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发表于 7-1-2010 01:09:15 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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My Son Is Not A Second Rate Citizen


A newspaper and television advertising campaign calling for same-sex marriage commenced on 5 September and is due to run for six weeks.

The campaign is designed to reach out to mainstream Australia with a message from the families of gay and lesbian Australians highlighting the unfairness of legal inequality.
The campaign will feature the national spokesperson for Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG), Mrs Shelley Argent, challenging Kevin Rudd with the statement "my son is not a second rate citizen" and contrasting the fact her gay son can't marry with the fact her straight son can.

Advertising campaigns like this one reach an enormous number of people and send a strong message to politicians.

They also cost a lot of money.

Our ability to continue campaigns like this one depends entirely on how much money we can raise and on what you and others like you are prepared to donate.

Please make a donation or, even better, become a monthly donor.

Monthly donors allow us to plan our campaigns with greater certainty and are essential if we are to continue the fight for equality.

Together we can make history, but only if you and others like you make it happen.

See the full newspaper advertisement here     (pdf 418Kb)

See TV ad here (wmv 1972Kb)

[ 本帖最后由 choz 于 7-1-2010 01:29 编辑 ]

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