我准备在ebay买把电吉他,从银行往里面打了700澳元。等了好几天钱到帐了,我的paypal也被封了。原因是怀疑我洗黑钱 。这不是第一次被受限了,我起初还很淡定。一路过五关斩六将的提交了各种证明。我用bank statement 和mobile phone bill证明我的住址,但是过了几天proof of address没有通过。很郁闷。仔细一看必须提供以下材料:
A current Australian or foreign driver's licence or permit (both sides)**.
Utility Bills e.g. Electricity, Fuel, Water, Landline phone bill (issued within the last three months).
Notice of Council Rates (issued within the last three months).
Tax Assessment provided by the Australian Taxation Office (issued within the last twelve months).
A Centrelink Statement that records a financial benefit paid to you (issued within the last twelve months).