take their words as nothing more but just a good joke, it disarms them. They can continue making jokes at you, but it won't longer affect you if you'll just laugh at them.

7.Have ready-made counter-arguments and use them.
Sometimes people are just misinformed about what is happening. They may misunderstand what you are doing. Think on all their arguments and prepare your counter-arguments. Conduct your small research and justify the correctness of your actions. Then try to "enlighten" your ill-wishers. If you do it correctly, with a positive and sincere attitude, you can manage to make a person listen to you, and perhaps even change his opinion. If you fail, then at least you will be much better informed about their arguments and won't let them give birth to doubts in your head.

8.Be sure that you are doing something good.
Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. You can't convince them, you can't avoid them, you can't laugh with them… Therefore, you should just ignore them and continue telling yourself that when you reach your goal, it will be a reward for enduring these people.
Remember that enemies will always exist in your life. But they are just an additional obstacle on the way towards your goal. If you look for solutions, you can defeat them or make them your allies.

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发表于 4-9-2012 10:13:35 | 只看该作者

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发表于 5-9-2012 03:00:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 xiaoping410 于 3-1-2015 23:29 编辑



参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
KYLIE2008 + 20 恭喜你! 生活需要鸡血 :-)



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 楼主| 发表于 6-9-2012 10:09:52 | 只看该作者

I believe these lessons will add to your life. Without further ado, here are the 5 lessons that life has taught me at 30 years of age.

1.Marry Well

In the movie "Shallow Hal," Jack Black's character "Hal" was cheated on by his girlfriend. Of course, he was very sad given this situation. His friend tried to comfort him by telling him, "You didn't know she was bad." To which Hal replied, "I knew she wasn't good."
在电影《庸人哈尔》中,杰克·布莱克扮演的哈尔,他的女友对他不忠。当然遇到这种事情他很伤心。他的朋友想安慰他,说:"你知道她不是个坏女孩。" 哈尔回答说:"我知道她不是好女孩。"

It's critical that you pursue relationships with individuals who are "good," first. Don't let your primary criteria be cuteness or coolness. You only want to get married once, so it's critical that you marry the right person. Marry someone who you can fall in love with several times over, because they're so good.

2.Take Care of Your Body

Life is "unfairly" biased towards people who "look good," like it or not. So it's important that you do all that is in your power to look your best. And by "doing all that is in your power" I mean dressing nicely, working out and eating right.

You will live longer, and you will live happier, if you take care of your body; you may even get promoted faster on your job. Research shows that people who take good care of their body are perceived to be better workers.

And if that's not enough to motivate you, remember that your health is really your greatest wealth.

3.Save Your Money

While I believe in having nice things, I'm a greater believer in paying yourself first.

No one taught me to save when I was growing up, no one told me the importance of saving, fortunately I was able to learn the value of saving through reading great books like "The Millionaire Next Door." I want to teach others what I was not taught when I was young, and that message is to save at least twenty percent of your income. If you are to be wealthy, you must not just earn a lot, you must save a lot.

4.Think Long-term

In high school I was thinking about college, in college I was thinking about life after college. In my teens, I was thinking about 20's, in my 20's, I was thinking about my 30s. Now that I'm 30, I'm planning how my life will be in my 40's. I'm designing my life and I'm making decisions today that will enable me to live the life I desire when I'm in my 40's, 50's and 60's.

You have to think long-term, you have to see the "big picture." If you plan your future properly, you will live into your plans.

5.Realize the Power of Focus

Focus, focus, focus… Nothing is more critical than focus. If you fail in this lifetime, you will fail because of broken focus.

If you focus on the goals that are most important to you, to the exclusion of everything else, you will achieve them.

The problem is that there are so many distractions. What separates the winners from the losers is that the winners learn to focus on their goal. Winners decide to major on majors, and they even let important things slip, because they focus solely on achieving that which is critical to their goals.

Focus is the key to success, Tony Robbins said, "Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives."

You have an enormous capacity to accomplish great things, the question is will you do it, will you focus, will you succeed.


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 我很赞同!



使用道具 举报

发表于 7-9-2012 19:39:15 | 只看该作者
原帖由 KYLIE2008 于 6-9-2012 09:09 发表

I believe these lessons will add to your life. Without further ado, here are the 5 lessons that life has taught me at 30 years of age.
我相信这些经验会对你的生活有益。事不宜迟,来看一 ...

Let me sum up

Healthy marriage
Well-cared body
20% more saving of your income
Think ahead and plan ahead
Focus, Focus and Focus


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
KYLIE2008 + 20 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 7-9-2012 21:14:34 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2012 10:03:28 | 只看该作者
Teens and video games: How much is too much?

