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[edu] 每日一贴学英语语法

 楼主| 发表于 1-9-2009 09:39:53 | 只看该作者
 UNIT 63 See someone do and see someone doing   
a. Study this example situation:
  Tom got into his car and drove away. You saw this. You can say:
   I saw Tom get into his car and drive away.
  In this structure we use the base form (get, drive, etc.):
   Someone did something. I saw someone do something.  
   I saw this
  Remember that we use the base form (not to):

   I saw her go out. (not to go out)
  b. Now study this example situation:
  Yesterday you saw Ann. She was waiting for a bus. You can say:
   I saw Ann waiting for a bus.
  In this structure we use –ing (waiting):
   Someone was doing something I saw someone doing something.
   I saw this.
  c. Now study the difference in meaning between the two structures:
  “I saw him do something” = he did something (simple past) and I saw this. I saw the complete action from beginning to end:
   He fell to the ground. I saw this. → I saw him fall to the ground.
   The accident happened. We saw this. → We saw the accident happen.
  “I saw her doing something” = she was doing something (past continuous) and I saw this. I saw her when she was in the middle of doing something. This does not mean that I saw the complete action:  
    She was walking along the street. I saw this when I drove past in my car. →
   I saw her walking along the street.
  The difference is not always important. Sometimes you can use either form:
   I’ve never seen Tom dance. or I’ve never seen Tom dancing.
  d. We use these structures especially with see and hear, and also with watch, listen to, feel, and notice:    
  I didn’t hear you come in.
   He suddenly felt someone touch him on the shoulder.
   Did you notice anyone go out?
   I could hear it raining.
   The missing girls were last seen playing near the river.
   Listen to the birds singing
  After smell and find you can use the –ing structure only:
    Can you smell something burning?
   She found him reading her letters.
UNIT 63 Exercises
  63.1 Answer these questions, beginning in the way shown.  
  Examples: “Does Tom ever dance?” “I’ve never seen him dance. (or dancing)”
   “How do you know I came in late?” “I heard you come in late.”
  1. “Does Liz ever smoke?” “I’ve never seen ____________________________”
  2. “How do you know the man took the money?” “I saw ____________________________”
  3. “Did Jack lock the door?” “Yes, I heard ____________________________”
  4. “Did the bell ring?” “I’m not sure. I didn’t hear ____________________________”
  5. “How do you know Ann can play the piano?” “I’ve heard ____________________________”
  6. “Did Bill trip over the dog?” “Yes, I saw ____________________________”

   Trip Over -Meaning: Fall because you hit an obstacle
   Example: I TRIPPED OVER the kerb and broke my nose

  7. “Did the girl fall into the river?” “I didn’t see ____________________________”
  63.2 In each of these situations you and a friend saw, heard, or smelled something. This is what you said at the time:
   1. Look! There’s Ann! She’s waiting for a bus.
   2. Look! There’s Sue! She’s playing tennis.
   3. Look! There’s Tom! He’s eating in that restaurant.
   4. Listen! That’s Bill. He’s playing the guitar.
   5. I can smell something! Dinner’s burning!
   6. Look! There’s Dave! He’s talking to Chuck.
   Later you tell someone what you saw, heard, or smelled.
  1. We saw Ann waiting for a bus
  2. We saw ____________________________
  3. ____________________________ in a restaurant.
  4. ____________________________
  5. ____________________________
  6. ____________________________
  63.3 Complete these sentences. Use one of the following verbs in the correct form.  
run explode burn slam cry happen sit collide open tell crawl climb
  1. Can you smell something burning?
  2. I saw the accident happen.
  3. We listened to the old woman _________ her story from beginning to end.
  4. Listen! Can you hear a child _________?
  5. Did anybody see the two cars _________?
  6. We watched the two men ________ across the garden, _________ a window, and _________ through it into the house.
  7. Everybody heard the bomb _________ It was a tremendous(very large and great) noise.
  8. Oh! I can feel something _________ up my leg! It must be an insect.
  9. I heard someone _________ the door in the middle of the night. It woke me up.
  10. We couldn’t find Tom at first. Finally we found him _________ in the garden

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 楼主| 发表于 2-9-2009 11:53:34 | 只看该作者
UNIT 64 –ing clauses – “Feeling tired, I went to bed early.”  
a. A clause is a part of a sentence. Some sentences have two clauses:
   Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
   In this sentence, “I went to bed early” is the main clause.
   Feeling tired is the –ing clause.
  b. When two things happen at the same time, you can use –ing for one of the verbs. The main clause usually comes first: 
  She was sitting in an armchair reading a book. (= she was sitting, and she was reading)
   I ran out of the house shouting. (= I was shouting when I ran out of the house)
   We also use –ing when one action happens during another. Use –ing for the longer action. The longer action is the second part of the sentence.
   Jim hurt his arm playing tennis. (= while he was playing)
   I cut myself shaving. (= while I was shaving)
   You can also use –ing after while or when:  
    Jim hurt his arm while playing tennis. (= while he was playing)
   Be careful when crossing the street. (= when you are crossing)
  c. When one action happens before another action, you can use having (done) for the first action:  
    Having found a hotel, they looked for somewhere to have dinner.
   Having finished our work, we went home.
   You could also say After –ing:
   After finishing our work, we went home.
   If the second action happens immediately after the first, you can use the simple –ing form (doing instead of having done):        Talking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.
   These structures are used mainly in written English.
  d. You can also use an –ing clause to explain something or to say why someone did something. The –ing clause usually comes first:   Feeling tired, I went to bed early. (= because I felt tired)
   Being unemployed, she doesn’t have much money. (= because she is unemployed)
   Not having a car, she finds it difficult to get around. (= because she doesn’t have a car)
   Having already seen the film twice, I didn’t want to go to the movies. (= because I had already seen it twice)
   These structures are used more in written than in spoken English.

  UNIT 64 Exercises  
64.1 From each pair of sentences make one sentence using an –ing clause.  
Example: She was sitting in an armchair. She was reading a book.
   She was sitting in an armchair reading a book.
  1. Jill was lying on the bed. She was crying. Jill was ____________________________
  2. I got home. I was feeling very tired. I got ____________________________
  3. The old man was walking along the street. He was talking to himself. The old man ____________________________
  In these sentences one thing happens during another.
  Example: Jim was playing tennis. He hurt his arm. ____________________________
  4. Ann was watching television. She fell asleep. Ann ____________________________
  5. The man slipped. He was getting off the bus. The man ____________________________
  6. The girl was crossing the street. She was run over. The girl ___________________________
  7. The fire fighter was overcome by smoke. He was trying to put out the fire.
  The fire fighter ________________________________________________________
  64.2 This time make sentences beginning Having …
   Example: We finished our work. We went home. Having finished our work, we went home.
  1. We bought our tickets. Then we went into the theater.
  2. They had dinner. Then they continued on their trip.
  3. Sue did all her shopping. Then she went for a cup of coffee.
  64.3 Now make sentences beginning –ing or Not –ing (as in section d)
   Example: I felt tired. So I went to bed early. Feeling tired, I went to bed early.
  1. I thought they might be hungry. So I offered them something to eat.
  Thinking ________________________________________________________
  2. She is a foreigner. So she needs a visa to stay in this country.
  3. I didn’t know his address. So I couldn’t contact him.
  Not ________________________________________________________
  4. The man wasn’t able to understand English. So he didn’t know what I said.
  5. She has traveled a lot. So she knows a lot about other countries.
  Having ________________________________________________________
  6. We had spent nearly all our money. So we couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel.3

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 楼主| 发表于 3-9-2009 14:42:02 | 只看该作者
UNIT 65 Uncountable nouns (gold, music, advice, etc.) 
  Nouns can be countable or uncountable. For countable nouns see Unit 66.
  a. Uncountable nouns are for example: gold music blood excitement  
Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. They are no plural. You cannot say “music,” “bloods,” or “excitements.”
  b. Before uncountable nouns you can say the/some/any/much/this/his, etc.  
c. Many nouns can be used as countable or as uncountable nouns. Usually there is a difference in meaning.
For example:
   paper I bought a paper. (=a newspaper -- countable)
   I bought some paper. (= material for writing on -- uncountable)
   hair There’s a hair in my soup! (= one single hair -- countable)
   She has beautiful hair. (= hair on her head -- uncountable)
   experience We had many interesting experiences on our vacation. (= things that happened to us - countable)
   You need experience for this job. (knowledge of something because you have done it before -- uncountable)
  d. Some nouns are usually uncountable in English but often countable in other languages.
Here are the most important of these:
   advice bread information permission traffic weather baggage chaos(a state of disorder,混乱) luggage progress travel work behavior furniture news scenery trouble
   These nouns are uncountable, so (i) you cannot use a/an before them; and (ii) they cannot be plural:
   Tom gave me some good advice. (not some good advices).
   Where are you going to put all your furniture? (not furnitures)
   We don’t have much luggage to carry. (not many luggages)
   I’m afraid I have some bad news. (not a bad news)
   Remember that news is not plural:
   The news is very depressing today. (not The news are…)
   Do not use travel to mean trip/journey: 
  We had a good trip. (not a good travel)
   Note these pairs of countable (C) and uncountable (UNC) nouns:
   I’m looking for a job. (C) but I’m looking for work. (UNC)
   What a beautiful view! (C) but What beautiful scenery! (UNC)
UNIT 65 Exercises 
 65.1 Which of the underlined parts of these sentences is right?
   Example: Sue was very helpful. She gave me some good advice/advices. (“advice” is right)
  1. Margaret has very long black hair/hairs.
  2. We had a very good weather/very good weather when we were on vacation.
  3. Can I help you with your luggage/luggages?
  4. I want something to read. I’m going to buy a/some paper.
  5. I want to write some letters. I need a/some writing paper.
  6. It’s very difficult to find a work/job at the moment.
  7. Bad news don’t/doesn’t make people happy.
  8. Our travel/trip from Pairs to Frankfurt by train was very interesting.
  9. The apartment is empty. We don’t have any furnitures/furniture yet.
  10. When the fire alarm rang, there was a complete chaos/complete chaos.
  11. Can I talk to you? I need an/some advice.
  12. Do you have any experience/experiences in sales?
  65.2 Complete these sentences using these words:   progress advice hair work experience air information paper permission
   Example: The room was very crowded. We had to open the windows for (some) air.
  1. I don’t think Ann will get the job. She hasn’t got ______________________
  2. They’ll tell you all you want to know. They’ll give you plenty of ______________________
  3. You’ll recognize Alan easily. He’s got green ______________________
  4. Carla’s English has improved. She has made ______________________
  5. I want to write down your address. Do you have ______________________?
  6. If you want to leave early, you have to ask for ______________________
  7. George is unemployed at the moment. He is looking for ______________________
  8. I didn’t know what to do. So I asked Jack for ______________________
  65.3 Write what you would say in these situations. Each time begin in the way shown and use one of the words in section d of this unit.
   Example: Your friends have just arrived at the station. You can’t see any suitcases or bags.
   You say: Do you have any luggage?
  1. You go into the tourist office. You want to know about places to see in the town. You say: I’d like ____________________________________________
  2. The weather is beautiful. You say: What ____________________________________________!
  3. You are a student. You want your teacher to advise you about which exams to take. You say: Can you give me ____________________________________________?
  4. You want to watch the news on television, but you don’t know what time it is on. You ask your friend: What time ____________________________________________?
  5. You are standing at the top of a mountain. You can see a very long way. It is beautiful. You say: What ____________________________________________!

