“误烫”? 她怎么没有想到往自己脸上“误烫”呢?
“误烫”? 如果这位“园丁”不小心用烫伤了7名幼童的熨斗也往自己脸上“误烫”的话,或许还会有人相信她的鬼话呢?
是否国内应该考虑建立教师资格制,这样有过极端行为的不合格的教师将按照类似澳大利亚“保护儿童法案”(http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/cpra2000403/) 那样失去其教师资格!
大家可以参考以下"NSW Working with Children Check" 义工申请表相关内容:
It is an offence for a prohibited person to apply for, attempt to obtain, undertake or remain in child-related employment, or to sign this declaration. A prohibited person is a person who is convicted of the following (whether in NSW / Australia or elsewhere):
* murder of a child
* serious sex offence, including carnal knowledge
* child-related personal violence offence (an offence committed by an adult involving intentionally wounding or causing grievous bodily harm to a child)
* indecency offences punishable by imprisonment of 12 months or more
* kidnapping (unless the offender is or has been the child's parent or carer)
* offences connected with child prostitution
* possession, distribution or publication of child pornography; or
* attempt, conspiracy or incitement to commit the above offences.
A prohibited person includes a Registrable person under the Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000.
Details of these offences can be found online at Working With Children Employer Guidelines Fact sheet 1. A conviction includes a finding that the charge for an offence is proven, or that a person is guilty of an offence, even though the court does not proceed to a conviction.
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