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[edu] 小说阅读 The Hunger Games

发表于 6-4-2012 09:57:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 6-12-2018 21:39 编辑



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 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2012 11:30:34 | 只看该作者
Plot / Storyline

The Hunger Games is a punishment for a previous rebellion against the Capital. 24 teenagers are selected to paticipate the games fighting in an outdoor arena. Only one is allowed to remain. The story follows a girl, Katniss from the poorest District 12 taking her sister's place to fight for life in the 74th Hunger Games.


The novel is set hundreds of years in the future. It takes place in North America. The country is called Panem that made up of 13 (now 12) districts. The Capitol is located in what we know as the Rocky mountains. Katniss lives in the Appalachian mountains in District 12. The neighbourhood is called the Seam.


Katniss Everdeen -- the narrator, a 16 years old girl who hunts to feed her family
Primrose Everdeen -- Prim, a 12 yr old girl, Katniss' younger sister

Gale Hawthorne -- an 18-yr old boy who is Katniss' hunting partner
Peeta -- a boy from District 12 selected to be a tribute, madly in love with Katniss
Haymitch Abernathy -- outsmarted victor from the 50th Hunger Games, now is a mentor for tributes from District 12.

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 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2012 12:01:03 | 只看该作者
全篇读下来,感觉不符合 teen 题材的通常特征,虽然整部小说是使用第一人称 16岁女孩之口完成的。

强大的独裁的 Capitol, 掌控着一切,一切都在严密的监视之中
围绕着的是现存的12个Districts, 这些区域各有似乎唯一的产业,比如District 12是产煤区,District 11是农业区域
超先进的技术和富裕,对比的是极落后的经济运行模式和贫穷,如利用已经死去的人,制造出一种非人类非自然动物类的 Creature;饿死是平常现象,面包作坊式的经济

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发表于 6-4-2012 13:36:45 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 Violence is part of the story in some wa



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发表于 6-4-2012 14:09:09 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 one of the best selling books :)



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发表于 6-4-2012 14:45:16 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 Don't worry, quite common. :)



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 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2012 15:46:33 | 只看该作者
发帖中断去看了 7 频道的 “Vanity Fair” , 这个《名利场》没播完呢,换其他节目啦

mason00 , 有给高中的孩子做教材的,也有给初中孩子做教材; 有孩子看上去就爱不释手不读完不解渴的样子,也有孩子觉得太 boring 看不下去

angel8791 , 是人气很高的, 网上查一下就清楚了。 我却不知道为什么这么高人气, 哈哈 , 而且做教材

cccaat, 不管怎样读只要坚持下来就好,第一语言的人也不见都都认识的。

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 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2012 16:15:46 | 只看该作者
不简单的书都是不简单的, 好像是废话
那红楼梦为例吧,此书不简单,所以青少年看到的是男女相爱, 上了年纪的可能看到的完全是其他

西方写作比较强调 audience , 针对哪个群体的人;与广告设计一样的思路,一定要选对售卖群体   ,那么此小说原是针对青少年读者群的 。


1) 一个是表面上无质疑的
主角Katniss 和其狩猎伙伴 Gale 在前半部以及结尾处大量生活情景的表述, Katniss 和 Peeta 在运作开始到Games 中求存活下来 渐渐相爱(无论是做戏或是真情不做判断) , 可以说构成了一女孩两个男孩的复杂爱的关系?  

2) 另一个线索可以说不是特别明显的。
整本小说454页下来,从始至终非常压抑,压抑全部来自 Capitol强权掌控一切。  
District 13 自开始就交代由于造反被镇压彻底摧毁。这Game中 District12 的训练团队从运作开始,就想尽办法地保护两个参加者。最终在一年一度地 74届Games(就是说自从上次造反至今已经近一个世纪了)改变了规则,两个孩子可以存活下来。
接下来可以松口气了吗? 没有。

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-4-2012 10:42 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2012 16:32:09 | 只看该作者
我眼中的小说主角不是这个 narrator Katniss  
是 Haymitch

Haymitch 是第50届Games的唯一生者, 人现在应该在 36 - 42岁间
期待他给出色建议时,‘Stay Alive’ 让District12 的两个参战者大失所望
Katniss 悟出其实醉鬼 是 Outsmart
幸存后的一些列活动中,完全是 Haymitch 再次救了Katniss