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 楼主| 发表于 4-9-2009 12:30:51 | 只看该作者
UNIT 66 Countable nouns with a/an and some 
  Nouns can be countable or uncountable. For uncountable nouns see Unit 65.
  a. Countable nouns are, for example:
   dog umbrella job suggestion girl
   Countable nouns are things we can count. We can make them plural:
   two dogs six jobs some girls many suggestions
  b. Before singular countable nouns you can use a/an:  
   That’s a good suggestion. Do you need an umbrella?
   You cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without a/the/my, etc.): 
    I’m looking for a job. (not I’m looking for job)
   Be careful of the dog. (not be careful of dog)
   I’ve got a headache. Would you like a cigarette?
   For a/an and the see Unit 67.
  c. We often use a/an + noun when we say what something/someone is, or what something/someone is like:  
  A dog is an animal. Sue is a very nice person. This is a really beautiful house.
   Jack has a big nose. What a nice dress!
   Remember to use a/an for jobs:
   Tom’s mother is a doctor. (not Tom’s mother is doctor)
   I wouldn’t like to be an English teacher.
   In sentences like these, we use plural countable nouns alone (not with some):
   Tom’s parents are very nice people. (not some very nice people)
   What awful shoes! Ann has blue eyes. Dogs are animals. Are most of your friends students?
  d. We also use some with plural countable nouns. Some = a number of / a few of (but we don’t know or say exactly how many):
   I’ve seen some good movies lately.
   Some friends of mine are coming to stay for the weekend.
   Do not use some when you are talking about things in general:
   I love bananas. (not some bananas)
   Sometimes you can use some or leave it out:  
   There are (some) eggs in the refrigerator if you’re hungry.
   For some and any see Unit 80.
  e. You have to use some when you mean some, but not all/not many, etc.  
   Some children learn very quickly. (but not all children)
   Some police officers in Britain carry guns, but most of them don’t.
   For plural countable nouns see also Unit 70.
UNIT 66 Exercises  
66.1 What are these things? Try and find out if you don’t know.
   Example: an ant? It’s an insect. ant? bees? They are insects.
  1. an onion? It’s ____________
  2. a pigeon? It ____________
  3. a dandelion?(蒲公英) ____________
  4. a skyscraper?(a very tall building,摩天大楼) ____________
  5. Earth? Mars?(火星) Venus?(金星) Jupiter? (木星)They ____________
  6. The Rhine?(莱茵河) the Nile? (尼罗河)the Mississippi?(密西西比河) ____________
   And who were these people?
   Example: Beethoven? He was a composer. Beethoven? Bach? They were composers.
  7. Picasso? He was ____________
  8. Shakespeare? He ____________
  9. Einstein? ____________
  10. Marilyn Monroe? ____________
  11. Kennedy? Johnson? Nixon? They ____________
  12. Elvis Presley? John Lennon? ____________
  66.2 Read about someone’s job and then write what his or her job is.
  Example: Ron flies airplanes. He’s a pilot.
  1. Sue types letters and answers the phone in an office. She is ________________________
  2. Tim plans people’s vacations for them. He ________________________
  3. Carol takes care of patients in a hospital. She ________________________
  4. Mary teaches math. ________________________
  5. Martha directs movies. ________________________
  6. John translates what people are saying from one language into another, so that they can understand each other. ________________________
  66.3 Put in a/an or some, or leave a space (without a word).
  Examples: I’ve seen some good movies recently. Do you have a headache?
   Are most of your friends ---- students?
  1. Do you have ________ camera?
  2. Would you like to be ________ actor?
  3. Bill has ________ big feet.
  4. Do you collect ________ stamps?
  5. Tom always gives Ann ________ flowers on her birthday.
  6. Those are ________ really nice slacks. Where did you get them?
  7. What ________ beautiful garden!
  8. What ________ nice children!
  9. ________ birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.
  10. Jack has ________ very long legs, so he’s ________ fast runner.
  11. You need ________ visa to visit ________ foreign countries, but not all of them.
  12. I’m going shopping. I’m going to get ________ new clothes.
  13. Jane is ________ teacher. Her parents were ________ teachers too.
  14. When we got downtown, ________stores were still open, but most of them were already closed.
  15. Do you enjoy going to ________ concerts?
  16. When I was ________ child, I used to be very shy.
a little confused about the answer, post mine later, welcome to discuss

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 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2009 10:41:14 | 只看该作者
66.1 What are these things? Try and find out if you don’t know.
   Example: an ant? It’s an insect. ant? bees? They are insects.
  1. an onion? It’s __an  onion__
  2. a pigeon? It's ____a pigeon________
  3. a dandelion?(蒲公英) __it's a danelion__________
  4. a skyscraper?(a very tall building,摩天大楼) __________It's a skyscraper__
  5. Earth? Mars?(火星) Venus?(金星) Jupiter? (木星)They __are __________
  6. The Rhine?(莱茵河) the Nile? (尼罗河)the Mississippi?(密西西比河) __They are rivers__________
   And who were these people?
   Example: Beethoven? He was a composer. Beethoven? Bach? They were composers.
  7. Picasso? He was ____________
  8. Shakespeare? He ___a writer_________
  9. Einstein? ____________
  10. Marilyn Monroe? ____________
  11. Kennedy? Johnson? Nixon? They ____________
  12. Elvis Presley? John Lennon? ____________
  66.2 Read about someone’s job and then write what his or her job is.
  Example: Ron flies airplanes. He’s a pilot.
  1. Sue types letters and answers the phone in an office. She is ____a office clerk_________________
  2. Tim plans people’s vacations for them. He ____a travel advicer___________________
  3. Carol takes care of patients in a hospital. She __is a nurse______________________
  4. Mary teaches math. _____________________she is a teacher___
  5. Martha directs movies. ___________He is a directer_____________
  6. John translates what people are saying from one language into another, so that they can understand each other. ___________He is a translator_____________
  66.3 Put in a/an or some, or leave a space (without a word).
  Examples: I’ve seen some good movies recently. Do you have a headache?
   Are most of your friends ---- students?
  1. Do you have _____a___ camera?
  2. Would you like to be ______an__ actor?
  3. Bill has _____a___ big feet.
  4. Do you collect ____some____ stamps?
  5. Tom always gives Ann ________ flowers on her birthday.
  6. Those are _____/___ really nice slacks. Where did you get them?
  7. What ____a___ beautiful garden!
  8. What ________ nice children!
  9. ____/____ birds, for example the penguin,(企鹅) cannot fly.
  10. Jack has ________ very long legs, so he’s _____a___ fast runner.
  11. You need _____a_ visa to visit ________ foreign countries, but not all of them.
  12. I’m going shopping. I’m going to get ________ new clothes.
  13. Jane is ______a__ teacher. Her parents were ________ teachers too.
  14. When we got downtown, ________stores were still open, but most of them were already closed.
  15. Do you enjoy going to ______the__ concerts?
  16. When I was ____a____ child, I used to be very shy.

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 楼主| 发表于 5-9-2009 10:55:07 | 只看该作者
UNIT 67 A/an and the 
 a. Study this example:  
For lunch I had a sandwich and an apple.
   The speaker says “a sandwich/an apple” because this is the first time he talks about them.
   The sandwich wasn’t very good.
   The speaker says “the sandwich” because the listener now knows which sandwich he means – the sandwich he had for lunch.
   Here are some more examples:
   There was a man talking to a woman outside my house. The man looked American,(???) and I think the woman was Indian.
   When we were on vacation, we stayed at a hotel. In the evenings, sometimes we had dinner at the hotel and sometimes in a restaurant.
   I saw a movie last night. The movie was about a soldier and a beautiful woman. The soldier was in love with the woman, but the woman was in love with a teacher. So the soldier shot the teacher and married the woman.
  b. We use a/an when the listener doesn’t know which thing we mean. We use the when it is clear which thing we mean:  
    Tom sat down on a chair. (we don’t know which chair)
   Tom sat down on the chair nearest the door. (we know which chair)
   Ann is looking for a job. (not a particular job)
   Did Ann get the job she applied for? (a particular job)
   Do you have a car? (not a particular car)
   I cleaned the car yesterday. (a particular car, my car)
  c. We use the when it is clear in the situation which thing or person we mean.
  For example, in a room we talk about “the light/the floor/the ceiling/the door/the carpet,” etc. Study these examples:
   Can you turn off the light, please? (= the light in this room)
   Where is the bathroom, please? (= the bathroom in this building/house)
   I enjoyed the movie. Who was the director? (= the director of the movie)
   I took a taxi to the station. (= the station of that town)
   We got to the airport just in time for our flight.
  Also: the police/the fire department/the army.
  We also say the bank, the post office:
   I have to go to the bank to change some money, and then I’m going to the post office to buy some stamps. (The speaker is usually thinking of a particular bank or post office)
  We also say the doctor, the dentist, the hospital:
   John wasn’t feeling very well. He went to the doctor. (= his doctor)
   Two people were taken to the hospital after the accident.
  For the see also Units 68 – 73.
UNIT 67 Exercises 
 67.1 Put in a/an or the.
   Example: There was a man and a woman in the room. The man was American, and the woman looked Indian.
  1. This morning I bought _______ newspaper and _______ magazine _______ newspaper is in my bag, but I don’t know where _______ magazine is.
  2. My parents have _______ cat and _______ dog _______dog never bites _______ cat, but _______ cat often scratches _______ dog.
  3. I saw _______ accident this morning _______ car crashed into _______ wall. _______ driver of _______ car was not hurt, but _______ car was badly damaged.
  4. When you turn onto Pine Tree Drive, you will see three houses: _______ red one, _______ blue one, and _______ white one. I live in _______ white one.
  5. We live in _______ old house in _______ middle of town. There is _______ garden behind _______ house _______ roof of _______ house is in bad condition.
  67.2 Put in a/an or the 
  Examples: I’m looking for a job. Did Ann get the job she applied for?
  1. Would you like _______ apple?
  2. Could you close _______ door, please?
  3. We live in _______ small apartment near _______ center of town.
  4. Have you finished with _______ book I lent you last week?
  5. We went out for _______ meal last night _______ restaurant we went to was excellent.
  6. Did _______ police find _______ person who stole your bicycle?
  7. This is a nice house. Does it have _______ garden?
  8. It was warm and sunny, so we decided to sit in _______ garden.
  9. This morning I had _______ soft-boiled egg and toast for breakfast.
  10. _______ President of the United States is elected every four years.
  11. As I was walking along the street, I saw _______ $20 bill on _______ sidewalk.
  12. I went into the store and asked to speak to _______ manager.
  13. “Do you have _______ car?” “No, I’ve never had _______ car in my life.”
  14. There’s no need to buy a paper _______ newspaper carrier brings it every morning.
  67.3 Complete these sentences using the + noun.
   Example: It was getting dark in the room, so I turned on the light.
  1. There were no chairs, so we all had to sit on ______________.
  2. As soon as I saw the fire, I called ______________
  3. We didn’t have any stamps, so we had to go to ______________
  4. I had a toothache, so I made an appointment with ______________
  5. Ann had to catch a train, so I took her to ______________
  6. When we found that someone had broken into our house, we called ______________
  7. Bill wasn’t feeling well, so he went to ______________
  8. We didn’t have any money, so we had to go to ______________
  9. The plane was delayed, so we had to wait at ______________ for three hours.
  10. Jill had a car accident. She’ll be in ______________ for at least two weeks.

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 楼主| 发表于 6-9-2009 12:06:18 | 只看该作者
UNIT 68 The (1)  
For the difference between the and a/an see Unit 67.
  a. We say the… when there is only one of something:  
What is the longest river in the world? (There is only one longest river in the world.)
   We went to the most expensive restaurant in town.
   The only television program she watches is the news.
   Paris is the capital of France.
   Everybody left at the end of the meeting.
   The earth goes around the sun. (also: the moon/the world/the universe)
  b. We say: the sea the sky the ground the city / the country 
  Would you rather live in the city or in the country?
   Don’t sit on the ground! It’s wet.
   We looked up at all the stars in the sky.
   We say go to sea/ be at sea (without the) when the meaning is go/ be on a voyage: 
  Ken is a seaman. He spends most of his life at sea.
   but: I would love t live near the sea. (not near sea)
   We say space (not the space) when we mean space in the universe:  
  There are millions of stars in space. (not in the space)
   but: He tried to park his car, but the space wasn’t big enough.
  c. Movies theater radio television 
 We say the movies/ the theater
   We went to the movies last night.
   Do you often go to the theater?
  Note that when we say the theater, we do not necessarily mean one particular theater.
  We usually say the radio:
   We often listen to the radio. I heard the news on the radio.
  But we usually say television (without the):
   We often watch television. I watched the news on television.
   but: Can you turn off the television, please? (= the television set)
  d. Meals: We do not normally use the with the names of meals:  
   What time is lunch?
   We had dinner a restaurant.
   What did you have for breakfast?
   Ann invited me to (or for) dinner.
   But we say a meal:   We had a meal in a restaurant.
   We also say a when there is an adjective before lunch/breakfast, etc. 
  Thank you. That was a nice lunch. (not that was very nice lunch)
   For more information about the see Unit 67 and 69—73
UNIT 68 Exercises 
 68.1 Answer these questions in the way shown.  
Example: “Was it a good movie?” “Yes, it was the best movie. I’ve ever seen.”
  1. “Is it a big hotel?” “Yes, it is __________ in the city.”
  2. “Is he a rich man?” “Yes he is __________ I’ve ever seen.”
  3. “Was it a bad accident?” “Yes, it was __________ I’ve ever seen.”
  4. “Is it a cheap restaurant?” “Well, it is __________ you will find.”
  5. “It’s hot today, isn’t it?” “Yes, it is __________ day of the year.”
  68.2 Put in a/an or the. Sometimes you don’t need either word – you leave it blank. (If necessary see Unit 67 for a/an and the).
   Examples: We went to the most expensive restaurant in town.
   Do you want to watch – television this evening?
   Last night we went out for a meal in a restaurant.
  1. I wrote my name at __________ top of the page.
  2. __________ moon goes around __________ earth every 27 days.
  3. The Soviet Union was __________ first country to send a man into __________ space.
  4. Did you see the movie on __________ television or in __________ movie theater?
  5. After __________ lunch, we went for a walk by __________ sea.
  6. I’m not very hungry. I had __________ big breakfast.
  7. John was __________ only person I talked to at the party.
  8. Liz lives in __________ small village in __________ country.
  9. Peru is __________ country in South America. __________capital is Lima.
  10. I never listen to __________ radio. In fact, I don’t have __________ radio.
  11. It was __________ beautiful day. __________ sun shone brightly in __________ sky.
  12. I’ve invited Tom to __________ dinner next Wednesday.
  13. What is __________ highest mountain in __________ world?
  14. We don’t go to __________ theater very much these days. In fact, in __________ town where we live there isn’t __________ theater.
  15. It was a long voyage. We were at _________ sea for four weeks.
  16. I prefer swimming in __________ sea to swimming in pools.
  17. Can you turn __________ television down, please? It’s a little loud.
  68.3 Here are some things Tom did yesterday. Write a sentence for each. 
  Morning: 8:00 breakfast 8:30 – 9:00 radio 9:30 walk/country
   Afternoon: 1:00 lunch 2:30 movies
   Evening: 6:30 dinner 8:00 – 10:00 television
  1. At 8:00 he had breakfast.
  2. From 8:30 until 9:00 he listened ______________________________
  3. At 9:30 he went for a walk in ______________________________
  4. At 1:00 he ________________________________________
  5. At 2:30 __________ ______________________________
  6. At 6:30 ________________________________________
  7. From ________________________________________
post my answer later,welcome to discuss

