Bait trap
* Not more than 1 trap to be used by any person at any one time
* Maximum dimensions - 450mm (length) x 350mm (diameter) - entrance funnel no larger than 60mm in diameter
* Must have a tag attached clearly showing your name and address (or name and boat registration number)
Cast nets
* Not permitted in NSW waters.
Crab nets
Hoop or Lift Net (commonly called Witch's Hat):
* Not more than 5 nets to be used (or in possession) by any person at any one time.
* 1 or 2 hoops per net (no rigid frame between them).
* Diameter of hoops should be no greater than 1.25 metres.
* Mesh size not less than - 13mm.
* Drop (length of net) should be no more than 1 metre.
* A tag, at least 80mm x 25mm, clearing showing your name and address (or name and registration number of boat being used) must be attached.
* Must be dropped and raised vertically through the water by hand.
* Must not be used in ocean waters.
* Any rock lobsters or fin-fish (which are subject to a size limit) which are caught must be returned to the water.
Spanner crab net:
* Not more than 1 spanner crab net can be used by a person at any one time.
* Net attached to a rigid frame not exceeding 1.6 metres in length and 1 metre in width.
* Net not capable of extending more than 0.1 metre beneath the frame when the frame is suspended in a horizontal position.
* Used only as a hand implement and only be the method of lowering the net into the water and then drawing the net vertically to the surface.
* Only to be used for taking of spanner crabs.
* May only be used in ocean waters north of Korogoro Point (Hat Head).
Crab trap
* Not more than 1 trap to be used (or in possession) by any person at any one time.
* Maximum dimensions - 1.2 metres (length) x 1 metre (width) x 0.5 metre (depth) or has a diameter not exceeding 1.6 metres at the top or bottom.
* Minimum mesh size - 50mm.
* No more than 4 entrances (none of which are on the top of the trap).
* A buoy with a minimum diameter of 10cm clearly marked "CRAB TRAP" with your name in letters not less than 50mm high must be attached. No rope should float on the surface of the water.
* Must not be made of entanglement material.
* Must not be set to impede the free passage of fish.
* Any fish caught (other than crabs) must be returned to the water.
* Crab traps must not be used in inland waters or ocean waters.
Lobster trap
* Not more than 1 trap to be used (or in possession) by any person at any time.
* The base or floor of the trap may be either rectangular or circular.
* Rectangular (not exceeding 1.2 metres by 1.2 metres)
* Circular (not exceeding 1.2 metres in diameter).
* A buoy with a minimum diameter of 10cm clearly marked "L" with your name in letters not less than 50mm high must be attached. No rope should float on the surface of the water.
* Escape gaps are required - either: 1 gap not less than 57mm high X 500mm wide or 2 gaps not less than 57mm high x 250mm wide or 3 gaps not less than 57mm high x 200mm wide so that no part of any escape gap is more than 12cm above the floor of the trap.
* Lobster traps must not be used in inland waters or any waters more than 10 metres deep (contour).
* Other fish caught in lobster traps must be returned to the water.
Prawn nets
Hand-hauled nets:
* Maximum length - 6 metres.
* Mesh size between 30mm-36mm.
* Must not be staked or set, or joined or placed with any other net.
* Must be continuously and manually pulled through the water and not used as a stationary net.
* Must not be attached to a hauling line.
* Any fish caught which are subject to a size limit must be returned to the water.
* Must be registered
Scissors (push) net:
* Must be attached to a scissors-type frame
* Length of the lead or bottom line between the ends of poles must be no longer than 2.75 metres.
* Mesh size - between 30mm-36mm.
* Must not be staked or set, or joined or placed with any other net.
* Must be continuously and manually propelled and not used as a stationary net.
* Must be operated by one person only.
* Only one net per person is permitted at any time.
* Any fish caught which are subject to a size limit must be returned to the water.
* Must be registered
Dip (scoop) net - prawns:
* Maximum diameter of hoop or ring - 0.6 metres.
* Maximum handle length - 1.2 metres
* Minimum mesh size - 20mm.
* Drop (length of net) - no more than 1.25 metres.
* Must be used by hand and not staked or set.
* Must not be joined or placed with any other net.
* Only one net per person at any time.
* Other fish caught while prawning may be kept, however, where applicable bag and size limits apply.
* Registration is not required.
这个抄子BIG W 和KMART 都有卖的,我是用来抄鱼用的,尺寸正好合适,看来捞虾用也行呀
Net Registration
Prawn nets may be registered at NSW DPI Fisheries Offices (other than Head Office) at $26 as per clause 24 Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2002.
The Net Registration Certificate must be carried when using the net, and shown on demand to a NSW DPI Fisheries Officer.
Note: NSW DPI Fisheries Officers spend much of their time out in the field and office days vary, therefore it is suggested that you telephone in advance to make an appointment |