Distance Vision
Your visual acuity (your ability to see, tested by reading lines of letters on a chart at 6 metres)
must be at least 6/12 in each eye separately and 6/6 using both eyes together, with or without
glasses or contact lenses (correction). If you need correction the refractive error must not
exceed +5 to -8 dioptres. This is in the most ametropic meridian (taking into account any
astigmatism). Astigmatism must not exceed 3.00 dioptres. The difference in correction
between each eye (anisometropia) must not be more than 3.00 dioptres. Your AME or
optometrist will be able to explain these terms.
If you have substandard vision in one eye due to amblyopia (a ‘lazy’ eye), you can gain a Class
2 certificate if the visual acuity in the ‘bad’ eye is no worse than 6/18 and the visual acuity in the
‘good’ eye is 6/6 or better, which can be with correction. If you do not meet these requirements
you should be aware that the National Private Pilots Licence does allow pilots with monocular
vision to fly light fixed wing aircraft.