This visa allows overseas students who have completed their course studies in the last 6 (six) months in Australia and holders of certain temporary visas to apply for permanent residency.
This visa uses a points test to select visa applicants with characteristics needed in the Australian labour market.
You do not require sponsorship to apply for this visa.
Who is this visa for?
This visa is for you if you are in Australia and you are one of the following:
* an overseas student or former overseas student
* a holder of a Skilled – Graduate (subclass 485) visa or Skilled – Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) visa
* a holder of a Trade Skills Training (subclass 471) visa.
You must:
* be under 45 years of age
* have good English language skills
* have the skills and qualifications that meet the Australian standard for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and your nominated occupation is classified as either:
o a 60 point occupation
o a 50 point occupation
The SOL is a list of skilled occupations that are in need in Australia. Each occupation listed on the SOL is allocated a points value for use in the visa assessment process.
See: Form 1121i Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and Employer Nomination Scheme Occupation List (ENSOL) (129KB PDF file)