还有个问题请教下大家,我上周四电子体检的,然后刚才打开就是我E-lodge 那个 添加资料的页面, 显示的都是Required。但是我又打开 那个查询状态 的页面, 上面有说 health requirements finalised, futher medical results received, HIV blood test received. 这样就是说体检上传成功了吧?
Thank you for your email in relation to your visa application under Australia's General Skilled Migration program. As your nominated occupation is on the CSL, you will receive 3rd or 4th highest priority processing.
Applicants with a nominated occupation on the CSL or applicants who have been nominated by a state/territory government in accordance with a with an occupation on the state migration plan who have applied for either an onshore or offshore GSM visa, are estimated to have their visa application finalised within 12 months from their lodgement date.
听你来的 你们的好啊
他只说 As your nominated occupation is on the CSL, you will receive 3rd or 4th highest priority processing.
呜呜。。。不过至少说了我是csl 以后如果理论我有proof了