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[澳洲英语] 英语心情故事|Interesting people I met this week

发表于 10-6-2010 17:34:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Photographers love to use photos to record people’s facial expressions. I prefer to meet different people and write their stories and tell people what life is about in Australia.
-- Tommy Du

Government planner

Last night I went to a seminar regarding to Adelaide 30 years plan. When I first heard the topic, I almost burst into laugh. How could you have a plan for 30 years?
What makes it even funnier is the presenter said 80% of Adelaide won't change in the next 30 years. So only 20% will be changed, then what is the point to have 30 years plan? She used to work for the government as a planner and now she has her own business. I am not a believer of a plan can predict what you can do in 30 years time.

University graduate

This guy I played badminton with for many times in a badminton club. But he never talks to me. All of sudden, on Thursday night he talked to me after a game of badminton. I know he did a degree in computer science at university 3 years ago. But he still has problem finding a job in IT. Now he is working in a Chinese restaurant. He is from Malaysia and grew up in Adelaide. He has no problem with language and culture. I think he needs a bit of luck and communication skills as well. Mouth is a very good tool to promote your self even you have good technical skills.

Mining company worker

I met this guy at badminton as well. He is an Australian, but he plays very good badminton. He works for the biggest mining company in the world: BHP. He works in a mining town called Roxby Down which is 300km from Adelaide. His wife works for the same company. When I asked him how is life like working for a mining site. His answer really surprised me: very relaxing. The reason for that is the company makes sure everyone working in the site is safe. So 15 minutes work may take a day to finish. It is so different from the mining workers' life in China. They risk their life to earn little money. It is so unfair. You know average mining workers in Australia can earn $100k per year which is equivalent to $600k RMB in China. Not a bad paid for a labour worker, huh?

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发表于 10-6-2010 18:19:08 | 只看该作者
Come to Perth u'l meet numerous ppl working or ever worked in mining industry. i always hear lots of stories about their interesting experience in the site from my colleagues.

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