Haymitch 不婚没有孩子,

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 6-4-2012 22:30 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 6-4-2012 22:43:35 | 只看该作者
The Capitol 治理造反的方法一二
1)The hunger games, 每年让12个Districts的孩子们互相残杀,激起彼此仇恨;提醒谋反的恶果
2)划分13 District,坐落不同区域,彼此有各自的产业,区界由电网相隔,彼此往来是不被允许的,以避免群起策反
3)清晰明确的Class 阶级划分, 最富裕的Capitol, 稍富裕的Distric 1,2, 最穷的District 12;每个District 里,职务不同,阶层不同,商业阶层富过做工的

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 6-4-2012 23:16 编辑 ]

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发表于 10-4-2012 12:25:33 | 只看该作者
Just watched this movie. It is very good one.
I will read the book because lots of people recommend to read it before watching the movie


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 true :)



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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2012 21:24:28 | 只看该作者
在完全阅读完作者的三部系列小说 'The Hunger Games' 'Catching Fire' 'Mockingjay' 之后


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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2012 22:16:48 | 只看该作者

violence / war
The Hunger Games event - children being forced to kill one another, often in brutal, violent ways
The knowleage of the rebellion against the Capitol

Katniss & her family trying to survive after her father's death
Katniss & Peeta's quest to survive the Hunger Games
The citizens of the districts struggling to survive (famine, disease)

humanity / inhumanity
Peeta showing Katniss humanity without ever knowing her (giving her the bread, protecting her in the Games)
Peacekeepers allowing illegal hunting
Katniss's mother and Prim by trying to help those who are sick, dying, or injured
District 12 people giving Katniss 'silent salute'
Madge showing humanity toward Katniss with pin and kiss
Peeta's father giving Katniss cookies & looking out for Prim
Katniss & Rue with mutual humanity toward one another
District 11 people showing humanity to Katniss with gift of bread
Thresh showing humanity by letting Katniss go
Katniss taking care of Peeta & getting the medicine for him
Katniss putting Cato out of his misery
Cinna with his waardrobe choices
Capitol punishing citizens with the Hunger Games
Working conditions in districts
District 11 Peacekeepers
Gamemakers changing the rules at the end of the Games
Capitol making the citizens watch the Hunger Games
Making the victor watch the recap show
Victory tour -- opening all those new wounds
Making the victors mentor the new tributes year after year

Peeta's unconditional love for Katniss
Katniss's unconditional love for Prim
Katniss beginning to love Peeta, her conflicting feelings for Gale
Katniss withholding love from her mother

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 10-4-2012 23:13 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2012 22:52:22 | 只看该作者
The class systerm model for Panem

Capitol citizens
Upper-upper class -- Capitol rulers ( President Snow, Gamemakers)
Middle-upper class -- Capitol citizens who do not have to work ( ausience memebers, sponsors)
Lower-upper class -- Capitol citizens who work ( Stylists -- Cinna, Portia; prep teams, district escorts Effie)

District citizens
Upper-middle class -- Mayors of the districs, Victors of the districts (do not need to work)
Lower-middle class -- Merchants, Peacekeepers (people who live downtown near the square in District 12)
Upper-lower class -- Citizens of the Seam in district 12 who work in the coal mines or sell/trade in the Hob
Lower-lower class -- Citizens who are unable to work & have no one to take care of them (the elderly, single-parent families, those eligible for tesserae)

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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2012 23:25:17 | 只看该作者
industries of the 13 districts

1, luxury Items  
2, unknown  
3, factories & Electronics
4, fishing/sea
5, perhaps wheat
6, refineries?
7, trees
8, tectiles/clothing
9, generates/electricity
10, livestock/cattle
11, agriculture/orchards
12, coal mining
13, graphite mining/nuclear power

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 10-4-2012 23:49 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 10-4-2012 23:48:58 | 只看该作者
tributes & when/how they die

Marvel & Glimmer - Careers
The boy is killed by Katniss (her first kill) after he killed Rue; the girl Glimmer is killed by tracker jacker stings

Cato & Clove - Careers
Cato is killed when Katniss shoots his hand and Peeta pushes him into the horn of the cornucopis and he falls to the wolf tributes who feed on him all night long until Katniss finally shoots him to put him out of his misery. Clove is killed by Thresh, saving Katniss's life.

The boy tribute from District 3 allied with Careers. He is killed by Cato (snapped neck) because he did his job a little too well setting up the mines from the platforms to protect supplies; Katniss blew up the supplies & hardly anything was salvaged. The girl tribute dies on the first day.

The District 4 boy died on the first day at Cornucopia. Girl killed from Katniss dropping the tracker jacker hive/nest on her(from stings)

The District 5 boy dies on the first day. Peeta kills Foxface accidentally with poisonous berries.

The four tributes from District 6 & 7 died on the first day.

