You may be eligible for Family Tax Benefit Part A if you have:
a dependent child aged under 16, or
a dependent child aged 16–20 years who:
has completed a Year 12 or equivalent qualification,
is undertaking full-time education or training in an approved course leading to a Year 12 or equivalent qualification,
has an acceptable study load,
has been granted an exemption from this requirement, or
a dependent full-time student aged 21–24, or
have care 35% of the time, and
income under a certain amount. (your family's adjusted taxable income is less than $94,136)
You may be eligible for Family Tax Benefit Part B if you have:
a dependent child aged under 16 years, or
a qualifying dependent full time secondary student up to the age of 18(who doesn't get Youth Allowance or a similar payment),and
have care 35% of the time
the primary earner has an adjusted taxable income of $150,000 or less per financial year. |