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想约几个朋友到Botany Bay national park徒步。我从来没有去过那里,只想约伴,不想带队。---原来想周六的,但是约不到伴,改成周日,希望能有人同行.
发起人: Howard Zhang
联系方式: 0468970801
2011年3月13日(周日) 早9:30 在Cronulla 火车站集合(有住Hurstville的TX可以在8点40的时候在Hurstville 火车站Coles门口集合,一起坐火车过去)。
Cronulla train station->Captain Cook Landing place(步行2个小时),然后向南到 Boat Harbour Aquatic Reserve, and around the coast to Cronulla statio(全程可能需要4个小时)
具体请参考:http://www.wildwalks.com/bushwal ... y-coastal-walk.html
费用预算: 火车票票自理,有无门票不详。
人数限制: 不超过8人(希望您不要带孩子和老人参加)。
装备要求: 帽子,防晒霜,适合徒步的鞋, 饮用水,一顿午餐
WARNING: There are risks of injury or death on outdoor walking/climbing activities.
The walking-tracks are selected without taking the participants’ individual healthy conditions into account. Therefore, the participants should make sure that they are medically and physically fit for such activities.
Either www.freeoz.org, other fellow participants or the coordinators will not accept any responsibility and/or liability for any loss and/or damage suffered by the participants.
[ 本帖最后由 mingjuma 于 11-3-2011 22:23 编辑 ] |