Children under 16 years of age are usually included on a responsible parent's application form.
Children aged 15 years and under:
If you intend to apply for Australian citizenship on your own, you must be a permanent resident when you apply and when a decision is made on your application. You also need to be living with:
•a responsible parent who is an Australian citizen or
•a responsible parent who is not an Australian citizen and you would otherwise suffer significant hardship or disadvantage.
Your application form must be signed by the responsible parent you live with.
说一下我的情况,国内本科,澳洲硕士,国内是211大学。两个学位专业一样,都是surveying(比较冷门)。职业评估上对我学历的认证写的是“bachelor and master of surveying"。这个能不能说明我的职业评估机构已经对我的本科和硕士都进行了认证?这样的情况签证官应该就不要清华认证了吧?