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[work&lifestyle] 'Beijing Ben' Brings Olympic Glory to Seacrest, KIIS-FM

发表于 19-8-2008 22:49:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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NBC领导认为"长城"不能充分的表达其含义 (from Bing' s)他说"The Great Wall" 简直是 'Awesome Wall!'"呵呵...正在北京指挥报道奥运会的NBC主席Ben Silverman 连日来, 深深地被北京气势磅礴的阵势感动了, 他通过越洋电话口若悬河般的接受美国偶像节目主持人Ryan Seacrest"同志"的采访时, 让Seacrest听得心花怒放的, 恨不得立刻飞去鸟巢, 他告诉Seacrest: 呆在"鸟笼子"的感觉, 就像在West Hollywood里的"同志村"一样自由自在, 呵呵...他俩的这段对话是在LA的KIIS-FM电台上现场直播的, 美国媒体现在给NBC领导起了个响亮的名字, 称他为'Beijing Ben', 呵呵...有兴趣的读者看这里的细节和听听这段笑谈



'Beijing Ben' Brings Olympic Glory to Seacrest, KIIS-FM


NBC co-chairman Ben Silverman delivers daily dispatches on Beijing Games for On-Air with Ryan Seacrest.
By Joel Topcik -- Broadcasting & Cable, 8/18/2008 12:44:00 PM

Beijing Ben Silverman Phones In"Oh! Fireworks! Live! On-air!! Oh, my -- Holy Cow!!!"

If you've been relying on Bob Costas or Matt Lauer or any of NBC's ubiquitous platforms for your Beijing Olympic Games coverage, then you've been missing the high-octane reportage of Ben Silverman on KIIS-FM in Los Angeles.

The voluble NBC co-chairman is on the scene in China, where he's been phoning in daily dispatches on the Olympics experience for On-Air with Ryan Seacrest.

Dubbed "Beijing Ben" by Seacrest, Silverman has treated KIIS listeners to live color commentary on the open ceremonies' pyrotechnics (see above), as well as accounts of his gastronomic adventures ("dim sum and then some") and sightseeing excursions to the Great Wall and the tomb of the Terracotta Warriors.

"The Great Wall is an understatement," Silverman reported. "It's the 'Awesome Wall!'"

The gig has produced some priceless banter between Seacrest and Silverman, who admitted that he'd been misidentifying Beijing's so-called Bird's Nest Olympic stadium.

"I've been calling it the 'Bird Cage,'" he said, "which I realize is something in West Hollywood."

Recounting some proverbs he learned from his Chinese guide, Silverman quipped, "Her name is Fun Fun, so you can imagine how much fun-fun Fun Fun is."

"I think I met her in Vegas," Seacrest replied.

After Seacrest joked Thursday that NBC has been showing promos for its new comedy Kath and Kim "every 10 minutes," things got surreal when he resumed a running game of fill-in-the-blank free association.

"I am your horse," Seacrest began, "you are my ... "

"Chariot?" Silverman replied.

"I am your Kath, you are my ... "


Returning the volley, Silverman offered, "I am your warrior, you are my ... "

"Emperor!" said Seacrest, who then closed out the round with birthday wishes for Silverman (he turned 38 last week).

"You are my cake, I am your candle," he said. "Happy Birthday."

Perhaps "Seacrest Out," the host's signature catch-phrase on American Idol, will soon be eclipsed by "This is Beijing Ben Silverman signing off."

With Melissa Grego

[ 本帖最后由 xblues 于 19-8-2008 19:52 编辑 ]

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