原帖由 136mydream 于 11-9-2010 21:45 发表
没有太看明白,你们旅行风格是设想不太一样?还是说处事 ...
不影响我继续玩,除了frazer island和mackay西边的国家公园没去,该去的都去了。我另外找了玩伴:
Hi Mia,
Yes, at this stage there is a spare seat for you, depending on sorting one little problem with the car, but it's definitely looking hopeful.
We will have to communicate soon on details of where and when to meet, what you need to bring, etc. You will need to get to Mareeba, but that shouldn't be a problem as there is an early morning bus from Cairns on Saturday. We're planning to leave Saturday morning next. It takes about 20 hours, so there is an overnight camp on the way. I usually try to reach north of Coen for that.
We are going to a property 840 km north of Cairns, on the east coast (about opposite Weipa) that I have a share in. It is 89,200 acres, with 40 km of pristine river frontage, navigable to the sea. It is wilderness, so we have to bring all our food in, camping gear etc. There will be quite a few shareholders going at this time, as it's our AGM. Several families live there permanently.
Hopefully we will have a trip to Weipa, and if I can get the outboard going, we can go for a trip down the river to the sea. (we're waiting on a new tank for it). |