The boy from District 8 died on the first day. Girl died on the morning of 2nd day; she was the one who lit the fire under/near Katniss' tree and led the Careers to her.

Both of the District 9 tributes died on the first day. Katniss got the boy's backpack; he was killed by Clove.

The cippled boy from District 10 dies in the morning of the day Katniss blows up the Careers' supplies. Girl died the first day.

The District 11 tributes are Thresh and Rue. The district 1 boy kills Rue. Cato kills Thresh.

Finally, the District 12 tributes, Katniss & Peeta, both survive & win.

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 楼主| 发表于 11-4-2012 09:24:43 | 只看该作者
Glossary & Definitions

a country ruled by The Capitol. Citizens cannot leave or transfer to other districts. There was a thirteenth District destroyed by the Capitol to prevent rebellions against the Capital.

District 12
the main character and narrator of all three novels, Katniss, lives here. This is the coal mining district where the majority of the citizens work at the coal mines six days a week. T

the Hob
a black market in District 12.

The Hunger Games
an annual event where 24 citizens, two from each district, are chosen to compete in an arena death match until one remains. The purpose of the games is for the Capitol to keep control of the districts and prevent rebellion.

the reaping day & tributes
the day when the selection happens. One boy & one girl are chosen in each district as tributes to participate in the games.

a 'token' provided by the Capitol, a year's worth of grain & oil for one person

The Dark Days
often referred to by the Capitol. It was when the districts tried to rebel against the Capitol and District 13 was destroyed.

tongue-removed slaves that live to work in The Capitol. The slaves are usually captured criminals that tried to escape or disobeyed laws from other Districts.

uniformed soldiers hired to guard and gain control over every district. They follow orders directly from the Capitol.

a scientifically created bird created by the Capitol and used to spy on the Districts during the 'Dark Days'. The bird hears everything a person says and returns to its owner to repeat it.

also a bird as well as the title of third novel. It's half Mocking bird and half Jabberjay that they cannot talk, but can repeat melodies and sones sung by citizens.

the official creators of the Hunger Games. They decide the layout, traps, and other environmental hazards that players will run into during the games.

Training Center
The main hub for tributes before the Hunger Games begin. They enjoy lavish meals and hours worth of training with professionals.

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 楼主| 发表于 11-4-2012 10:40:24 | 只看该作者

Peeta's bread
represents Life, Friendship, Survival, Love
When Katniss & Peeta were 11 years old, Peeta burned two loaves of bread on purpose so he could throw them to Katniss to feed herself and family.

dandelion 蒲公英
represents Survival, Hope
Dandelions are one of the most nutritious plants you can eat, that was what the father taught Katniss. She sees a dandelion again after she chucks the cookies Peeta's father gave her out the train window, foreshadowing that she can survive.

represents Rebellion, Survival, Ability to adapt
Capitol's mutated jabberjay male birds (who were left to die) mated with mocking birds.

mockingjay pin
Katniss's father's singing; later it'll represent Rebillion, Survival, Ability to adapt
Madge gives it to Katniss as a district token to wear during the Games. It reminds Katniss of her fater's singing because the mockingjays loved his voice and would copy his sone.

the 'silent salute'
represents Respect, Gratitude
When Katniss volunteers for Prim at the reaping, the citizens of District 12 give her the three-finger to the lips 'silent salute'

the woods
Katniss learns first to hunt in the woods with her father; after he dies, she starts to go into the woods by herself (after seeing the dandelion) and learns how to survive, as well as finds Gale for a hunting partner and friend.

katniss from arrowhead plant
represents Survivl
Katniss first finds 'herself' - the katniss root plant - while swimming in the pond in the woods. The top that sticks out of the water looks like an arrow. The bulbous root is edible, similar to a potato. Her father said she would survive if she could find 'herself' - referring to this plant.

Katniss' outfits
strategy (making her noticeable); Change, Passion
Cinna creates her outfits to resemble buring embers and fire, the girl on fire
Fire itself is a symbol for change in alchemy; it's also represents renewal, passion, anger, destruction, and sacredness.

Innocence, Friendship, Inhumanity
Rue is the 12 year old District 11 tribute who remind Katniss of her little sister, Prim, another reminder of how unfair & inhumance the Games are.

