Who is this visa for?
This visa is for you if you are in Australia and you are one of the following:
an overseas student or former overseas student
a holder of a Skilled – Graduate (subclass 485) visa or Skilled – Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) visa
a holder of a Trade Skills Training (subclass 471) visa.
You must:
be under 45 years of age
have good English language skills
have the skills and qualifications that meet the Australian standard for an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and your nominated occupation is classified as either:
a 60 point occupation
a 50 point occupation
This information is for the following applicants:
Skilled – Recognised Graduate (subclass 476) visa holders
Skilled – Graduate (subclass 485) visa holders.
Use the table below to assess your eligibility. You must meet all of the basic eligibility requirements and pass the points test.
Basic eligibility requirements
Select the links in the table to read each of the basic eligibility requirements. Use the second column as a checklist to tick each basic eligibility requirement you can meet.
Points test
The points test pass mark for this visa is 120 points. If you score less than 120 points, your application will be refused.
Enter your points in the third column after reading the information at each link.
Eligibility requirements Do I meet the basic eligibility requirements? How many points will I get?
English language ability
Nominated skilled occupation
Qualifications closely related to nominated occupation No points awarded
Skills assessment No points awarded
Eligible visa No points awarded
Location No points awarded
Health No points awarded
Character No points awarded
Australian Values Statement No points awarded
Specific work experience Points test only
Australian work experience Points test only
Australian qualifications Points test only
Occupation in demand/job offer Points test only
Community language Points test only
Regional Australia study Points test only
Partner skills Points test only
Before lodging an application, please read all related eligibility requirements.
See: Return to previous page
About this Visa How this Visa Works Eligibility Obligations Applying for this Visa
c)LZ 是否满足申请175的条件?因为你似乎已经在澳洲呆了一段时间:
不知道LZ 是否满足 for at least 12 of the 24 months immediately before lodging your visa application
如果不满足- LZ 就没有资格走175。。所以问题又成了只能选择885。