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heir visions of the rewards

发表于 3-9-2010 19:17:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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heir visions of the rewards
give his country twenty-five years of jolly sexual intrigue, extravagant private entertainments, and baroque scandals. When Parliament refused him enough money to pay for it all, he accepted secret bribes from I.ouis XIV of France.
The Restoration didn't derail England's pursuit of the Dutch, however, for even royalists now believed that the proper business of the state was business. Within months of Charles II's accession, Parliament adopted a second Navigation Act reiterating Britain's intention to drive the Dutch out of the American colonial trade. The new mea¬sure stipulated that the most valuable colonial products—sugar, tobacco, and indigo- could be shipped only to England in
manolo blahnik shoes English ships, while all manolo blahnik goods imported into British colonies from elsewhere were required to pass first jimmy choo through English ports. Concurrent¬ly, www.aobamablog.com/ Charles II created a new body, the Lords of Trade, to supervise relations between the colonies and the mother country. The first imperial customs collectors weren't far behind.
The King's younger brother, James—duke of York, lord high admiral, master of vast estates in England and Ireland, and a far more conscientious man—played a key role in charting the course of British commercial policy. During the early 1660s, not quite thirty years old, he joined a circle of peers, navy officers, and great merchants w hose envy of the Dutch was exceeded only by their visions of the rewards to be reaped in the field of colonial enterprise. Their diverse activities included the organization of several
reebok zig firms to spearhead the British assault on Dutch commercial supremacy. One, the Royal Fishery' Company, undertook to break Dutch control over the lucrative Baltic fishing industry. Two others, the Morocco Company and the Company of Royal Adven¬turers Trading to Africa (later reorganized as the Royal African Company), both led by the duke, aimed to smash the Dutch West India Company's domination of the slave trade and to monopolize the importation of slave labor into the British colonies of the reebok Caribbean and North America. The first expedition of the Royal Adventurers, sent out reebok easy tone in 1663 in vessels borrowed from the Royal Navy, jimmy choo shoes quickly reebok easytone captured almost zigtech every West India Company factory on the African coast, a blow that doomed the company's hope of making New Amsterdam a base for the slave trade
The duke's circle also collected detailed accounts of rising Anglo-Dutch tensions along the borders of New Nethcrland. Only a
skechers shape ups few years earlier, Gravesend's trouble¬some magistrates had raised Parliament's colors over the town and declared that it would henceforth be subject only to the "laws of our nation and [the] Republic of Eng¬land." Stuyvesant threw them into jail. Despite the Hartford Treaty of 1650, however, and despite his efforts to reestablish Dutch communities in their path, Stuyvesant was powerless to stem the flood of English settlers into his colony. By the early 1660s thir¬teen English towns had been planted on Long Island as against reebok zigtech only five Dutch. In 1663, then again in 1664, Stuyvesant tried to bolster the authority of the West India


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