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 楼主| 发表于 7-9-2009 20:49:28 | 只看该作者
 68.1 Answer these questions in the way shown.  
Example: “Was it a good movie?” “Yes, it was the best movie. I’ve ever seen.”
  1. “Is it a big hotel?” “Yes, it is _____the biggest_____ in the city.”
  2. “Is he a rich man?” “Yes he is _____the richest_____ I’ve ever seen.”
  3. “Was it a bad accident?” “Yes, it was ____worse______ I’ve ever seen.”
  4. “Is it a cheap restaurant?” “Well, it is ___the cheapest___ you will find.”
  5. “It’s hot today, isn’t it?” “Yes, it is ___hottest_______ day of the year.”
  68.2 Put in a/an or the. Sometimes you don’t need either word – you leave it blank. (If necessary see Unit 67 for a/an and the).
   Examples: We went to the most expensive restaurant in town.
   Do you want to watch – television this evening?
   Last night we went out for a meal in a restaurant.
  1. I wrote my name at ___the_______ top of the page.
  2. ___The_______ moon goes around _______the___ earth every 27 days.
  3. The Soviet Union was __the________ first country to send a man into ______/____ space.
  4. Did you see the movie on _____the_____ television or in _______a___ movie theater?
  5. After ________/__ lunch, we went for a walk by ___/_______ sea.
  6. I’m not very hungry. I had ________a__ big breakfast.
  7. John was _____the_____ only person I talked to at the party.
  8. Liz lives in ______a____ small village in _____the_____ country.
  9. Peru is _______a___ country in South America. ____the______capital is Lima.
  10. I never listen to __the________ radio. In fact, I don’t have ___a_______ radio.
  11. It was ____a______ beautiful day. ________The__ sun shone brightly in __________ sky.
  12. I’ve invited Tom to ___/_______ dinner next Wednesday.
  13. What is _________the_ highest mountain in __________ world?
  14. We don’t go to ___the_______ theater very much these days. In fact, in __/________ town where we live there isn’t ___a_______ theater.
  15. It was a long voyage. We were at __/_______ sea for four weeks.
  16. I prefer swimming in ___/_______ sea to swimming in pools.
  17. Can you turn ____the______ television down, please? It’s a little loud.
  68.3 Here are some things Tom did yesterday. Write a sentence for each. 
  Morning: 8:00 breakfast 8:30 – 9:00 radio 9:30 walk/country
   Afternoon: 1:00 lunch 2:30 movies
   Evening: 6:30 dinner 8:00 – 10:00 television
  1. At 8:00 he had breakfast.
  2. From 8:30 until 9:00 he listened ____to the radio__________________________
  3. At 9:30 he went for a walk in ______the stree________________________
  4. At 1:00 he _____________had lunch___________________________
  5. At 2:30 __________ __he_went to the theater___________________________
  6. At 6:30 _____________he had dinner___________________________
  7. From __________6:30 to 9:00 he is watching TV______________________________

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 楼主| 发表于 7-9-2009 21:01:44 | 只看该作者
UNIT 69 The (2) 
 a. Study these sentences: 
  The rose is my favorite flower.
   The giraffe( 长颈鹿) is the tallest of all animals.
   In these examples the … doesn’t mean one particular thing. The rose = roses in general, the giraffe = giraffe in general.
We use the + a singular countable noun in this way to talk about a type of plant, animal, etc. Note that you can also use a plural noun without the:
     Roses are my favorite flowers. (but not The roses … -- see Unit 70)
   We also use the + a singular countable noun when we talk about a type of machine, an invention, etc. For example:
   When was the telephone invented?
   The bicycle is an excellent means of transportation.
   We also use the for musical instruments:
   Can you play the guitar? (not Can you play guitar?)
   The piano is my favorite instrument.
  b. The + adjective
  We use the with some adjectives (without a noun). The meaning is always plural. For example, the rich = rich people in general:
   Do you think the rich should pay more taxes?
   We use the especially with these adjectives:
   the rich ,the old, the blind ,the sick, the disabled ,the injured, the poor, the young ,the deaf ,the dead ,the unemployed, the homeless
   That man over there is collecting money for the homeless.
   Why doesn’t the government do more to help the unemployed?
   These expressions are always plural. You cannot say “a blind” or “an unemployed.” You have to say “a blind man,” “an unemployed woman,” etc.
  c. The + nationality words
  You can use the with some nationality adjectives when you mean “the people of that country.” For example:
   The French are famous for their food. (= the French people)
   The English are known for being polite. (= the English people)
     You can use the in this way with these nationality words:
  the British, the Welsh,(威雨士) the Spanish, the Dutch,(荷兰) the English, the Irish, the French, the Swiss
     You can also use the with nationality words ending in –ese (the Japanese/the Chinese, etc.).
   (the) Russians (the) Italians (the) Arabs (the) Germans (the) Turks
   For the see also Units 67, 68, and 70-73.
UNIT 69 Exercises
  69.1 Answer these questions about yourself and your favorite things. Use a dictionary if you don’t know the English words you need.
   Example: What is your favorite flower? the rose
  1. What is your favorite tree? ___________________________________
  2. Which bird do you like most? ___________________________________
  3. What is your favorite car? ___________________________________
  4. What is your favorite musical instrument? ___________________________________
  69.2 Make sentences from the words in parentheses (…)
   Example: (Mary/play/piano very well) Mary plays the piano very well.
  1. (Jack/play/guitar very badly) Jack plays ___________________________________
  2. (Jill/play/violin in an orchestra) ___________________________________
  3. (I’d like/learn/play/piano) ___________________________________
  4. (you/play/guitar?) ___________________________________
  69.3 Complete these sentences about animals. Choose one of the words in parentheses. Use a dictionary if you don’t know these words.
   Example: The giraffe is the tallest of all animals. (elephant/lion/giraffe)
  1. ________________________ is the fastest of all animals. (elephant/lion/giraffe)
  2. ________________________ is a mammal, but it lives in the sea. (octopus/elephant/whale)
  3. ________________________ is the largest living bird. (eagle/sparrow/ostrich)
  69.4 Complete these sentences using the with these adjectives:
   rich sick blind poor injured unemployed dead
   Example: Braille is a system of reading and writing by touch for the blind.
  1. Many people were killed in the plane crash. The bodies of ___________ were taken away. ___________ were taken to the hospital.
  2. Do you know the story or Robin Hood? It is said that he robbed ___________ and gave the money to ___________
  3. For people with jobs, life is easier than it is for ___________.
  4. Linda has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for ___________
  69.5 What do you call the people from these places?
   Examples: England? the English Russia? the Russians
  1. Britain? ___________
  2. Ireland? ___________
  3. Greece? ___________
  4. Korea? ___________
  5. Spain? ___________
  6. France? ___________
  7. Japan? ___________
  8. Germany? ___________
  9. China? ___________
  10. Canada? ___________
  11. Switzerland? ___________
  12. America (the U.S.)? ___________
  13. the Netherlands? ___________
  14. and your country? ___________

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 楼主| 发表于 8-9-2009 12:15:56 | 只看该作者
69.5 What do you call the people from these places?
   Examples: England? the English Russia? the Russians
  1. Britain? _______the Britain____
  2. Ireland? _______the Ireland____
  3. Greece? ______the Greece_____
  4. Korea? __________the Korea_
  5. Spain? _________spanish__
  6. France? __________Frence_
  7. Japan? ___________Japanese
  8. Germany? __________geman_
  9. China? ______Chinese_____
  10. Canada? ______Canadan_____
  11. Switzerland? ___________
  12. America (the U.S.)? _______American____
  13. the Netherlands? ___________
  14. and your country? ___________Chinese

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 楼主| 发表于 8-9-2009 12:24:12 | 只看该作者
UNIT 70 Plural and uncountable nouns with and without the (flower/the flowers) 
 a. We don’t use the before a noun when we mean something in general: 
  I love flowers. (not the flowers)
   (flowers = flowers in general, not a particular group of flowers)
   I’m afraid of dogs.
   Doctors are paid more than teachers.
   Crime is a problem in most big cities. (not the crime)
   Life has changed a lot since I was young. (not the life)
   I prefer classical music to pop music. (not the classical/pop music)
   Do you like Chinese food/American television? (not the …)
   My favorite subject at school was history/physics/English.
   I like soccer/athletics/skiing/chess.
   Do you collect stamps?
   We say most people/most dogs, etc. (not the most…)  
Most people like George. (not the most people – see also Unit 78)
  b. We say the … when we mean something in particular:  
I like your garden. The flowers are beautiful. (not Flowers are …)
   (the flowers = the flowers in your garden, not flowers in general)
   Children learn a lot from playing. (= children in general)
   but: We took the children to the zoo. (= a particular group of children, perhaps the speaker’s own children)
   Salt is used to flavor food.
   but: Can you pass the salt, please? (= the salt on the table)
   I often listen to music.
   but: The movie wasn’t very good, but I liked the music. (= the music in the movie)
   All cars have wheels.
   but: All the students in the class like their teacher.
   Are American people friendly? (= American people in general)
   but: Are the American people you know friendly? (= only the American people you know, not American people in general)
  c. The difference between “something in general” and “something in particular” is not always very clear.
Study these sentences:
   I like working with people. (= people in general)
   I like working with people who are lively. (not all people, but people who are lively is still a general idea)
   but: I like the people I work with. (= a particular group of people)
   Do you like coffee? (= coffee in general)
   Do you like strong black coffee? (not all coffee, but strong black coffee is still a general idea)
   but: Did you like the coffee we had after dinner? (= particular coffee)

