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现在北领地、南澳和新南威尔士接受雅思均六,但是各州对concessional English 政策都有限制或附加条件。北领地虽然参加了CONCESSIONAL ENGLLISH ,但是它明确表示,concessional English 一般只适用于技工类申请人和一些助理职位申请人,北领地的网站上对CONCSESSIONAL ENGLILSH 是这样描述的:Advice from Northern Territory employers seeking to employ professionals suggests that strong English levels are crucial to employment in many professions including accountancy, IT and business administration positions; Therefore this office will rarely grant sponsorship under concessional English for occupations/professions that have a high level of client contact and/or requirements for record keeping, report writing or maintaining an understanding of new research or legislation.On this basis, unless an applicant has already strong linkages established with the Northern Territory, it is usually only trade occupations that are considered under concessional English, with a limited number of associate professional (ASCO Level 3) occupations. 南澳也参加了CONCESSIONAL ENGLILSH,但是给它附加了一个苛刻的条件,规定申请人必须有南澳雇主提供的为期至少6个月的书面的全职(每周不能低于35小时)工作担保,才能以concessional english 申请州担保。 |