在一个没有交通信号和任何牌子的十字路口,你直行,你右手边的路上的车右转,那么车个车右转后和你占用一个方向的路,那么根据交通规则.你要让右手边的所有车辆Any vehicle on your right,但是还有一个规则,就是转弯的车 ...
根据GIVE WAY规则“At an uncontrolled intersection, all vehicles must give way to other vehicles approaching from their right. ”,应该是直行让右边车,不管它直行还是右转。但现实操作中,我还是一时拿不准,昨天就出现我要右转,左方向那车直行,尽管人家主动停车了,我还是挥手示意让它先过的。
首先说明的是,这个不是round about,是INTERSTCTION.原文是我查道路交通手册写的:Some crossroads have no traffic lights or signs. Generally if you’re turning across
another vehicle’s path, you must give way.
When turning at an intersection, you (car A in following diagrams) must give way
• Oncoming vehicles going straight ahead (diagram 1 below).
• Oncoming vehicles turning left (diagram 2 below).
• Any vehicle on your right (diagram 3 over the page).
If you and an oncoming vehicle are turning right at an intersection both cars should
pass in front of each other (diagram 4, over the page).
首先说明的是,这个不是round about,是INTERSTCTION.原文是我查道路交通手册写的:Some crossroads have no traffic lights or signs. Generally if you’re turning across
another vehicle’s path, you must give ...
首先说明的是,这个不是round about,是INTERSTCTION.原文是我查道路交通手册写的:Some crossroads have no traffic lights or signs. Generally if you’re turning across
another vehicle’s path, you must give ...
Generally if you’re turning across
another vehicle’s path, you must give way. ---- 什么叫turning?就是指你要转弯(并且通过他人的行驶线路)。 所以,转弯让直行。
注意后面 Any vehicle on your right (diagram 3 over the page). 是在When turning at an intersection, you (car A in following diagrams) must give way的前提下的一项,就是指在转弯的前提下。