Rue's flowers
Honor, Respect for the dead, Rebellion against the Capitol
After Rue dies, Katniss believes Rue deserves to be honored with flowers and she collects white, yellow, and violet colored flowers and decorates Rue's body. She thinks back to Peeta's statement that he wanted to make a difference - not to be just a pawn in their games. This is Katniss's way of telling the Capitol that Rue was someboy - an innocent little girl with a family and people who loved her, not just a pawn.

bread from District 11
Gratitude, Respect
After Katniss honoured Rue with the flowers, District 11 sent her a loaf of bread to thank her.

poisonous berries
Deception, Rebellion
Nightlock berries, first found by Peeta who acciddentally killed Foxface with them. Katniss saved them hoping maybe to kill Cato, but she and Peeta used them in the end of the Games to pretend to commit a double suicide rather than have either one kill the other.

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 楼主| 发表于 11-4-2012 10:46:59 | 只看该作者
The Hunger Games

Part 1, The Tributes 第一部分似乎有些长而闷,铺垫的比较多, 坚持读下来 part 2,3 情节就紧凑多了  
Part 2, The Games
Part 3, The Victor

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-4-2012 10:54 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 11-4-2012 10:52:36 | 只看该作者
原帖由 yearshappy 于 6-4-2012 16:15 发表
不简单的书都是不简单的, 好像是废话
那红楼梦为例吧,此书不简单,所以青少年看到的是男女相爱, 上了年纪的可能看到的完全是其他

西方写作比较强调 audience , 针对哪个群体的人;与广告设计一样的思路 ...

网上看了后两部 'Catching Fire' 'Mockingjay' 的介绍
原来真是我读第一部时,隐约感觉到的第二线索, 显现 - 一场有计划的 Rebellion

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发表于 11-4-2012 20:08:43 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 谢谢!



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发表于 11-4-2012 20:09:28 | 只看该作者

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发表于 23-4-2012 00:55:16 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 我很赞同!



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 楼主| 发表于 24-4-2012 15:48:16 | 只看该作者
原帖由 PGKTD 于 23-4-2012 00:55 发表

The more we read, the more we know

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发表于 25-4-2012 09:53:16 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 没看过你提的,文学作品是有互相有影响的



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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2012 23:53:52 | 只看该作者
videos about the author, Suzanne Collins


- Her favorite subject in shool was always English. 一直最喜欢英语科目
- SHe would like to meet Shakespeare to see who wrote Shakespeare' plays. 如果可能想见莎士比亚
- The age of readers for Hunger Games could be 12 yld and above.
- The most difficult part of the book for Collins to write: death and violence between young characters are always difficult to write.
- enjoyable part: It's the moments when Katniss was reflecting the past, how she met Gale, how she got goat for her sister. Particularly the audience of Katniss is Peeta.
- She would take the three, matches, drinking water and a really amazing survival book with her if she were on a deserted island.
- She weaved action, adventure, mythology, sci-fiction, romance and philosophy throughout The Hunger Games. The classical inspiration is the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. The myth tells how in punishment for past deeds, Athens periodically had to send seven youths and seven maidens to Crete, where they were thrown in the Labyrinth and devoured by the monstrous Minotaur. The parents sat by powerless to stop it. Theseus, who was the son of the King, vulunteeered to go... In keeping with the classical roots, Collins sent her tributes into an updated version of the Roman gladiator games, which entails a ruthless goverment forcing people to fight to the death as popular entertainment. 动作,冒险,神话,科学幻想,浪漫和哲学贯穿本书。经典来源是希腊神话,7个少男少女的惨境和国王儿子的献身。。。
- The contemporary spin on THE Hunger Games is the TV reality show. One night she was channel surfing between reality TV programming and actual war coverage when Katniss's story came to her.

[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 1-8-2012 00:13 编辑 ]

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发表于 1-8-2012 12:44:15 | 只看该作者

回复 #26 yearshappy 的帖子



参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 欢迎来分享,我是觉得这些神话难



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 楼主| 发表于 5-8-2012 19:45:55 | 只看该作者
原帖由 Serin 于 1-8-2012 12:44 发表


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发表于 6-8-2012 12:28:49 | 只看该作者

回复 #28 yearshappy 的帖子


巴赫写过的两部《平均律键盘曲集》(其实“平均律”这个译名是错的)被认为是键盘或者钢琴中的《旧约全书》,因为这部作品成功地使用了八度内的24个调来完成。但是对音乐调性上的探索他不是第一个人,他的前辈有一位叫Johann Caspar Ferdinand Fischer,写过一部管风琴作品Ariadne musica也是进行调性上的探索,名字用的就是阿丽亚娜这个典故。
Ariadne musica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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发表于 6-8-2012 17:03:43 | 只看该作者
智慧之路 (豆瓣)



参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
yearshappy + 20 前两天看电影,私人花园设计迷宫样式



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