
楼主 |
发表于 28-2-2009 00:58:43
With admiration, respect and affection, I wish you the best of anything.
My best wishes for your continued success in all that you undertake.
The prize you have won is just the beginning of many honors that you will attain in the future.
May God fill your heart with gladness and cheer you every day.
Kudos to you ; you richly deserve the recognition.
I am sure all your friends are delighted to know that you have been properly rewarded.
May the success of your first ten years lead to an even more successful second ten.
May your goodness be like gold, lasting for thousands of years.
It must be a great satisfaction to have achieved such a goal.
With best wishes for fair weather and smooth sailing in the years ahead.
Thank God for honest, decent people like your who go about doing good.
You are exceptionally modest about your achievements.
I know you will go very far in this world. My best wishes for a bright and happy future.
It’s a thrill to see you rewarded for your talent and hard work.
You certainly deserved this award. Your industry and creativity have been an inspiration to us.
I can’t envision anything more satisfying and gratifying than what you have been doing.
Your ci… … vility and approach ability have translated into your popularity.
May these first twenty-five years of success serve as the inspiration for the next twenty-five.
I can’t tell you how delighted I am, and how proud to have had even a humble association with such a distinguished person like you.
Your deserved the award for your exemplary coordination, planning and leadership beyond the call of duty.
We are fortunate to have a wealth of people like you who are dedicated to making this community a better place to live.
I very much admire your achievements, ingenuity and calm in the face of difficulties.
Your step forward as the new CEO of your company is more than deserved.
Well done! This is the best news I have heard.Your expertise and creativity have benefited all of us.
Your report was well-written and highly convincing. You have topped everyone is this department.
It speaks volumes about the wonderful people like you who are living in our community.
(speak volumes意思是含義深刻、值得談論 = a lot to say about )
I admire your perseverance because you have been devoted to this good cause without other’s encouragement.
Your should get the royal treatment for your twenty years of volunteer work.
This award is to recognize your service which has been of great benefit to the happiness, prosperity and moral growth of our community.
(of great benefit = beneficial ) (/懷中)
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