The gamer community had a near-miss this week in Ohio, when a 15-year-old boy collapsed after playing "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" for up to five days straight.

The Columbus teen was rushed to the hospital with

severe dehydration, where he recovered, according to a report from TV station WCMH on Aug. 7.

Players who delve too deeply into their electronic worlds can face various health risks, ranging from deep vein thrombosis, or blood clots, to severe dehydration.

For instance, in July, a Taiwanese teenager was found dead after sitting for 40 hours in an Internet cafe playing " Diablo 3." At the time, doctors speculated he died from a heart attack caused by a blood clot that formed during the long session.

And last summer, a 20-year-old man from the U.K. died from a blood clot after spending 12-hour sessions on his Xbox. His father told "The Sun" newspaper, "He lived for his Xbox. I never dreamed he was in any danger." [ 10 Easy Paths to Self Destruction]

While these are extreme cases, they are a reminder that sitting at a computer or console for days, whether it's for "World of Warcraft" or for work, isn't healthy for anyone. But psychologists who study video games and kids say parents needn't worry about the amount of time spent gaming, unless screen time starts to affect school, health or social life. (And, of course, a stint of tens of hours gaming is likely to negatively affect schoolwork and lead to social woes.) That said, researchers remain concerned about the effects of

violent content in video games, which have been linked by many studies to aggressive behavior.

Too much screen time?

These days, screens of one kind or another occupy youth for 50 hours a week, a 2010 survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation reports. "It's a full-time job plus 10 hours of overtime, and that's the average, " said Douglas Gentile, a psychologist and director of the Media Research Lab at Iowa State University.

Video-gaming consumed nine weekly hours for teens, the Kaiser survey found, while a Harris Poll conducted for Gentile during the same period reported 13 hours a week spent gaming on computers and consoles.

While some kids can shoot 'em up for hours, for others, too much time gaming leads to poor school performance. Recent studies have finally linked the cause and effect, showing that gaming displaces after-school academic activities such as homework and reading. A 2010 study from researchers at Denison University in Ohio, published in the journal Psychological Science, compared two groups of boys that had never owned gaming systems. They gave one group a system right away, but withheld games from the other group for four months. Boys who received the video-game system first had more teacher-reported learning problems and

significantly lower reading and writing scores

than the other boys.

Problems in school are relatively easy for parents to fix:

Limit screen time

— of course, if you can get the controller out of his or her hands. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than one to two hours per day in front of any electronics.

Violent games and aggression

What's harder to control is violent content in video games. The Pew Research Center reported in 2008 that more than 90 percent of games rated as appropriate for children 10 years or older contained violence, including games rated "E" for everyone. (Most researchers define violence as the ability of a player to intentionally harm others in a game.)

Now most researchers will agree that video games can help as well as harm. For example, educational games boost learning, and action games can

improve vision and spatial skills. Video games have also been used successfully to teach children self-care skills for asthma and diabetes.

And then there's the primary reason people play video games: They're relaxing. Gentile thinks the flickering screen and varying sound levels trigger a primitive brain response. "One of the reasons I think we find television and video games so relaxing is they provide the attention for you. It forces you to orient to the media. You don't have to work to pay attention like you do in [a] classroom lecture, " said Gentile.

But a preponderance of evidence links violent video games to an increase in aggressive behavior in teens. The behavior wasn't violent crime, like school shootings, but small yet hurtful offenses like teasing, name-calling, rumor-spreading and fist fights. In a review of 130 studies of kids and teens, Iowa State University researchers found that violent video games increased the likelihood of aggression and decreased empathy. The meta-analysis appeared in 2010 in the journal Psychological Bulletin. [ 5 Ways to Foster Self-Compassion in Your Teen]

Which teens are vulnerable?

Of course, repeated exposure to violence in any environment has a deleterious effect, Gentile noted. "Seeing violence anywhere increases the risks that a child might become involved in aggression, whether as a perpetrator or a victim, " he said. But video games are phenomenal teachers. Players get immediate feedback and rewards for punishing competitors. And not only do games reward hostility, they train your brain to respond to real-life problems with aggression, research indicates.

In fact, games can prime teens to react to slights with name-calling or pushing, instead of choosing to avoid confrontation. "So when I get bumped in the hallway, I don't assume it's an accident anymore, " explained Gentile. "What comes to mind first is to retaliate in some way. Those aren't the only options you have, but we never think of them because what we see over and over in the media is 'You killed my monster, now you must die.'"

