前段时间请一个岛民来砍了若干个树,当时问他这些树是否要BCC的批准,他说这些树什么也不是,不要批准,于是砍了。今天看了一下BCC的网站(http://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/a ... cy-review/index.htm 点击Tree removal and replacement procedure)发现下面的规定。
5. Tree Removal Process
• All trees greater than 500mm trunk diameter measured at 1.4m above ground level (DBH) must be assessed by the Council’s Regional
Arboricultural Co-ordinator (qualified arborists)
1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to provide a step by step process for Council’s assessment of requests from residents and others, for tree
removal on Council controlled land, including the consultation process that must be followed prior to a tree being removed, and the
review/escalation process.