  UNIT 70 Exercises  
70.1 Write whether you like or dislike something. Begin your sentence with:
   I like… I don’t like… I love… I hate… I don’t mind… I’m (not) interested in … I have no opinion about…
   Example: (hot weather) I don’t like hot weather.
  1. (soccer) ___________________________________
  2. (small children) ___________________________________
  3. (cars) ___________________________________
  4. (modern art) ___________________________________
  5. (horror movies) ___________________________________
  70.2 What do you think about these things? Write a sentence about each one. Begin with:
   In my opinion… I think … I don’t like… I don’t agree with… I’m against… I’m in favor of …
   Example: (divorce) I think divorce is sometimes necessary.
   1. (violence) ___________________________________
   2. (smoking) ___________________________________
   3. (exams) ___________________________________
   4. (capital punishment) ___________________________________
   5. (nuclear power) ___________________________________
70.3 Choose the correct form, with or without the.
   Examples: I’m afraid of dogs . Can you pass the salt, please?
  1. Apples/The apples are good for you.
  2. Look at apple/ the apples on that tree! They’re very large.
  3. In Britain coffee the coffee is more expensive than tea/the tea.
  4. Women/the women are sometimes better teachers that men/the men.
  5. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. Service/the service was good too.
  6. Most people/The most people still believe that marriage/the marriage and family life/ the family life are the basis of our society.
  7. They got married but marriage/the marriage wasn’t successful.
  8. I know someone who wrote a book about life/the life of Gandhi.
  9. Life/The life would be very difficult without electricity/the electricity.
  10. Skiing/the skiing is my favorite sport, but I also like swimming/the swimming.
  11. Second World War/The Second War ended in 1945.
  12. Do you know people/the people who live next door.
  13. Are you interested in art/the art or architecture/the architecture?
  14. All books/All the books on the top shelf belong to me.
  15. Don’t stay in that hotel. Beds/The beds are very uncomfortable.
  16. Two of the biggest problems facing our society are crime/the crime and unemployment/ the unemployment.
  17. I hate violence/the violence.
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 楼主| 发表于 8-9-2009 12:30:18 | 只看该作者
 UNIT 70 Exercises  
70.1 Write whether you like or dislike something. Begin your sentence with:
   I like… I don’t like… I love… I hate… I don’t mind… I’m (not) interested in … I have no opinion about…
   Example: (hot weather) I don’t like hot weather.
  1. (soccer) ______________I don't llike soccer_____________________
  2. (small children) ______________I like small children_____________________
  3. (cars) ______________________I don like cars_____________
  4. (modern art) _________________I like moder art__________________
  5. (horror movies) ________________I don like horror movies___________________
  70.2 What do you think about these things? Write a sentence about each one. Begin with:
   In my opinion… I think … I don’t like… I don’t agree with… I’m against… I’m in favor of …
   Example: (divorce) I think divorce is sometimes necessary.
   1. (violence) _______________I don like violence____________________
   2. (smoking) ________________I don like smoking___________________
   3. (exams) _____________________I don like exams______________
   4. (capital punishment) ___________I don like capital punishment________________________
   5. (nuclear power) _________________I don like neclear power__________________
70.3 Choose the correct form, with or without the.
   Examples: I’m afraid of dogs . Can you pass the salt, please?
  1. Apples/ are good for you.
  2. Look at  the apples on that tree! They’re very large.
  3. In Britain coffee  is more expensive than tea
  4. Women/are sometimes better teachers that men.
  5. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant.The service was good too.
  6. Most people/ still believe that marriage/ and family life/  are the basis of our society.
  7. They got married but /the marriage wasn’t successful.
  8. I know someone who wrote a book about the life of Gandhi.
  9. Life/would be very difficult without electricity/the electricity.
  10. Skiing/is my favorite sport, but I also like swimming/.
  11. Second World War/ ended in 1945.
  12. Do you know /the people who live next door.
  13. Are you interested in art/or architecture/?
  14. All the books on the top shelf belong to me.
  15. Don’t stay in that hotel. The beds are very uncomfortable.
  16. Two of the biggest problems facing our society are crime/ and unemployment/
  17. I hate violence

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 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2009 00:02:29 | 只看该作者
UNIT 71 School/the school, prison/the prison, etc.  
a. School college prison/jail church  
Compare these examples:
   The children are going to school.
    Mrs. Kelly went to the school to meet her son’s teachers.
   We say: a child goes to school (as student)
   a student goes to college (to study)
   a criminal goes to prison or to jail (as a prisoner)
   We do not use the when we are thinking of the idea of these places and what they are used for:
   Mr. Kelly goes to church every Sunday. (not to the church)
   After I finish high school, I want to go to college.
   Ken’s brother was sent to prison for robbing a bank.
   We say: “be in or at school/college” (but “be in high school”) and “be in prison/jail”:
   What did you learn at (or in) school today?
   Ken’s brother is in jail. (or in prison)
   Now study these examples with the:
   Mrs. Kelly went to the school to meet her son’s teachers. (she went there as a visitor, not as a pupil)
   Ken went to the prison to visit his brother. (as a visitor, not as a prisoner; he went to the jail where his brother was)
   The workers went to the church to repair the roof. (they didn’t go to a religious service)
  b. bed work home 
  We say:
   “go to bed/be in bed” (not the bed):
   It’s time to go to bed now. Is Tom still in bed?
   “go to work/be at work/start work/finish work,” etc. (not the work):
   Why isn’t Ann at work today? What time do you finish work?
   “go home/come home/get home/arrive home” (no preposition):
   Come on! Let’s go home. What time did you get home?
   “be (at) home/stay (at) home”:
   Will you be (at) home tomorrow? We stayed (at) home
UNIT 71 Exercises  
71.1 Complete these sentences using the words in this unit.
   Example: Fred robbed a bank but was caught by the police. He was sent to jail.
  1. I was very tired and it was very late, so I went ________________________
  2. Tom doesn’t often go out in the evenings. He usually stays ________________________
  3. Jill isn’t a religious person. She never goes ________________________
  4. In the U.S., children over the age of five have to go ________________________
  5. Children sometimes get into trouble if they are late for ________________________
  6. There is a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody is going ________________________
  7. Fred was arrested by the police and spent the night ________________________
  8. When Sue finishes high school, she wants to study economics ________________________
  9. Bill never gets up before 9:00. It’s 8:30 now, so he is still ________________________
  71.2 Write short answers to these questions.  
Example: If you wanted to meet your children’s teachers, where would you go?
   To the school.
  1. A friend of yours is in prison. Where would you go to visit your friend? __________________
  2. Where are criminals sent? ____________________________________
  3. Where do children go during the day? ____________________________________
  4. A friend of yours is at church. If you wanted to meet your friend immediately after the service, where would you go? ____________________________________
  5. Where can you go if you want to study after finishing high school? __________________
  71.3 Choose the correct form, with or without the.  
Example: Ken’s brother is in prison/the prison for robbery. (“prison” is correct)
  1. Some children hate school/the school.
  2. What time do your children finish school/the school?
  3. Every term parents are invited to school/the school to meet the teachers.
  4. After leaving high school/the high school, Jane worked as a nurse in a hospital.
  5. All over the world, people are in prison/the prison because of their political beliefs.
  6. The other day the fire department had to go to prison/ the prison to put out a fire.
  7. On the way to Boston we passed through a small village with an old church. We stopped to visit church/the church. It was a beautiful building.
  8. John’s mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to church/the church every Sunday.
  John himself doesn’t go to church/the church.
  9. After work/the work, Ann usually goes home/to home.
  10. Tom left college/the college without taking his exams.
  11. I like to read in bed/the bed before going to sleep.
  12. What time do you have to start work/the work tomorrow morning?
  13. “Did they catch the thief?” “Yes, I’m sure he’s in jail/the jail by now.”
post my answer later, welcome to discuss

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 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2009 21:08:03 | 只看该作者
UNIT 71 Exercises  
71.1 Complete these sentences using the words in this unit.
   Example: Fred robbed a bank but was caught by the police. He was sent to jail.
  1. I was very tired and it was very late, so I went _______to bed_________________
  2. Tom doesn’t often go out in the evenings. He usually stays ___at  home_____________________
  3. Jill isn’t a religious person. She never goes _______church_________________
  4. In the U.S., children over the age of five have to go ___to school_____________________
  5. Children sometimes get into trouble if they are late for _____school___________________
  6. There is a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody is going ___to work_____________________
  7. Fred was arrested by the police and spent the night ____in jail____________________
  8. When Sue finishes high school, she wants to study economics _in  college_____________________
  9. Bill never gets up before 9:00. It’s 8:30 now, so he is still ____on bed____________________
  71.2 Write short answers to these questions.  
Example: If you wanted to meet your children’s teachers, where would you go?
   To the school.
  1. A friend of yours is in prison. Where would you go to visit your friend? ____to the jail______________
  2. Where are criminals sent? _____________to jail_______________________
  3. Where do children go during the day? ___________to school_________________________
  4. A friend of yours is at church. If you wanted to meet your friend immediately after the service, where would you go? _____________go to the church_______________________
  5. Where can you go if you want to study after finishing high school? ___to university_______________
  71.3 Choose the correct form, with or without the.  
Example: Ken’s brother is in prison/the prison for robbery. (“prison” is correct)
  1. Some children hate school/the school
  2. What time do your children finish school/the school?
  3. Every term parents are invited to school/the school to meet the teachers.
  4. After leaving high school/the high school, Jane worked as a nurse in a hospital.
  5. All over the world, people are in prison/the prison because of their political beliefs.
  6. The other day the fire department had to go to prison/ the prison to put out a fire.
  7. On the way to Boston we passed through a small village with an old church. We stopped to visit church/the church. It was a beautiful building.
  8. John’s mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to church/the church every Sunday.
  John himself doesn’t go to the church
  9. After work/ Ann usually goes home/
  10. Tom left college/without taking his exams.
  11. I like to read in bed/ before going to sleep.
  12. What time do you have to start work/the work tomorrow morning????
  13. “Did they catch the thief?” “Yes, I’m sure he’s in jail/ by now.”

[ 本帖最后由 smallmoon 于 10-9-2009 20:17 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 10-9-2009 21:14:20 | 只看该作者
UNIT 72 Geographical names with and without the  
a. Continents: We do not say the with the names of continents:
  Africa (not the Africa) Asia Europe South America
  b. Countries and states: We do not usually say the with the names of countries and states:
  France (not the France) Japan Germany Nigeria Texas
But we say the with names that include words like “republic,” “kingdom,” “states”:
  the Dominican Republic the Republic of Ireland the United States (of America)
  the People’s Republic of China the United Kingdom the United Arab Emirates
  We also use the with plural names:  
   the Netherlands the Philippines
  c. Cities: We do not use the with the names of cities/towns/villages:3 
 Cairo (not the Cairo) New York Madrid Tokyo
  Exception: The Hague (in the Netherlands)
  d. Islands: Island groups usually have plural names with the:
  the Bahamas the Canaries/the Canary Islands the British Isles the Virgin Islands
  Individual islands usually have singular names without the:
  Corfu Sicily Bermuda Easter Island
  e. Regions: We say: the  
  the Middle East the Far East the west of Canada
   the north of France the south of Spain
  (but: northern France/southern Spain/western Canada – without the)
  f. Mountains: Mountain ranges usually have plural names with the:  
the Rocky Mountains/the Rockies the Andes the Alps
   But individual mountains usually have names without the:
   (Mount) Everest (Mount) Fuji (Mount) Etna
  g. Lakes: Lakes usually have names without the:  
Lake Superior Lake Victoria
  h. Names of oceans/seas/rivers/canals have the: 
 the Atlantic (Ocean) the Indian Ocean the Mediterranean (Sea) the Red sea the (English) Channel
  the Nile the Amazon the Mississippi the Rhine the Suez Canal the Panama Canal
  Note: On maps the is not usually included in the name.
  Place names with of usually have the:
  the Bay of Naples the United States of America the Sea of Japan the Gulf of Mexico
  UNIT 72 Exercises

  72.1 Read these sentences carefully. Some are correct, but some need the (perhaps more than once). Correct the sentences where necessary. 
  Examples: Everest was first climbed in 1953. Right
   Milan is in north of Italy. Wrong – the north of Italy
  1. Last year we visited Canada and United States. ____________
  2. Africa is much larger than Europe. ____________
  3. South of England is warmer than north ____________
  4. We went to Spain for our vacation and swam in Mediterranean. ____________
  5. Tom has visited most countries in western Europe. ____________
  6. There are many different languages spoken in Far East. ____________
  7. Next year we are going skiing in Swiss Alps. ____________
  8. Malta has been a republic since 1974. ____________
  9. Nile is longest river in Africa. ____________
  10. United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ____________
  72.2 Here are some geography questions. Choose the right answer. Sometimes you need the, sometimes not. Try and find out the answers if you don’t know them.
   Example: What is the longest river in the world? (Amazon/Rhine/Nile) the Amazon
  1. Where is Bolivia? (Africa/South America/North America) ________________________
  2. Where is Ethiopia? (Asia/South America/Africa) ________________________
  3. Of which country is Manila the capital? (Indonesia/Philippines/Japan) ____________________
  4. Of which country is Stockholm the capital? (Norway/Denmark/Sweden) ____________
  5. Which country lies between Mexico and Canada? (Venezuela/El Salvador/United States) ______
  6. Which is the largest country in the world? (United States/China/Russia) ____________
  7. Which is the largest continent? (Africa/South America/Asia) ____________
  8. What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America? (Rocky Mountains/Andes/Alps) ________________________
  9. What is the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia? (Atlantic/Pacific/Indian Ocean) ________________________
  10. What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia? (Atlantic/Pacific/Indian Ocean) ________________________
  11. What is the name of the sea between England and France? (Mediterranean Sea/English Channel/French Sea) ________________________
  12. What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe? (Black Sea/Red Sea/Mediterranean Sea) ________________________
  13. What is the name of the sea between Britain and Norway? (Norwegian Sea/English Channel/North sea) ________________________
  14. Which river flows through Vienna, Budapest, and Belgrade? (Rhine/Danube/Volga) ________________________
  15. What joins the Atlantic and Pacific oceans? (Suez Canal/Panama Canal) ____________

