党委书记Secretary of the Party Committee
副总编辑Deputy Editor-in-Chief
党委办公室Party Committee Office
物业管理办公室property management office
机关党委Party Membership Committee
财务审计部financial audit
总编办公室editor office
经营管理办公室management office
日报记者部daily press department
新闻部department of public information
理论评论部department of theoretical comments
深读周刊部ministry of deep reading weekly
晨刊编辑部morning news editorial
晨刊记者部journal of the department of the morning news
副刊部supplement department
广告中心advertising center
广告事业一部the cause of an ad
广告事业二部advertising business 2
广告专刊部department of advertising special issue
发行部a circulation department
县域新闻部county department of public information
出版部the publishing department