It"s easy to get excited by a new car, but if you want a chance at getting a good deal on one of the 2010 models, keep that enthusiasm to yourself. It"s the only way to walk out of the showroom with your dignity--and your wallet--intact."人们买新车的时候,总会显得很兴奋,按捺不住激动的心情,恨不得立马就把车开回家。但是如果你不想在买车过程中被忽悠或者是上当的话,最好保持冷静,这样才能既不失面子,而又不丢银子。这次福布斯给我们提了个醒,切忌在买车过程中说以下十句话。
1.我每个月所能支付的花费。(This is how much I can spend each month)