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France set to legislate on gay marriage
Posted on 02 June 2012
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France is set to join neighbours Belgium and Spain by legalising same-sex marriage following an announcement by the new French Prime Minister that legislation had already been drafted.
The reform has the support of the new French President Francois Hollande, whose party is expected to have a majority in both houses of Parliament following elections over the next two weeks.
Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault (pictured) told a French television station yesterday that a change in legislation to allow gay couples to marry and adopt children will be done “quickly” and that a draft is “ready”.
Gay and straight French couples can currently enter Civil Solidarity Pacts but only straight couples can marry.
The pacts afford many legal protections but do not give couples the right to joint adoption or artificial insemination.
“Support for reform is lower in France than it is in Australia, yet their political leaders understand the urgency and importance of equality,” Australian Marriage Equality national convenor Alex Greenwich said.
“The French Government’s decision also highlights that civil unions have not been enough for a country that, like Australia, prides itself on treating everyone equally.
“It’s time for Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott to join the majority of Australians and their fellow world leaders by removing discrimination against loving and committed adult same-sex couples.”
是时候,Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott 加入大多数澳洲人和其他世界领导人,解除澳洲对同性伴侣的歧视和区别对待了。
European nations that allow gay marriage include Belgium, Iceland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Gay marriages will also be allowed in Denmark from June 15.
目前欧洲承认同性婚姻的国家有:比利时,冰岛,荷兰,葡萄牙,西班牙,瑞典和丹麦。 |