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[澳洲英语] What is Recommended Retail Price / RRP ?

发表于 3-5-2009 21:27:43 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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The Recommended Retail Price (RRP)is the suggested selling price that the manufacturer, distributor orimporter provides to us at the time of our purchase of each product.
At the time of listing each item for sale, we doour own research to establish whether each suggested price isrealistic. If we determine it is, then this is the price that wepublish as our supplier's Recommended Retail Price.If our research indicates that a price is notrealistic then we discuss this with the supplier and ask them toprovide us with a revised Recommended Retail Price.As market prices are dynamic, we cannot guarantee the current accuracy of a Recommended Retail Price.We therefore recommend you do your own research as to market pricesbefore you purchase. We do however GUARANTEE that you will always paythe lowest price when shopping with us. Please refer to our 120% Price Smash Policy for full details.We will always update a Recommended Retail Priceimmediately upon becoming aware of changes to the suggested retailprice by our supplier. We also welcome all feedback that enables us tokeep our suppliers updated as to current market prices.Where we are the importer of a product we do not publish a Recommended Retail Priceunless that identical item is readily available in the marketplace. Inthese cases we will publish the selling price in the market as the Recommended Retail Price.

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