如果acs assessment 上面写的是 the following employment after jul 2006 is considered to 。。。。
他这个“after jul 2006”,如果时间达到满8年是jun 1 2014还是jun 31 2014?(就是说这个“after” diac一般怎么实践的)
The following job references are NOT suitable:
If the referee’s relationship with the applicant is unclear (问题一:ACS官方推荐信例子中并没有好像没有任何语句或字眼说明这个关系?您对此的建议是。。。?)
Plain paper reference with the referee’s business card
Reference is a statutory declaration from a junior colleague
Reference is a statutory declaration stating that the referee agrees with what the applicant has written in another document
Plain paper reference, with a stamp and signature of Notary Public but doesn’t state that referee’s signature is witnessed(问题二:是不是每封雇主推荐信都需要公证且推荐人签字被公证人亲眼见证?如果真是如此,那就真挺麻烦的了,还得把推荐人带道公证处签字。您的建议是。。。?)
Reference is a statutory declaration with signature of Notary Public stating “Attested Copy”
Reference is in an Australian format statutory declaration but is from overseas (countersigned by an “authorised person”, e.g. a Chemist) (问题三:是不是说中国国内的雇主推荐信不能在澳洲被certifed?)