But psychologist Patrick Markey's research suggests just some teens are susceptible to these effects. Markey found people with certain personality traits — those who are highly neurotic, less agreeable and less conscientious — are those more likely to become hostile from gaming. The 2010 study appeared in the journal Review of General Psychology.

"The truth of the matter is that most people can handle this media, but for some people with a select predisposition, these people might be a little more aggressive, more prone to an argument here and there, " said Markey, a professor at Villanova University in Pennsylvania.

"The most interesting part is there is really no research that suggests video games have a different effect than TV or movies. It has empirically never been shown, " said Markey. "Any media is supposed to engage us emotionally, and video games are a form of media, a form of art even."

http://www.foxnews.com/health/20 ... w-much-is-too-much/

[ 本帖最后由 KYLIE2008 于 10-9-2012 09:05 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2012 10:04:48 | 只看该作者








    有的孩子们花好几个小时玩《赶尽杀绝》,而对于其他的孩子而言,花太多时间玩游戏则会导致学业受影响,最近的研究显示打游戏代替了很多课后学习活动,例如家庭作业和课外阅读,最终将因果关联起来了。俄亥俄州丹尼森大学研究者们的一项2010年的调查对比两组从未接触游戏的男孩子,该调查发表在心理科学杂志上。研究者们立刻给第一组男孩游戏,而暂缓了四个月才给第二组。结果据老师报道,率先得到游戏的男孩在学习上遇到很多问题,阅读和写作的得分比另一组低很多。对于家长而言,学习的问题相对而言比较好解决:控制游戏时间就可以,因为你可以直接从他或她的手中拿走遥控器。 美国小儿科医学会给出建议:每天打任何电子游戏的时间不得超过一个到两个小时。












http://xue.youdao.com/article.z? ... p;keyfrom=PopWindow

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 楼主| 发表于 28-9-2012 10:06:44 | 只看该作者
10 ways science explains why James Bond is so irresistible to women


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yearshappy + 20 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 28-9-2012 10:08:05 | 只看该作者



    3、美酒佳人。 邦德走到哪里喝到哪里,美酒的确能帮他俘获佳人。喜欢喝一杯的人最容易在第一次约会时就抱得美人归。




    7、 阿斯顿·马丁必须有。不止如此,还要在异国情调的赌场里挥金如土——一掷千金的男人很能吸引寻欢中的女性。常与女性周旋的邦德更擅长于此。

    8、邦德并不是个喜剧演员 但他懂得合适的时候来点小幽默。女性很容易被有趣的男人吸引,因为幽默标志着智慧。可以这么讲,一个人多有趣,可以来推断他与多少女人风流过。


    10、 因为与邦德在一起很有趣,女人往往会迷上他,这在人际关系中很重要,也是很多首次约会一拍即合的秘诀。甚至派去杀他的女特工也会爱上他。研究证明,这也不奇怪,007的形象常被批成大男子主义,也许不错--但是,只能让他在女人面前的魅力有增无减。


参与人数 2威望 +40 收起 理由
xiaoping410 + 20 冷静、内敛的品质确实很attractive很加分啊 ...
yearshappy + 20 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

发表于 3-10-2012 20:07:58 | 只看该作者
Haven't seen the movie yet

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 楼主| 发表于 14-11-2012 09:03:13 | 只看该作者


 Stuck in the 'friend zone' with that special someone who you wish could see you in a more romantic light? Here's a simple insight into getting that someone of your interest, interested.


  1. Be Patient.

    This individual who has been your friend, is not going to overnightfall magically in love with you with no matter what advances you make. Don't assume because you're good friends, she will believe you can be a good lover to her by just upfront telling her, you have to subtly reveal it to her. Remember you first have to stack the odds in your favour first before you can go for the kill.



  2. Carry on being a good friend.

    Don't just stop all friendly things with her and become this new flirty guy. You'll creepher out and lose her friendship.



  3. Be Bold.

    This is probably the reason why you got stuck in the friend zone in the first place. Let her know how amazing you think she is (but don't overkill it), live in the moment, when you’re out compliment her on her physical features, for example "You always look great, but tonight you're figure in that dress...... simply flawless."



  4. Flirt more.

    Start flirting a little more. Learn the art of kino, touch her more, especially when flirting. But don't just flirt with her, flirt with other women especially in her presence (don't overkill though), let her see other women desire you, in doing this you are leveling the playing field, allow her to think you're interested in other women, it displays confidence, she'll respect you.



