楼主你好, 有个紧急的问题求助一下:
朋友的签证是2011年1月签下来的, 本来准备2012年3月登录Perth的, 但是国内辞职后, 公司有个internal transfer的工作机会在悉尼, 所以朋友想要问一下, 是不是可以take这个机会?
最主要是不清楚在抵达澳洲的时候, 是不是一定要先到西澳register, 然后必须先在西澳呆两年后才能去别的州, 还是可以先去别的州工作, 在签证到期前的2年回到西澳注册, 然后呆满2年就可以了?? 还有这个注册有没有时间规定啊? 比如从签证下来的日期开始算起, 多少时间内必须去注册?
Please note Western Australia Government sponsorship is not automatically transferable to any other State or Territory in Australia. You are required to seek the endorsement of the Small Business Development Corporation before making any plans to relocate to any other State or Territory in Australia.
In addition, you will need to seek the approval of the Small Business Development Corporation before making any changes in the commitments made in your application in preparation for sponsorship of your permanent residency visa.
然后附了一份STATE SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT, 上面的commitment是这样的:
1. You remain living and working in Western Australia;
2. You keep the Western Australia Government informed of your contact details after your arrival;
3. You complete a settlement survey every six months for a period of 24 months; and
4, You transfer around A$35000 into Western Australia for living costs and domestic arrangements.