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 楼主| 发表于 11-9-2009 13:23:16 | 只看该作者
  UNIT 73 Names of streets, buildings, etc. with and without the 
 a. We do not normally use the with names of streets, road, avenues, boulevards, squares, etc.:
  Bloor Street Fifth Avenue Piccadilly Circus
  Wilshire Boulevard Broadway Red Square
  b. Many names (for example, of airports or universities) are two or three words: 
 Kennedy Airport Boston University
  The first word is usually the name of a person (“Kennedy”) or a place (“Boston”). We do not usually say the with names like these:
  Pearson International Airport Buckingham Palace
  Penn Station Hyde Park
  But we say “the White House,” “the Royal Palace” because “white” and “royal” are not names.
This is only a general rule. There are exceptions. See section (c) for hotels, etc., and section (e) for names with of.
  c. We usually say the before the names of these places:
 Hotels the Hilton Hotel, the Sheraton (Hotel)
  Restaurants the Bombay Restaurant, the Stage Delicatessen
  Theaters the Shubert (Theater), the National Theater
  Movie theaters the RKO Plaza, the Quad
  Museums/galleries the Metropolitan Museum, the National Gallery, the Louvre
  Buildings/monuments the Empire State Building, the Washington Monument
  But banks do not usually take the:  
First Interstate Bank Citibank Lloyds Bank
  d. Many stores and restaurants are named after the people who started them. These names end in s or ’s We do not use the with these names:
   “Where did you buy that hat?” “At Macy’s.” (not the Macy’s)
   We’re going to have lunch at Mama Leone’s. (not the Mama Leone’s)
   Churches are sometimes named after saints (St. = Saint):
   St. John’s Church St. Patrick’s Cathedral
  e. We say the before the names of places, buildings, etc., with of:
  the Tower of London the Museum of Modern Art
  the Great Wall of China the University of Southern California
  UNIT 73 Exercises
  73.1 Use the map to answer the questions in the way shown. Write the name of the place and the street it is on. On maps we don’t normally use the; in your sentences, use the if necessary.
   Example: “I there a movie theater near here?” “Yes, the Palace on Washington.”
  1. “Is there a supermarket near here?” “Yes, ________________ on ________________”
  2. “Is there a hotel near here?” “Yes, ________________ on ________________”
  3. “Is there a bank near here?” “Yes, ________________ on ________________”
  4. “Is there a restaurant near here?” “Yes, ________________ on ________________”
  5. “Is there a church near here?” “Yes, ________________ on ________________”
  6. “Is there a museum near here?” “Yes, ________________ on ________________”
  7. “Is there a park near here?” “Yes, ________________ at the end of ________________”
  73.2 Choose the correct form, with or without the.  
Example: When we were in Washington, D.C., we visited National Gallery/ the National Gallery.
  1. The President lives in White House/the White House.
  2. One of the nicest buildings in Washington is Surpreme Court Building/the Supreme Court Building, which is very close to Capitol Building/the Capitol Building.
  3. Frank is a student at Georgetown University/the Georgetown University.
  4. If you want to buy some new clothes, the store I would recommend is Jack’s/the Jack’s.
  5. We flew from Washington to O’Hare Airport/the O’Hare Airport in Chicago.
  6. Smithsonian/The Smithsonian is an important museum in Washington.
  7. A favorite restaurant is Luigi’s/ the Luigi’s.
  8. Have you ever visited Lincoln Memorial/the Lincoln Memorial?
  9. “Which hotel are you staying at?” “At Sheraton/the Sheraton.”
  10. Did you see the movie at Quad/the Quad (movie theater)?
  11. In my opinion, the best stores in Toronto are on Yonge Street/ the Yonge Street.
  12. Yesterday I opened a checking account at Barclay’s Bank/ the Barclay’s Bank.


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 楼主| 发表于 12-9-2009 09:09:21 | 只看该作者
my answer

UNIT 73 Exercises
  73.1 Use the map to answer the questions in the way shown. Write the name of the place and the street it is on. On maps we don’t normally use the; in your sentences, use the if necessary.
   Example: “I there a movie theater near here?” “Yes, the Palace on Washington.”
  1. “Is there a supermarket near here?” “Yes, ______the supermarket__________ on ___green road__________”
  2. “Is there a hotel near here?” “Yes, ____________the hotel____ on ____green road____________”
  3. “Is there a bank near here?” “Yes, __________bank______ on _____green road___________”
  4. “Is there a restaurant near here?” “Yes, __________the restaurant____ on ____green road___________”
  5. “Is there a church near here?” “Yes, _________the church_______ on _______green road__”
  6. “Is there a museum near here?” “Yes, ________________ on ________________”
  7. “Is there a park near here?” “Yes, _____________Park___ at the end of ____green road____________”
  73.2 Choose the correct form, with or without the.  
Example: When we were in Washington, D.C., we visited National Gallery/ the National Gallery.
  1. The President lives in White House/the White House.
  2. One of the nicest buildings in Washington is Surpreme Court Building/the Supreme Court Building, which is very close to Capitol Building/the Capitol Building.
  3. Frank is a student at Georgetown University/the Georgetown University.
  4. If you want to buy some new clothes, the store I would recommend is [u]Jack’s/the Jack’s.
  5. We flew from Washington to O’Hare Airport/the O’Hare Airport in Chicago.
  6. Smithsonian/The Smithsonian is an important museum in Washington.
  7. A favorite restaurant is Luigi’s/ the Luigi’s.
  8. Have you ever visited Lincoln Memorial/the Lincoln Memorial?  
9. “Which hotel are you staying at?” “At Sheraton/the Sheraton.”
  10. Did you see the movie at Quad/the Quad (movie theater)?
  11. In my opinion, the best stores in Toronto are on Yonge Street/ the Yonge Street.
  12. Yesterday I opened a checking account at Barclay’s Bank/ the Barclay’s Bank.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-9-2009 09:19:51 | 只看该作者
UNIT 74 Singular or plural? 
 a. We use some only in the plural. For example: ]
Slacks (trousers expecially not formal ones )/pants jeans shorts pajamas scissors glasses
  You can also use a pair of … with these words:
   I need some new slacks. or I need a new pair of slacks.
  b. We do not often use the plural of person (“persons”). Instead we use people:
   He is a nice person. They are nice people. (not nice persons)
  c. These nouns end in –s but they are not usually plural:
   mathematics physics economics athletics gymnastics news
   Gymnastics is my favorite sport.
   What time is the news on television? (See also Unit 65d.)
  These words end in –s and can be singular or plural:  
    Means a means of transportation many means of transportation
  Series a television series two television series
  Species a species of bird 200 species of bird
  d. We always use a plural verb with the police: 
  The police have arrested Tom.
   Are the police paid well?
  e. Sometimes we use a plural noun with a singular verb. We do this when we talk about a sum of money, a period of time, a distance, etc.:
   Five thousand dollars (= it) was stolen in the robbery. (not were stolen)
   Three years (= it) is a long time to be without a job. (not are)
  f. We say “a vacation of three weeks” but “a three- week vacation”:  
I have a three – week vacation in July. (not a three- weeks vacation)
   here three – week is used as an adjective before “vacation.” When we use “three - weeks” as an adjective, it loses the s. So we say:
   a ten-dollar bill (not dollars) two 14-year-old girls
   a four-week English course a six- hour journey
   You can also say “I have three weeks’ vacation.” See Unit 75d

UNIT 74 Exercises  
74.1 Complete the sentences with words from sections a, b, and c. Sometimes you need a or some.  
Examples: She can’t see very well. She needs glasses.
   This plant is a very rare species.
  1. Soccer players don’t wear long pants when they play. They wear ________________
  2. The bicycle is ________________ of transportation.
  3. The bicycle and the car are ________________ of transportation.
  4. I want to cut this piece of material. I need ________________
  5. Ann is going to write ________________ of articles for her local newspaper.
  6. There are a lot of American television ________________ on television throughout the world.
  7. While we were out walking, we saw 25 different ________________ of bird.
  8. We need at least four ________________ to play this game.
  74.2 Choose the correct form, singular or plural. Sometimes either singular or plural is possible.  
   Example: Gymnastics is/ are my favorite sport. (“is” is correct)
  1. The pants you bought for me doesn’t/don’t fit me.
  2. Physics was/were my best subject at school.
  3. Fortunately the news wasn’t/weren’t as bad as we had expected.
  4. The police wants/want to interview Fred about a robbery.
  5. Three days isn’t/aren’t long enough for a good vacation.
  6. “Have you seen my sunglasses?” “Yes, it’s/they’re on the table.”
  7. Does/Do the police know about the stolen money?
  8. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn’t/aren’t sharp enough.
  9. I’m going to take a taxi. Six miles is/are too far for me to walk.
  74.3 Use the structure in section e.  
Examples: Our vacation lasted three weeks. It was at three-week vacation.
   The girls were 14 years old. They were 14-year-old girls.
  1. The woman was 27. She was a ________________________________
  2. The flight lasted three hours. It was a ________________________________
  3. The strike lasted four days. It was a ________________________________
  4. The book has 200 pages. It was a ________________________________
  5. The boys were ten years old. They were ________________________________
  6. The television series has ten parts. It is ________________________________
  7. The bottle holds two liters. It is ________________________________
  8. Each of the tickets cost ten dollar. They were ________________________________
  9. The building has ten stories (= floors). It is ________________________________
  10. This bag of potatoes weighs five pounds. It is ________________________________
  11. We walked for five miles. It was ________________________________
will post my answer later, welcome to discuss

[ 本帖最后由 smallmoon 于 12-9-2009 14:19 编辑 ]

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发表于 12-9-2009 12:07:14 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 14-9-2009 11:45:06 | 只看该作者
UNIT 74 Exercises  
74.1 Complete the sentences with words from sections a, b, and c. Sometimes you need a or some.  
Examples: She can’t see very well. She needs glasses.
   This plant is a very rare species.
  1. Soccer players don’t wear long pants when they play. They wear _____slacks___________
  2. The bicycle is _____a kind___________ of transportation.
  3. The bicycle and the car are ___kind_____________ of transportation.
  4. I want to cut this piece of material. I need _a knive_______________
  5. Ann is going to write ________________ of articles for her local newspaper.
  6. There are a lot of American television ___________broadcast _____ on television throughout the world.
  7. While we were out walking, we saw 25 different ________kinds________ of bird.
  8. We need at least four ___hours_____________ to play this game.
  74.2 Choose the correct form, singular or plural. Sometimes either singular or plural is possible.  
   Example: Gymnastics is/ are my favorite sport. (“is” is correct)
  1. The pants you bought for me doesn’t/ fit me.
  2. Physics was/my best subject at school.
  3. Fortunately the news wasn’t/weren’t as bad as we had expected.
  4. The police wants/want to interview Fred about a robbery.
  5. Three days isn’t/ long enough for a good vacation.
  6. “Have you seen my sunglasses?” “Yes, it’s/on the table.”
  7. Does/Do the police know about the stolen money?
  8. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn’t/sharp enough.
  9. I’m going to take a taxi. Six miles is/too far for me to walk.
  74.3 Use the structure in section e.  
Examples: Our vacation lasted three weeks. It was at three-week vacation.
   The girls were 14 years old. They were 14-year-old girls.
  1. The woman was 27. She was a _27-year-old woman_______________________________
  2. The flight lasted three hours. It was a ___________three-hour  flight_____________________
  3. The strike lasted four days. It was a ___________four-day strike__________________
  4. The book has 200 pages. It was a _______________200- page book_________________
  5. The boys were ten years old. They were _____________ten-year- old boy___________
  6. The television series has ten parts. It is ____ten-part television____________________________
  7. The bottle holds two liters. It is _____two-liter bottle___________________________
  8. Each of the tickets cost ten dollar. They were _____________ten-dollar  ticket___________________
  9. The building has ten stories (= floors). It is _________ten-story building_______________________
  10. This bag of potatoes weighs five pounds. It is ___________five- page potatoes__________________
  11. We walked for five miles. It was ______________five-mile walk________

