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发表于 18-3-2010 15:23:13
Man not guilty of Irishman's brutal bashing
From: AAP March 16, 2010 3:51pm
A YOUNG Sydney man who admitted to the brutal bashing of Irishman David Keohane has been found not guilty of his attempted murder by a Sydney jury.
Mr Keohane, 29, was bloodied, bruised and left for dead in a deserted Coogee street after being attacked by the stranger in the early hours of August 9, 2008, the Downing Centre District Court was told.
Thomas Isaako, 21, of Bankstown, told police that after drinking at the Coogee Bay Hotel, a companion suggested they "roll" someone, which he said meant "bash someone and take their stuff".
Mr Keohane was picked because he was the only person the pair could see in the street, he said.
Link: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/man-not-guilty-of-irishmans-brutal-bashing/story-e6frfku0-1225841474046
复习一下吧: bash又出现了, 我已经认识你了, 嘿嘿..
题外话, 看上面斜体字这段, 让人感到好笑而又同情的是, 这个倒霉蛋Keohane被痛殴(差点被打死), 只是因为他当时是在错误的时间和地点出现的唯一一个人. 比较可怕, 希望谁都不要碰到这种暴力倾向的醉鬼. |