为什么楼主不去www.immi.gov.au了解官方消息?你下载FORM 1299i,细心看看就会知道的了。摘抄一段如下。因楼主已离开1年多,所以累积时间要重新算了。续签的PR签证也是有年限的,immi.gov.au上有说明的。
People who became permanent residents on or after 1 July 2007 must have been lawfullly resident in Australia for 4 years immediatedly before applying including:
* 12 months as a permanent resident; and
* absences from Australia of no more than 12 months, including no more than 3 months in the 12 months before applying
If people became permanent residents before 1 July 2007 and apply before 20 June 2010, they must have been physically present in Australia as a PR for a total of 2 years in the 5 years before applying, including 1 year in the 2 years before applying.