  5. Go for the kill.

    By now you are ready to ask her out on a date. The best way to do this, ask her out at an event where you're likely to be a very important figure in the room, for example, your birthday party. Take her outside or somewhere quiet, where the two of you can be alone, pull her in close, look her dead in the eye and say, "Would you like to go out some time?" She'll know its not on a friendship term.



  6. Get physical early.

     You need to get out that friend zone and the best way is to get intimate. When you go out hold her hand, put your arms around her and read her body language, if she’s not pulling away she’s comfortable with you.



  7. If you're close with her, hint that you like them or straight out tell them.

     Most of the time they will feel the same way, even if they don't want to admit it because some people are afraid of losing a great friendship. But most of the time a great friendship is a great relationship. It's just the transition between the two and the fear of losing the friendship that usually gets in the way.



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 楼主| 发表于 14-11-2012 09:07:52 | 只看该作者


  Note that most relationships start out as friends.


  Maybe suggest going out some time to see his/her reaction...


  Just be casual and subtle, because if you all of a sudden change your behaviour you may freak them out, they like you for you so don't be someone else.


  Remember to actually talk to them, though even if they deny liking you they may be shy...actions speak louder than words so watch their body language.


  THE CLOCK TEST: If you feel like he or she's been watching you, suddenly look at the clock then quickly look at him/her. If they're looking at the clock then it's because they were watching you and following your eyes is a natural reflex to a sudden change of movement.


  Compliment him/her often. For things you actually like, the reasons why you like being his/her friend.


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发表于 14-11-2012 20:46:03 | 只看该作者
Are you falling in love with anyone, Kylie?    hahaaaaa

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 楼主| 发表于 15-11-2012 23:50:09 | 只看该作者

回复 #23 yearshappy 的帖子

  Emotionally, i am not a sensitive person...


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 just kidding:)



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 楼主| 发表于 28-11-2012 09:12:43 | 只看该作者

5 Ways to Instantly Appear More Confident

Today I’m going to teach how you to appear more confident.

Why?  Because confidence is one of the most important skills in life that you can acquire (other than learning to use the Force, obviously).

Now, I’m not teaching you this stuff just so you can become some sleazy pickup artist. I’m teaching you because I know how important even a little bit of confidence can be in everyday situations, whether it’s negotiating with your boss for a raise, buying a car, giving a presentation, or meeting your fiance’s parents.

We’re naturally attracted to and will have our opinions swayed by those who have (or appear to have) a lot of confidence.  Nerds usually get the short end of the stick in the “naturally confident” department, but that doesn’t mean we can’t acquire it like a new skill, Matrix-style!  If you’ve started losing weight, I’m sure part of you still feels like the old you, even if you’ve changed physically – it’s time to take pride in yourself and truly be comfortable in your own skin.

Here are five steps that you can take to start seeing a difference immediately.

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 楼主| 发表于 28-11-2012 09:13:15 | 只看该作者

Stop slouching

If you can develop good posture, a trait that always seems to bypass nerds, you’ll appear approximately 145% more confident within seconds (I definitely made up that stat, by the way).

I used to have awful posture through most of my life (which caused lots of lower back pain). It wasn’t until I made a conscious effort to focus on standing up straight and strengthening my lower back that the pain went away.  In order to stay on target, I actually hung a “POSTURE!” post-it on my bedroom door so I wouldn’t forget each morning.  Here’s how you can get started:

    Stand up as TALL as you can, like you’re a puppet and somebody just pulled the string that’s attached to the top of your noggin
    Pull your shoulder blades down and back as far as possible – This will feel really weird if you spend a lot of time hunched over a desk
    Pick your chin up and look straight ahead – stop looking down while walking around, there’s a whole world out there for you to see

If you have trouble pulling your shoulder blades back, try doing two back exercises (say, lat pull downs and dumbbell rows) for every one chest exercise in your workout.  This will build up the muscles in your upper back and allow you to actually pull those shoulder blades back together.  Want something easier?  Try standing with your heels, butt, and head against a wall, and then pull your shoulder blades back until they’re touching the wall too.  Do this daily and increase the length of the stretch each time.

If you spend all day in a chair, try this: sit down in your chair, and then stand back up WITHOUT having to rock forward.  If you have to lean forward even slightly, you’re doing it wrong. Sit straight up like you’re always ready to stand without having to lean forward.  Your lower back will probably get tired as hell sitting like this because it’s not used to the new position – work on it.  Do planks every other day (working your way up to two minutes), and you’ll have a rock-solid core and incredibly strong lower back.

This is probably the hardest step of all, as you’ve probably spent years and years developing poor posture without even thinking about it.  Spend a month making a concerted effort to have better posture however, and you’ll be well on your way to a more confident appearance.  Pretty soon you won’t even have to think about it!