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 楼主| 发表于 14-9-2009 14:29:20 | 只看该作者
UNIT 75 …’s (apostrophe s) and …of… 
 a. We normally use ’s when the first noun is a person or an animal:
   the manager’s office (not the office of the manager)
   Mr. Evans’s daughter the horse’s tail a police officer’s hat
   Otherwise (with things) we normally use …of…
   the door of the room (not the room’s door)
   the beginning of the story (not the story’s beginning)
   Sometimes you can use ’s when the first noun is a thing. For example, you can say:
   the book’s title or the title of the book
   But it is safer and more usual to use …of… (but see also section b).
  b. You can usually use ’s when the first noun is an organization (= a group of people). So you can say:
   the government’s decision or the decision of the government
   the company’s success or the success of the company
   It’s also possible to use ’s with places. So you can say:
   the city’s new theater the world’s population
   France’s system of government Italy’s largest city
  c. After a singular noun we use ’s. After a plural noun (which ends in -s) we use only an apostrophe (’): 
    my sister’s room (one sister) Mr. Carter’s house
   my sisters’ room (more than one sister) the Carters’ house (Mr. and Mrs. Carter)
  If a plural noun does not end in –s, we use ’s:
   a children’s book
  Note that you can use ’s after more than one noun:  
   Jack and Jill’s wedding Mr. and Mrs. Carter’s house
  But we would not use ’s after more than one noun:
   I met the wife of the man who lent us the money. (“the man who lent us the money” is too long to be followed by ’s)
  Note that you can use ’s without a following noun:
   Tom’s apartment is much larger than Ann’s. (Ann’s apartment)
  d. You can also use ’s with time words (tomorrow, etc.):  
     Tomorrow’s meeting has been canceled.
   Do you still have last Saturday’s newspaper?
   You can also say: yesterday’s... today’s… this evening’s… next week’s… Monday’s… etc.
   We can also use ’s (or only an apostrophe (’) with plurals) with periods of time:
   I have a week’s vacation.
   I have three weeks’ vacation.
   I need eight hours’ sleep a night.
   My house is very near here – only about five minutes’ walk.
   Compare this structure with “a three-week vacation” (Unit 74e).
UNIT 75 Exercises  
75.1 Join two nouns. Sometimes you have to use an apostrophe (’), with or without s. Sometimes you have to use …of…
   Examples: the door/the room the door of the room the mother/Ann Ann’s mother
  1. the camera/Tom ________________
  2. the eyes/the cat ________________
  3. the top/the page ________________
  4. the daughter/Charles _______________
  5. the newspaper/today ________________
  6. the toys/the children ________________
  7. the name/your wife ________________
  8. the name/this street ________________
  9. the name/the man I saw you with yesterday ________________________________
  10. the new manager/the company ________________________________
  11. the result/the football game ________________________________
  12. the car/Mike’s parents ________________________________
  13. the birthday/my father ________________________________
  14. the new principal/the school ________________________________
  15. the garden/our neighbors ________________________________
  16. the ground floor/the building ________________________________
  17. the children/Don and Mary ________________________________
  18. the economic policy/the government ________________________________
  19. the husband/the woman talking to Tom ________________________________
  20. the house/my aunt and uncle ________________________________
  75.2 Read each sentence and write a new sentence using ’s with the underlined words.
   Example: The meeting tomorrow has been canceled. Tomorrow’s meeting has been canceled.
  1. The storm last week caused a lot of damage.
  Last ________________________________
  2. The only movie theater in the town has been closed down.
  The t________________________________
  3. Exports from Canada to the United States have fallen recently.
  C ________________________________
  4. There will be a big crowd at the football game this evening.
  There will be a big crowd at this ________________________________
  5. Tourism is the main industry in the region.
  The r________________________________
  75.3 Use the information given to complete the sentences.
   Example: If I leave my house at 9:00 and drive to Houston, I arrive at about 12:00.
   So it’s about three hours’ drive to Houston from my house.
  1. I’m going on vacation on the 12th. I have to be back at work on the 26th.
  So I have ________________ vacation.
  2. I went to sleep at 3:00 this morning and woke up an hour later at 4:00.
  So I only had ________________ sleep.
  3. If I leave my house at 8:50 and walk to work, I get to work at 9:00.
  So it’s only ________________ walk from my house to work

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 楼主| 发表于 15-9-2009 18:11:32 | 只看该作者
UNIT 76 Reflexive pronouns (myself/yourself, etc.), by myself 
 a. the reflexive pronouns are: 
 singular: myself yourself (one person) himself/herself/itself/
  plural: ourselves yourselves (more than one person) themselves
  We use a reflexive pronoun when the subject and object are the same:
  Tom cut himself while he was shaving. (not Tom cut him)
   The old lady sat in a corner talking to herself.
   Don’t get angry. Control yourself! (said to one person)
   If you want more to eat, help yourselves. (said to more than one person)
   The party was great. We enjoyed ourselves very much.
  But we do not use “myself,” etc., after bring/take something with…:  
I went out and took an umbrella with me. (not with myself)
  b. We do not use “myself,” etc., after feel/relax/concentrate:3  
    I feel great after going for a swim. (not I feel myself great)
   Why don’t you try and concentrate?
   It’s good to relax.
   We do not normally use “myself,” etc., after wash/dress/shave:
   I got up, shaved, washed, and dressed. (not shaved myself, etc.)
   But we say: I dried myself.

   Note how we use meet:
   What time shall we meet? (not meet ourselves/meet us)
  c. Study the difference between –selves and each other:  
    Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves.
   (= Tom and Ann looked at Tom and Ann)
   but: Tom looked at Ann and Ann looked at Tom. They looked at each other.
   You can use one another instead of each other:
   Sue and Ann don’t like each other (or one another).
  d. We also use myself, etc., in another way. For example:
   “Who fixed your bicycle for you?” “Nobody. I fixed it myself.”
   I fixed it myself = I fixed it, not anybody else. We use myself here to emphasize I. Here are some more examples:
   I’m not going to do it for you. You can do it yourself.
   Let’s paint the house ourselves. It will be much cheaper.
   The movie itself wasn’t very good, but I liked the music.

   I don’t think Tom will get the job. Tom himself doesn’t think he’ll get it. (or Tom doesn’t think he’ll get it himself.)
  e. By myself/yourself, etc. = alone. We say:  
     I like living by myself.
   Did you go on vacation by yourself?
   Jack was sitting by himself in a corner of the café

UNIT 76 Exercises 
 76.1 Complete these sentences using myself/yourself, etc., with these verbs: 
  kick teach cut lock take care of burn talk to blame
   Example: Tom cut himself while he was shaving this morning.
  1. Be careful! That pan is very hot. Don’t ________________________________
  2. They couldn’t get back into the house. They had ________________ out.
  3. It isn’t her fault. She really shouldn’t ________________________________
  4. What a stupid fool I am! I could ________________________________
  5. I’m trying to ________________ Spanish but I’m not making much progress.
  6. He spends most of his time alone, so it’s not surprising that he ________________
  7. Don’t worry about us. We can ________________________________
  76.2 Complete these sentences with these verbs. This time, use myself, etc., only where necessary:
   dry concentrate feel enjoy relax wash shave meet
   Example: Tom is growing a beard because he doesn’t like shaving.
  1. I really ________________ good today – much better than yesterday.
  2. She climbed out of the pool, picked up a towel, and ________________
  3. I tried to study but I just couldn’t _______________________________
  4. Jack and I first ________________ at a party five years ago.
  5. You’re always rushing around. Why don’t you ________________ more?
  6. It was a great vacation. We really ________________ very much.
  7. I overslept this morning. I didn’t have time to ________________ or have breakfast.
  76.3 Write –selves or each other.
   Examples: Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves.
   How long have Tom and Ann known each other?
  1. At Christmas friends often give ________________ present.
  2. Did the children enjoy ________________ when they were on vacation?
  3. They had an argument last week. They are still not speaking to ________________
  4. Some people are very selfish. They only think of ________________
  5. Sue and I don’t see ________________ very often these days.
  76.4 Answer these question using myself/yourself, etc., or by myself/yourself, etc.
   Examples: “Who repaired the bicycle for you?” “Nobody. I repaired it myself.”
   I like living by myself.
   1. “Who cut your hair for you?” “Nobody. I cut ________________________________”
   2. “Who did you go to the movies with?” “No one. I went ________________”
   3. “Who told you Linda was getting married?” “Linda ________________”
   4. “Does Mr. Thomas have a secretary to type his letters?” “No, he ________________”
   5. “Does she like working with other people?” “Not really. She prefers to work ________________”
   6. “Do you want me to mail that letter for you?” “No, I’ll ________________”
   7. “Can you clean the windows for me?” “Why don’t you ________________?”

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 楼主| 发表于 16-9-2009 15:49:23 | 只看该作者
UNIT 77 “A friend of mine,” “my own house” 
 a. A friend of mine/a friend of Tom’s  
    We say “a friend of mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs.” (not a friend of me/you/him, etc.)
   A friend of mine is coming to stay with me next week. (not a friend of me)
   We went on vacation with some friends of ours. (not some friends of us)
   Tom had an argument with neighbor of his.
   It was a good suggestion of yours to go swimming this afternoon.
  We also say “a friend of Tom’s,” “a friend of my brother’s,” etc.:
   That man over there is a friend of my brother’s.
   It was a good idea of Tom’s to go swimming.
before own:
  b. My own…/your own…etc. 
 You cannot say “an own …” (“an own house,” “an own car,” etc.)
  You must use my/your/his/her/its/our/their    my own house your own car her own room
  My own… = something that is only mine, not shared or borrowed:
   The Browns live in an apartment, but they’d like to have their own house. (not an own house)
   I don’t want to share with anyone. I want to my own room.
   Unfortunately the apartment doesn’t have its own entrance.
   It’s my own fault that I don’t have any money. I spend it too quickly.
   Why do you want to borrow my car? Why can’t you use your own (car)?
  You can also use… own… to say that you do something yourself instead of somebody else doing it for you. For example:
   Do you grow you own vegetables? (= do you grow them yourself in your garden instead of buying them?)
   Ann always cuts her own hair. (= she cuts it herself; she doesn’t go to the hairdresser)
UNIT 77 Exercises 
 77.1 Write new sentences using the structure in section a (a friend of mine, etc.).
   Example: I am writing to one of my friends. I’m writing to a friend of mine.
  1. We met one of your relatives. We met a ______________________________
  2. Henry borrowed one of my books. Henry ______________________________
  3. Tom invited some of his friends to his apartment. Tom ______________________________
  4. We had dinner with one of our neighbors. ______________________________
  5. Ann is in love with one of her colleagues. ______________________________
  6. They went on vacation with two of their friends. ______________________________
  7. I just saw one of your teachers. ______________________________
  8. We’re spending the weekend with one of our friends. ______________________________
  9. We met one of Jane’s friends. We met ______________________________
  77.2 Make sentences from the words in parentheses (…) Each time use my own/your own, etc.
   Example: I don’t want to share a room. (want/have/room) I want to have my own room.
  1. I don’t watch television with the rest of the family. (have/television/in my bedroom) I have ______________________________
  2. Jack and Bill are fed up with working for other people. (want/start/business) They ______________________________
  3. Henry is extremely rich. (have/private jet) He ______________________________
  4. The Isle of Man is an island off the coast of Britain. It is not completely independent but it (have/parliament and laws) ______________________________
  5. At the moment we’re living in an apartment, but we’re saving our money. (want/buy/house) We ______________________________
  6. You can give her advice, but she won’t listen. (have/ideas) She __________________________
  7. He’s worked for the company for 10 years, but ______________________________ (not/have/office) He shares one with a colleague.
  77.3 Now complete these sentences using my own/your own, etc.  
Examples: Why do you want to borrow my car? Why can’t you use your own car?
   Ann never goes to the hairdresser. She cuts her own hair.
  1. Don’t blame me. It’s not my fault. It’s ______________________________?
  2. He’s always smoking my cigarettes. Why doesn’t he buy ______________________________?
  3. Why do you want my pen? Can’t you use ______________________________?
  4. I don’t often buy clothes. I usually make ______________________________?
  5. Nobody cooks Don’s meals for him. He has to cook ______________________________
  6. She doesn’t buy ready-made cigarettes. She rolls ______________________________
  7. She doesn’t need to borrow money from me. She has

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 楼主| 发表于 17-9-2009 18:12:17 | 只看该作者
UNIT 78 All/ all of, no/none of, most/most of, etc.  
a. all no/none some any much/many most little/few each half  
You can use these words (except none and half) with a noun:
   All cars have wheels.
   I have no money.
   Some people are very unfriendly.
   Did you put any salt in the soup?
   Hurry! We have very little time.
   Study each sentences carefully.
   Be careful with most:
   Most tourists do not visit part of the town. (not most of tourists, not the most tourists)
   George is much richer than most people.
  b. You can also use these words (except no) alone, without a noun:
   “I need some money. Do you have any?” “Yes, but not much.”
   “How many cigarettes do you have?” “None.”
   Most people like Tom, but some don’t.
   We usually say each one instead of each alone:
   There were three boxes on the table. Each one was a different color.
  For all see Unit 83a.
  c. You can also use these words (except no) with of… So you can say some of the people, all of these cars, none of my money, etc.
  When you use these words with of, you need the/this/that/these/those/my/your/his, etc You cannot say “some of people,” “all of cars.” You must say. “some of the people,” “all of these cars.” You must say: “some of the people,” “all of these cars,” etc.:
   Some of the people at the party were very friendly.
   Most of my friends live in Montreal.
   None of this money is mine.
   Each of the rooms in the hotel has its own bathroom.
   I haven’t read many of these books.
  With all and half we usually leave out of:  
all my friends (= all of my friends)
   half the money (= half of the money) (not the half)
  d. After all of/none of, etc., you can also use it/us/you/them: 
  “How many of these people do you know?” “None of them.”
   Do any of you want to come to a party tonight?
   “Do you like this music?” “Some of it. Not all of it.”
   You must say “all of” and “half of” before it/us/you/them:
   all of us (not “all us”) half of them (not “half/them”)
  For not and none see Unit 81b.
  For more information about the words in this unit see Units 79-83.
UNIT 78 Exercises
  78.1 Read each situation and then make a sentence from the words in parentheses (…).
   Example: I need someone who can speak Spanish. (any/your friends/speak Spanish?)
   Do any of your friends speak Spanish?
  1. We went out and it started to rain. We all got wet because (none/us/have/an umbrella) none______________________________
  2. When they got married, they kept it a complete secret. (they/not/tell/any/their/friends) They ______________________________
  3. I don’t want all this lemonade.(柠檬水) (you/want/some/it?) Do ______________________________
  4. This is a very old town. (many/the buildings/over 800 years old) _________________________
  5. Jim won a lot of money last year. (he/spend/half/it on a new car) _________________________
  6. A lot of people were interested in the job. (the manager/interview/each/the people who applied) ______________________________
  7. Not many people live in the north of the country. (most/the people/live/the south) ______________________________
  8. The club is mainly for younger people. (few/the members/over25) ______________________________
  9. When the mail arrived, she looked through it hopefully, but (none/the letters/for her) ______________________________
  78.2 Complete these sentences with most or most of.
   Example: Most tourists do not visit this part of the town.
  1. I spend ___________ my spare time gardening.
  2. The public transportation system is bad, but ___________ people have a car.
  3. __________ days I get up early.
  4. We had a relaxing vacation ___________ the time we lay on the beach.
  5. The church is very old ___________ it was built in the 12th century.
  6. I bet ___________ you are tired after your long trip.
  78.3 Answer these questions using the word(s) in parentheses.
   Example: Do you like this music? (some) Some of it.
  1. Did you watch the movie? (most) ______________________________
  2. Did you take these photographs? (some) ______________________________
  3. Have you read these books? (a few) ______________________________
  4. Are those people Canadian? (most) ______________________________
  5. How much of this luggage is yours? (all) ______________________________
  6. How many of these people do you know? (not many) ______________________________
  7. Does this furniture belong to you? (some) ______________________________
  8. Have you spent all the money I gave you? (not all) ______________________________
  9. How much of this money is yours? (half) ______________________________

