很高兴能看到你也很重视中国文化。其实出国了才意识到中国五千年文化真的很悠久。我以前在国内时给LG经理的孩子做了5年家教,亲眼见识了他们日常生活中对儒学的崇拜。真的觉得很惭愧,我们的文化竟然能让韩国人贯彻的如此透彻。所以我也要让我的孩子们不能忘记中国悠久的历史文化。看到有很多在这边的中国父母,以孩子能说流利英语为荣,经常很自豪的对我说,他从不和我说中文,英语可好呢。我很不理解,也很痛心。他们就此丧失了中国的根。人家都说第二代移民都是香蕉人了。但我希望我的孩子们还能够保持里面也黄。 而且前两天我儿子在playgroup玩时对另一个大一点的孩子很骄傲的说,I'm Chinese, i can speak chinese. 我真的挺感动的。而且我老公也很崇拜中国文化。只可惜现在国内人已经丧失了对传统道德,文化的尊崇。我以前虽然教英语的,但我经常向学生宣传国学。我希望我的一句话能够影响到学生们一生的价值观。在这边我也希望做回老师,能够向更多的人宣传中国的文化。
I just found out that we have Confucius Institue in Sydney as well. It just happened that I had to go there and pick up a book order today.
I enquired after their classes, you can probably find them by google.
I've asked some free sample disks to share (you can get it directed from them as well). It's titled "demo of the multimedia discs for Chinese history, culture and geography. I haven't got a chance to look at it yet.
If anyone interested, PM me your address and I will send it out to you by regular mail free of charge.