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June 07, 2012 11:25PM
Wow! About an hour ago Denmark just won full marriage equality. Denmark has now has joined, Belgium, the Netherlands, Iceland, Canada, South Afirca, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Argentina and Sweden, where you can legally marry.
就在一小时以前,丹麦刚刚通过了全部婚姻平等法案。丹麦现在正式加入 比利时,荷兰,冰岛,加拿大,南非,葡萄牙,西班牙,挪威,阿根廷,瑞典,等10个正式承认同性婚姻的国家。
也就是说目前全世界已经有11个国家同性伴侣可以合法结婚!Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain
DENMARK'S parliament has approved a law allowing same-sex couples to get married in formal church weddings instead of the short blessing ceremonies the state's Lutheran Church currently offers.
MPs voted 85-24 today to change Denmark's marriage laws.
The law takes effect June 15 and will put Denmark on par with countries such as Iceland and Sweden that allow full wedding ceremonies for gay and lesbian couples.
In 1989, Denmark became the first country to allow the registration of gay partnerships.
Since 1997 gay couples in Denmark can be wed in special blessing ceremonies at the end of regular church service.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking- ... 55168#ixzz1x7S5QKmC
[ 本帖最后由 xblues 于 8-6-2012 01:06 编辑 ] |