Tom, 你可能误解我了,我并没有想把Forester改成专业越野车啊,只是觉得它在越野方面的潜力还是比较大的,稍微改装一下就可以提高,目前全世界用Forester玩越野的人不少,只要上YouTube就可以看到不少视频。它是我目前觉得在on-road和off-road性能方面兼顾得不错的车子,特别是XT型号。至于你说的机械差速锁能够把100%的动力分配给一个轮子是不对的(可能你指的是LSD,但是目前还没有一套LSD能够分配100%动力给单一1个轮子),它是完全机械式咬死根本没有游离的余地,并且车子一到铺装路上就要马上解除,否则传动系统的齿牙都要磨损掉再遇上弯道的话可能马上翻车。请大家看机械差速锁的定义: A locking differential, such as ones using differential gears in normal use but using air or electrically controlled mechanical system, which when locked allow no difference in speed between the two wheels on the axle. They employ a mechanism for allowing the planetary gears to be locked relative to each other, causing both wheels to turn at the same speed regardless of which has more traction; this is equivalent to effectively bypassing the differential gears entirely,but instead drive both wheels.