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 18-9-2009 10:20:55 | 只看该作者
UNIT 79 Both/both of, neither/neither of, either/either of  
a. We use both, neither, and either when we are talking about two things. You can use these words with a noun:
   Both restaurants are very good. (not the both restaurants)
   Neither restaurant is expensive.
   We can go to either restaurant. I don’t care. (either = one or the other; it doesn’t matter which one)
   I didn’t like either restaurant. (not the one or the other)
  b. You can also use both/neither/either/ with of… When you use these words with of, you always need the/these/those/my/your/his, etc. You cannot say, “both of restaurants.” You have to say “both of the restaurants,” “both of these restaurants,” etc.: 
    Both of these restaurants are very good.
   Neither of the restaurant we went to was (or were) expensive.
   We can go to either of those restaurants. I don’t mind.
   With both you can leave out of. So you can say:
   both my parents or both of my parents
  c. After both of/neither of/either of you can also use us/you/them:
   Can either of you speak Spanish?
   I wanted Tom and Ann to come, but neither of them wanted to.
   You must say: “both of” before us/you/them:
   Both of us were very tired. (not Both us…)
  d. After neither of… you can use a singular or a plural verb:
   Neither or the children wants (or want) to go to bed.
   Neither of us is (or are) married.
  e. You can say both… and…, neither…nor…, and either…or… Study these examples:
   Both Tom and Ann were late.
   They were both tired and hungry.
   Neither Tom nor Ann came to the party.
   He said he would contact me, but he neither wrote nor called.
   I’m not sure where he is from. He’s either Spanish or Italian.
   Either you apologize, or I’ll never speak to you again.
  f. You can also use both/neither/either alone:
   “Is he British or American?”
   “Do you want tea or coffee?”
   “Neither. He’s Australian.”
   “Either. It doesn’t matter.”
   I couldn’t decide which one to choose. I liked both.
   For I don’t either and neither do I see Unit 49c.

UNIT 79 Exercises  
79.1 Complete these sentences with both/neither/either. Sometimes you need of.
   Examples: There are two windows in my room. It was very warm so I had both of them open.
   “Do you want tea or coffee?” “Either. It doesn’t matter.”
  1. After the accident ___________ cars stooped. ___________ drivers got out and started shouting at each other. ___________ them were very angry.
  2. It wasn’t a very good soccer game. ___________ team played well.
  3. A: Which of the two movies did you prefer? The first one or the second one?
  B: Actually, I didn’t like ___________ them.
  4. There are two ways to get downtown. You can take the local streets, or you can take the highway. You can go ___________ way.
  5. ___________ these sweaters are very nice. I don’t know which one to buy.
  6. ___________ my parents are American. My father is Polish and mother is Italian.
  7. “Do you care which sandwich I take?” “No, take ___________”
  8. “Is today the 18th or the 19th?” “___________ It’s the 20th.”
  9. Tom and I hadn’t eaten for a long time, so ___________ us were very hungry.
  10. When the boat started to sink, we were really frightened because ___________ us could swim.
  11. A: Did you go to Florida or Puerto Rico for your vacation?
  B: We went to ___________ : a week in Florida and a week in Puerto Rico.
  79.2 Make sentences with both…and…, neither…nor…, and either…or…
   Examples: Tom was late. So was Ann. Both Tom and Ann were late.
   He didn’t write. He didn’t telephone. He neither wrote nor telephoned.
  1. The hotel wasn’t clean. And it wasn’t comfortable.
  The hotel was neither _________________________________
  2. It was a very boring movie. It was very long too.
  The movie was _________________________________
  3. Is that man’s Richard? Or is Robert? It’s one of the two.
  That man’s name _________________________________
  4. I don’t have the time to take a vacation. And I don’t have the money.
  I have _________________________________
  5. We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow – whichever you prefer.
  We _________________________________
  6. He gave up his job because he needed a change. Also because the pay was low.
  He gave up his job both _________________________________
  7. Laura doesn’t smoke. And she doesn’t eat meat.
  8. The front of the house needs painting. The back needs painting too.

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 楼主| 发表于 19-9-2009 23:56:00 | 只看该作者
UNIT 80 Some and any Some/any + -one/-body/-thing/-where 
 a. In general we use some in positive sentences and any in negative sentences (but see also section b and d):
   Ann has bought some new shoes.
   I’ve got something in my eye.
  They don’t have any children.
  He’s lazy. He never does any work.
   We use any in following sentences because the meaning is negative:
   He left home without any money. (He didn’t have any money.)
   She refused say anything. (She didn’t say anything.)
  b. We often use any/anything, etc., after if: 
  If any letters arrive for me, can you send them to this address?
   If anyone has any questions, I’ll be glad to answer them.
   If you need anything, just ask.
   Buy some pears if you see any.
   The following sentences are without if, but they have the idea of if:
   Anyone who wants to take the exam must give me their names before Friday. (= if there is anyone who…)
   I’ll send on any letters that arrive for you. (if there are any)
  c. In question we usually use any (not some):
   Do you have any money? Has anybody seen Tom?
   But we often use some in questions when we expect the answer “yes”:
   What’s wrong with your eye? Have you got something in it? (= I think you have something in your eyes, and I expect you to say “yes”)
   We use some in questions, especially when we offer or ask for things:
   Would you like some tea? Can I have some of those apples?
  d. Any also has another meaning. Any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere can mean it doesn’t matter which/who/what/where: 
  You can catch any of these buses. They all go downtown. (= it doesn’t matter which of these buses)
   Come and see me any time you want. (= it doesn’t matter when)
   You can have anything you want for your birthday present.
   We left the door unlocked. Anybody could have come in.
   I’d rather go anywhere than stay at home during my vacation.
   “Sing a song.” “Which song shall I sing?” “Any song. I don’t care.”
  e. Someone/somebody/anyone/anybody are singular words:  
    Someone wants to see you.
   Is anybody there?
   But we often use they/them/their after these words:
   If anyone wants to leave early, they can. (= he or she can)
   Somebody has spilled their (= his or her) coffee on the carpet.
   For some of/any of see Unit 78. For not…any see Unit 81.
UNIT 80 Exercises
  80.1 Complete these sentences with some/any/someone/anyone/somebody/anybody/something/anything/somewhere/anywhere.
   Examples: Ann bought some new shoes.
   The boy refused to tell us anything.
  1. Does ____________ mind if I smoke?
  2. Would you like ____________ to eat?
  3. Do you live ____________ near Jim?
  4. The prisoners refused to eat ____________
  5. There’s ____________ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
  6. We slept in the park because we didn’t have ____________ money for a ____________ we could stay with, and we didn’t have ____________ money for a hotel.
  7. Can I have ____________ milk in my coffee, please?
  8. Sue is very secretive. She never tells ____________ (two words).
  9. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost ____________?
  10. You can cash these travelers checks at ____________ bank.
  11. I haven’t read ____________ of these books, but Tom has read ____________ of them.
  12. He left the house without saying ____________ to ____________
  13. Would you like ____________ more coffee?
  14. The film is really great. You can ask ____________ who has seen it.
  15. This is a No Parking area ____________ who parks here will have to pay a fine.
  16. Can you give me ____________ information about places to see in the town?
  17. With this special tourist bus ticket you can go ____________ you like on ____________ bus you like.
  80.2 Write sentences with if.
   Example: Perhaps someone will need help. If so , they can ask me.
   If anyone needs help, they can ask me.
  1. Perhaps someone will ring the doorbell. If so , don’t let them in.
  If ________________________________________________
  2. Perhaps someone will ask you some questions. If so, don’t tell them anything.
  If ________________________________________________
  3. Perhaps someone saw the accident. If so, they should contact the police.
  If ________________________________________________
  80.3 Complete these sentences. Use any/anyone/anybody/anything /anywhere.
   Example: I don’t care what you tell him. You can tell him anything you like.
  1. I don’t care what you wear to the party. You can wear ________________________
  2. I don’t care where you sit. You can ________________________
  3. It doesn’t matter which day you come. You ________________________
  4. I don’t care who you talk to. You ____________________________________
  5. It doesn’t matter which flight you travel on. You ________________________
  6. I don’t care who you marry. ____________________________________
  7. It doesn’t matter what time you call ____________________________________

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 20-9-2009 14:48:51 | 只看该作者
UNIT 81 No/none/any No/any + one/-body /- thing/ - where 
 a. No none no one nobody nothing nowhere 
  We use these negative words especially at the beginning of a sentence or alone:
   No one (or Nobody) came to visit me when I was in the hospital.
   No system of government is perfect.
   “Where are you going?” “Nowhere. I’m staying here.”
   None of these books are mine.
   “What did you do?” “Nothing.”
   You can also use these words in the middle or at the end of a sentence. But don’t use “not” with these words. They are already negative:
   I saw nothing. (not I didn’t see nothing.)
   In the middle or at the end of a sentence, we more often use: not…any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere:
   I didn’t see anything. (= I saw nothing)
   We don’t have any money. (= We have no money.)
   The station isn’t anywhere near here. (= …is nowhere near here)
   She didn’t tell anyone about her plans. (= She told no one)
   Where there is another negative word, you don’t need “not”:
   Nobody tell me anything. (= people don’t tell me anything.)
  b. No and none   We use no with a noun. No = not a or not any:
   We had to walk because there was no bus. (= there wasn’t a bus)
   I can’t talk to you now. I have no time. (= I don’t have any time)
   There were no stores open. (= There weren’t any stores open.)
   We use none alone (without a noun):
   “How much money do you have?” “None.”
   Or we use none of:
   none of these shops none of my money none of it/us/you/them
   After none of + a plural word (“none of the girls/none of them,” etc.), you can use a singular or a plural verb. A plural verb is more usual, especially in spoken English:  
   None of the people I met were English.
  c. After no one/nobody we often say they/them/their:
   Nobody called, did they? (= did he or she)
   No one in the class did their homework. (= his or her homework)
  d. You can use any/no with comparative (any better/no bigger, etc.):
   Do you feel any better today? (= Do you feel better at all? – said to someone who felt sick yesterday)
   We’ve waited long enough. I’m not waiting any longer. (= not even a minute longer)
   I expected your house to be very big, but it’s no bigger than mine.(= not even a little bigger)
   For any see also Unit 80.
UNIT 81 Exercises
  81.1 Answer these questions with none (of)/no one/nobody/nothing/nowhere.
   Example: What did you do? Nothing
  1. Where are you going? ___________
  2. How many children does he have? ______
  3. What did you tell them? ___________
  4. Who are you talking to? ___________
  5. How much of this money is yours? ___________
  Now write answers to these questions with any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere.
  Example: “What did you do?” “I didn’t do anything.”
  6. “Where are you going?” “I ______________________”
  7. “How many children do they have?” “They ______________________”
  8. “Who did you dance with?” “I ______________________”
  9. “What did they give you?” “______________________”
  81.2 Complete these sentences with no/none/no one/nobody/nothing/nowhere/any/anyone/anybody/anything/anywhere.
   Examples: There were no stores open. I don’t want anything to eat.
  1. The bus was completely empty. There wasn’t ____________ on it.
  2. “Where did you go for you vacation?” “__________ I stayed home.”
  3. I couldn’t make an omelette because I had __________ eggs.
  4. I didn’t say __________. Not a word.
  5. The accident looked serious, but fortunately __________ was injured.
  6. The town was still the same when I returned years later __________ had changed.
  7. We took a few photographs, but __________ of them were very good.
  8. I can’t find my watch __________ I’ve looked all over the house.
  9. “What did you have for breakfast?” “__________ I don’t usually have __________ for breakfast.”
  10. We canceled the party because __________ of the people we invited could come.
  11. __________ intelligent person could do such a stupid thing.
  12. There was complete silence in the room __________ said __________.
  13. “How many movie theaters are there in this town?” “__________ The last one closed six months ago.”
  14. The four of us wanted to go to a restaurant, but we couldn’t because __________ of us had __________ money.
  81.3 Make sentences with any/no + a comparative.
   Example: I hear you weren’t feeling well yesterday. Do you feel any better today?
  1. I’m going as fast as I can. I can’t go ____________________
  2. What makes you think Harry is old? He is ____________________ than you.
  3. I’m sorry I’m late, but I couldn’t come ____________________
  4. This restaurant is a little expensive. Is the other one ____________________?
  5. I have to stop for a rest. I can’t walk ____________________

