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Stuyvesant came out for a personal inspection

发表于 3-9-2010 19:13:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Stuyvesant came out for a personal inspection
them to leave, they asked jimmy choo for, and got, a second payment of "six coats, six kettles, six axes, six hatchets, six small looking glasses, twelve knives reebok and twelve combs" before decamping to Staten Island.) Van Werckhoven himself died shortly thereafter, but the project went ahead under the lead¬ership of Jacques Cortelyou, Nicasius de Sille, and others, who received an official char¬ter from Stuyvesant in 1657.1
By the terms of the charter, twenty initial settlers would each receive fifty acres, divided between small house lots in a central village and elongated out-lots behind it.
www.51flyblog.com/ Despite repeated warnings, though, many grantees failed to build on or enclose their land, and three years later Nieuw Utrecht consisted of only eleven houses and one barn. Its inhabitants were bitterly divided by allegations of fence stealing and by disputes over use of the common meadows, the organization of a watch, and the construction of a palisade
Stuyvesant came out for a personal inspection of the troubled town.
reebok zig Its residents raised the Dutch flag and gave him jimmy choo shoes "a dinner or public entertainment in as good a stile as the place could afford." In return, he obligingly let them borrow some reebok easytone slaves to finish the palisade and sent "a half dozen shackles with an iron rod and a good lock" to help maintain law and order. But Nieuw Utrecht wasn't going to be built in a day. A year later Stuyvesant learned that it was still torn by "controversies, misdeeds, and difficulties" and that new measures were needed "to stimulate the people to build dwelling houses, a block house and public pound, and to dig wells for the benefit of the community."
In Nieuw Haarlem, by comparison, things proceeded rather more smoothly. Several attempts had been made between the later 1630s and the
reebok zigtech early 1650s to manolo blahnik shoes plant set¬tlements zigtech on the rich flats that bordered the Manhattan side of the Harlem River, several miles to the north of New Amsterdam. None had survived Kieft's War and subsequent Indian troubles, but the land was too valuable to ignore, and settlers there would form
an important line of defense for New Amsterdam. (Dutch residents of the colony wouldn't have forgotten how Nicuw Haarlem's namesake in the Netherlands put up a
skechers shape ups legendary seven-month resistance to the Spanish army before capitulating.)
In 1658 Stuyvesant tried again. Grants of between forty and fifty acres of arable land were offered to prospective colonists, along with promises of a court, a minister, and regular troops in time of danger. TVo parallel streets, cutting the modern block pat¬tern diagonally, were laid out to meet the Harlem River between the present
manolo blahnik 125th and 126th streets. The first twenty-odd house lots were reebok easy tone sandwiched between them in two ranges, with garden plots and planting fields assigned to each on the surrounding flats. To emphasize his support for the fledgling settlement, Stuyvcsant set company slaves to work on a wagon road linking it with New Amsterdam.


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