not all浮云啥都是浮云!!! He is very eccentric but kind man, never strike to me, as well as to other neibours, that he is such cold blooded murderer. I had chatted with him couples of times and eaten his free range chicken eggs.....He killed one man in his house and possible another at train station.
Thanks singbird, for your explanation and for sheltering me too.
not all浮云啥都是浮云!!! He is very eccentric but kind man, never strike to me, as well as to other neibours, that he is such cold blooded murderer. I had chatted with him couples of times and eaten ...
不是养鸡的那位la! The one next to those chicken you have seen. Even he has chicken too. He is George's dad(Gorge is a 19 yr old dog). Once I almost went into his house to have coffe with him. Houpa ya!!!
不是养鸡的那位la! The one next to those chicken you have seen. Even he has chicken too. He is George's dad(Gorge is a 19 yr old dog). Once I almost went into his house to have coffe with him. Houpa ya ...
not all浮云啥都是浮云!!! He is very eccentric but kind man, never strike to me, as well as to other neibours, that he is such cold blooded murderer. I had chatted with him couples of times and eaten ...
Not yet. But we had guessed just a guess, he snapped and strangle someone to death after an altercation with his "tennants". He was secretly hosting "half-way" people in his house. The 2nd body found at Springwood rail station no further information yet.
yes, it is a very 小几率事件. But I am still very sad for him and for the person who died, specially for him.
As I said previously, he is eccentric but very kind man. He opened his house to those “halfway” people and offered roof over their head and put food on their table. Now he is charged as murderer not manslaughter. It is a very sad tragic. I don’t know what his state of mind at that horrible moment.
This incident reminds me one rule I have learned when I was volunteering for disadvantaged people: when spotting dangerous personal trace, stay away, avoid contact and pass whoever to professional to handle. Life is too precious for this kind tragedy.