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 楼主| 发表于 21-9-2009 18:23:21 | 只看该作者
UNIT 82 Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty 
 a. Much many few little
   We use much and little with uncountable nouns:
   much time much luck little energy little money
   We use many and few with plural nouns:   many friends many people few cars few countries
  b. A lot of lots (of) plenty (of)
   We use a lot of/ lots of / plenty of with uncountable and plural nouns: 
  a lot of luck lots of time plenty of money
   a lot of people lots of books plenty of ideas
   Plenty = more than enough:
   “Have some more to eat.” “No, thank you. I’ve had plenty.”
   There’s no need to hurry. We have plenty of time.
  c. We use much and many mainly in negative sentences and questions:  
    We didn’t spend much money.
   Do you have many friends?
   In positive sentences it is usually better to use a lot (of). Much is not normally used in positive sentences:
   We spent a lot of money. (not we spent much money)
   There has been a lot of rain recently. (not much rain)
   But we use too much and so much in positive sentences:
   I can’t drink this tea. There’s too much sugar in it.
  d. Little/a little/few/a few
   Little and few (without a) are negative ideas:   Hurry up! There’s little time. (= not much, not enough time)
   He’s not popular. He has few friends. (= not many, not enough friends)
   We often use very before little and few (very little and very few):
   There’s very little time.
   He has very few friends.
   “A little” and “a few” are more positive ideas. A little/ a few = some, a small amount, or a small number:
   Let’s go and have a cup of coffee. We have a little time before the train leaves. (= some time, enough time to have a drink)
   “Do you have any money?” “Yes, a little. Do you want to borrow some?”
   I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we get together. (a few friends = not many but enough to have a good time)
   “When did you last see Tom?” “A few days ago.” (= some days ago)
   But “only a little” and “only a few” have a negative meaning:
   Hurry up! We only have a little time.
   The town was very small. There were only a few houses.

UNIT 82 Exercises 
 82.1 Complete these sentences with much, many, and a lot (of). Sometimes there are two possibilities.
   Examples: There weren’t many people at the party I had seen before.
   It cost me a lot of money to furnish this house.
  1. We’ll have to hurry. We don’t have ______________ time
  2. Tom drinks ______________ milk – two quarts a day.
  3. She is a very quiet person. She doesn’t say ______________.
  4. I drank ______________ coffee last night. Perhaps too ______________
  5. ______________ people do not milk flying.
  6. The woman was badly injured in the accident. She lost ______________ blood.
  7. It’s not a very lively town. There isn’t ______________ to do.
  8. This car is expensive to run. It uses ______________ gasoline.
  9. Don’t bother me. I have ______________work to do.
  10. He has son ______________ money, he doesn’t know what to do with it.
  11. She always puts ______________ salt on her food.
  12. We didn’t take ______________ pictures when we were on vacation.
  82.2 Make sentences with plenty (of). Use the word in parentheses (…). 
  Example: We needn’t hurry. (time) We have plenty of time.
  1. He has no financial problems. (money) He has ____________________________
  2. We don’t need to go to a gas station. (gas) We ____________________________
  3. Come and sit at our table. (room) There is ____________________________
  4. We can make omelettes for lunch. (eggs) We ____________________________
  5. We’ll easily find somewhere to stay. (hotels) There ____________________________
  6. I can’t believe you’re still hungry. (to eat) You’ve had ____________________________
  7. Why are you sitting there doing nothing? (things to do) You ____________________________
  82.3 Complete these sentences with little/a little/ few/a few.
   Examples: Hurry! We have little time.
   I last saw Tom a few days ago.
   1. We didn’t have any money, but Tom had ______________.
   2. He doesn’t speak much English. Only ______________ words.
   3. Jane’s father died ______________ years ago.
   4. “Would” you like some more coffee?” “Yes, please, but only ______________”
   5. This town isn’t very well known and there isn’t much to see, so ______________ tourists come here.
   6. I don’t think Jill would be a good teacher. She has ______________ patience with children.
   7. This is not the first time the car has broken down. It has happened ______________ times before.
   8. The theater was almost empty. There were very ______________ people there.
   9. There is a shortage of water because there has been very ______________ rain.

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 楼主| 发表于 23-9-2009 21:13:54 | 只看该作者
 UNIT 83 All, every, and whole
  a. All everyone everybody everything  
We do not normally use all to mean everyone/everybody:
   Everybody enjoyed the party. (not All enjoyed…)
   Ann knows everyone on her street. (not… all one her street)
   Sometimes you can use all to mean everything, but it is usually better to say everything.  
He thinks he knows everything. (not knows all)
   It was a terrible vacation. Everything went wrong. (not all went wrong)
   But you can use all in the expression all about:
   They told us all about their vacation.
   We also use all to mean the only thing(s):
   All I’ve eaten today is a sandwich. (= the only thing I’ve eaten)3
  b. We use a singular verb after every/everyone/everybody/everything: 
  Every seat in the theater was taken.
   Everybody looks tired today.
   Everything she said was true.
   But we often use they/them/their after everyone/everybody, especially in spoken English:  
    Has everyone got their tickets? (= his or her ticket)
   Everybody said they would come. (= he or she would come)
  c. All and whole 
   We use whole mainly with singular nouns:
   Have you read the whole book? (= all the book, not just a part of it)
   He was very quiet. He didn’t say a word the whole evening.
   She has spent her whole life in South America.
  We say the/my/her, etc., before whole. Compare:
   the whole book/all the book her whole life/all her life
  You can also say “a whole…”
   Jack ate a whole loaf of bread yesterday. (= a complete loaf)
  We do not normally use whole with uncountable nouns:
   all the money (not the whole money)
  d. Every/all/whole with time words 
 We use every to say how often something happens. So we say every day/every week/every Monday/every ten minutes/every three weeks, etc.:
   We go out every Friday night.
   The buses run every ten minutes.
   Ann goes to see her mother every three weeks.
  All day/the whole day = the complete day:
   We spent all day/the whole day on the beach.
   I’ve been trying to find you all morning/ the whole morning.
  Note that we say all day/ all week, etc. (not all the day/all the week)
  For all see also Units 78 and 102c.
  UNIT 83 Exercises  
83.1 Complete these sentences with all, everything, or everyone/everybody.  
Examples: Ann knows everyone (or everybody) on her street.
   All I’ve eaten today is a sandwich.
  1. Tom is very popular. ______________ likes him.
  2. ______________ was very kind to us. They did ______________ they could to help us.
  3. Jill doesn’t do any of the housework. Her husband does ______________.
  4. Margaret told me ______________ about her new job. It sounds very interesting.
  5. Can ______________ write their names on a piece of paper, please?
  6. I can’t lend you any money. ______________ I’ve got is a dollar, and I need that.
  7. I can’t stand him. He disagrees with ______________ I say.
  8. I didn’t spend much money shopping. ______________ I bought was a pair of gloves.
  9. Why are you always thinking about money? Money isn’t ______________
  10. He didn’t say where he was going. ______________ he said was that he was going away.
  11. ______________ has their faults. Nobody is perfect.
  83.2 Make sentences with the whole.  
Example: He read the book from beginning to end. He read the whole book.
  1. He opened a bottle of soda. When he finished drinking, there was no soda left in the bottle. He drank the ____________________________
  2. The police came to our house. They were looking for something. They searched everywhere, every room. They searched ____________________________
  3. She worked from early in the morning until late in the evening. ___________________________
  4. Everyone in Tim and Carol’s family plays tennis. Tim and Carol play, and so do all their children. The ____________________________ tennis.
  5. Jack and Jill went to the beach for a week. It rained from the beginning of the week to the end. It ____________________________
  6. It was a terrible fire. Nothing was left of the building afterward. ____________________________ destroyed in the fire.
  7. Everyone on the team played well. ____________________________
  Now make sentences for 3 and 5 again. This time use all instead of whole.
  8. (3) She __________________________________________
  9. (5 )It ____________________________
  83.3 Now say how often something happens. Use every with these periods of time:
   four years ten minutes four hours six months five minutes
   Example: There’s good bus service to the city center. The buses run every five minutes.
  1. Tom is sick in bed. He has some medicine. He has to take it ____________________________
  2. The Olympic Games take place ____________________________
  3. Everyone should have a checkup with the dentist ____________________________
  4. We live near a busy airport. A place flies over the house ____________________________ 

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 26-9-2009 15:00:03 | 只看该作者
UNIT 84 Relative clauses (1)- Clauses with who/that/which 
 a. Study this example:
  The man who lives next door is very friendly.
  A clause is a part of a sentence. A relative clause tells us which person or thing (or what kind of person or thing) the speaker means:
   The man who lives next door… (who lives next door tell us which man)
   People who live in Pairs… (who live in Pairs tell us what kind of people)
  We use who in a relative clause when we are talking about people. We use who instead of he/she/they:
   the man – he lives next door – is very friendly
   The man who lives next door is very friendly.
   we know a lot of people – they live in Boston.
   We know a lot of people who live in Boston.
   An architect is someone who designs buildings.
   What was the name of the man who lent you the money?
   The girl who was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
   Anyone who wants to take the exam must sign up before next Friday.
  It is also possible to use that instead of who:
   The man that lives next door is very friendly.
  But sometimes you must use who for people – see Unit 87.
  b. When we are talking about things, we use that (not who) in a relative clause.
   We use that instead of it/they:
   Where are the eggs? – they in the refrigerator
   Where are the eggs that were in the refrigerator?
   I don’t like stories that have unhappy endings.
   Jerry works for a company that makes typewriters.
   Everything that happened was my fault.
   The window that was broken has now been repaired
   You can also use which for things (but not people):
   Where are the eggs which were in the refrigerator?
   That is more usual than which in the sentences in this unit. But sometimes you must use which see Unit 87.
  c. Remember that we use who/that/which instead of he/she/they/it:  
   Do you know the man who lives next door? (not…who he lives…)
   Now study the next unit for more information about relative clauses.
UNIT 84 Exercises 
 84.1 Explain what these words mean. Choose the right meaning from the list and then write a sentence with who. Use a dictionary if necessary.
   He/she steals from a store he/she breaks into a house and steals things
   He/she doesn’t eat meat he/she fills prescriptions for medicine
   He/she designs buildings he/she buys something from a store
   1. (an architect) An architect is someone who designs buildings.
   2. (a burglar) A burglar is someone _______________________
   3. (a vegetarian) A vegetarian _______________________
   4. (a customer) ______________________________________________
   5. (a shoplifter) ______________________________________________
   6. (a pharmacist) ______________________________________________
  84.2 Read the two sentences and then write one sentence with the same meaning. Use a relative clause in your sentence.
   Example: A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in the hospital.
   The girl who was injured in the accident is now in the hospital.
   1. A man answered the phone. He told me you were out.
   The man ______________________________________________
  2. A waitress served us. She was very impolite and impatient.
   The ______________________________________________
  3. Some boys were arrested. They have now been released.
  The boys ___________________________________________
  84.3 The sentences in this exercise are not complete.
   Choose the most appropriate ending from the list and make it into a relative clause.
   He invented the telephone it makes typewriters
   She run away from home it gives you the meanings of words
   They are never on time it won the race
   They stole my car it can support this life
   They used to hang on that wall it was found last week
  1. Jerry works for a company that (or which) makes typewriters.
  2. The book is about a girl ___________________________________________
  3. What was the name of the horse ___________________________________________
  4. The police have caught the men ___________________________________________
  5. Alexander Bell was the man ___________________________________________
  6. Where are the pictures ___________________________________________
  7. The police are still trying to identify the body _________________________________________
  8. A dictionary is a book ___________________________________________
  9. I don’t like people ___________________________________________
  10. It seems that Earth is the only planet ___________________________________________

使用道具 举报

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