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 楼主| 发表于 28-11-2012 09:14:25 | 只看该作者

Slow down

I am terrified of public speaking. Seriously, I hate being in front of even a small crowd.  However, at my old job I was put on stage in front of thousands of people to introduce bands and I sounded like I belonged up there.  You know how I did it?  By taking a deep breath, slowing down, and practicing.  I still get really nervous, but I’ve learned to manage it so well that nobody notices.

What’s the importance of slowing down?  When you get nervous, your voice tends to go up a few notes and you’ll talk faster than you realize.  These are two dead ringers for “scaredy cat.”

I’ll never forget presenting my senior business proposal back in college. About thirty seconds into my presentation – which I thought was going well – I noticed my friend Deepa in the back of the room frantically waiving her arms at me, mouthing “SLOOOWWW DOWNNNN.”  I quickly readjusted my speech, talked WAY slower than I thought I needed to, and took longer breaths between sentences.  She later told me that she couldn’t understand the beginning at all but the rest of it came out perfectly.  The rest of that class was molded by that presentation, so thanks Deepa for saving my ass!

If you get nervous in front of people no matter how big or small the group, talk slower than you think you need to, and don’t forget to breathe.  In your head it might seem way too slow, but out loud it’s just right.


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 楼主| 发表于 28-11-2012 09:15:10 | 只看该作者


People don’t smile enough these days, so we’re bringing it back.  When dealing with any situation or scenario where you’re uncomfortable, it’s easy to get caught up in your head, which means you probably have a stupidly sad look on your face.  Pretty soon, you’ll develop the reputation of “that creepy guy in the corner who smells like cheese.”  Now, if you don’t smell like cheese, you’re already halfway home!

We’ll just work on the other half: smile.

Not a fake smile, not a creepy smile, but a genuine smile.

Don’t know how to smile correctly?  Stand in front of a mirror, close your eyes, and look down.  Look up, smile, and open your eyes at the same time.  See that smile right there?  THAT’S a genuine smile.  Just like Butters.


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 楼主| 发表于 28-11-2012 09:17:12 | 只看该作者

Win the staring contest

Unless you work at home in your underwear and only interact with your cat (my day is way different than that – shut up), you probably have quite a few conversations with people on a daily basis:

    Your coworkers at the water cooler
    The lady behind the counter at CVS
    Your waitress at lunch
    Random strangers that you pass on the street.

When was the last time you looked somebody in the eye until THEY looked away first?  If you’re like me, you’ve probably always been the first to “flinch.”

I say no more!

Starting right now, you’re going to be the person that doesn’t look away.  Think of each interaction as a mini-battle – your eyes against theirs.  As long as you’re smiling and blinking, you won’t come across as creepy…unless, of course, you’re actually a creep.  If you’ve always been shy, the first few times doing this will be absolutely nerve-wracking – power through it.  Once you start to be the non-flincher consistently, you’ll quickly learn that everybody else is nervous as hell too and will quickly look away given enough time.


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 楼主| 发表于 28-11-2012 09:19:05 | 只看该作者

Get out of your head

After going through some physical changes, it’s going to take time for you to adjust how you feel on the inside versus how you look on the outside. I sometimes still feel like the 5-foot, 100-pound high-school sophomore with braces even though I haven’t looked like that for over a decade.  I have friends who used to be fat guys who still feel huge even though they have a single digit body fat percentage.

It’s time to stop living inside your head.

If you feel out of place in a situation, everybody around you probably does too. We all have our own insecurities; it’s those of us that can exist outside of our brains and project confidence that usually get what we’re chasing.  As a fellow nerd and chronic over-thinker, I know this is tough to do: stop thinking so damn much and just go for it.

    Once you spot somebody you’re interested in, don’t give yourself more than three seconds before approaching him/her.  Anything beyond that will cause you to over-analyze the situation in your head and probably end up doing nothing.  You’ll quickly learn that “if you don’t ask, the answer is always no,” so you have nothing to lose.
    Introduce yourself immediately to strangers at a party – get the awkward out of the way immediately, and you’ll come across as cool and collected.
    Once you have your speech or presentation prepared, don’t give yourself hours to get nervous – concentrate on something else to occupy your mind until it’s time to present.  Don’t over-think, just follow the plan and talk slowly.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.”

I bet those three things listed above seem scary to 95% of the population (they all scare the bajeezus out of me, which is precisely why I force myself to do them).  Part of building confidence is taking risks and having the ability (and the guts) to do stuff that scares you.

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