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[News] 外国人看中国的愤青--More on China’s Angry Youth Phenomenon

发表于 16-8-2008 10:49:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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More on China’s Angry Youth Phenomenon

12:49:13 AM August 14th, 2008 Permalink  |   Comments (51)

WSJ.com today has a very interesting video interview of a Chinese “Angry Youth”.

http://link.brightcove.com/servi ... 986/bctid1716456282

If you want to learn more about this phenomenon, I highly recommend you check out “Angry Youth: The New Generation’s Neocon Nationalists” in the July 28th issue of The New Yorker Magazine

http://www.newyorker.com/reporti ... nos?currentPage=all

Some highlights from that article:
“On the morning of April 15th, a short video entitled “2008 China Stand Up!” appeared on Sina, a Chinese Web site. The video’s origin was a mystery: unlike the usual YouTube-style clips, it had no host, no narrator, and no signature except the initials “CTGZ.”

The video, which was just over six minutes long and is now on YouTube, captured the mood of nationalism that surged through China after the Tibetan uprising, in March, sparked foreign criticism of China’s hosting of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Citizens were greeting the criticism with rare fury. Thousands demonstrated in front of Chinese outlets of Carrefour, a French supermarket chain, in retaliation for what they considered France’s sympathy for pro-Tibetan activists. Charles Zhang, who holds a Ph.D. from M.I.T. and is the founder and CEO of Sohu (NASDAQ:SOHU), a leading Chinese Web portal along the lines of Yahoo, called online for a boycott of French products “to make the thoroughly biased French media and public feel losses and pain.” When Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi denounced China’s handling of Tibet, Xinhua, China’s official news service, called her “disgusting.” State-run media revived language from another age: the magazine Outlook Weekly warned that “domestic and foreign hostile forces have made the Beijing Olympics a focus for infiltration and sabotage.” In the anonymity of the Web, decorum deteriorated.  “Someone give me a gun! Don’t show mercy to the enemy!” one commentator wrote. The comments were an embarrassment to many Chinese, but they were difficult to ignore among foreign journalists who had begun receiving threats. (An anonymous letter to my fax machine in Beijing warned, “Clarify the facts on China  . . .  or you and your loved ones will wish you were dead.”)

When the Olympic torch returned to China, in May, for the final journey to Beijing, the Chinese seemed determined to make up for its woes abroad. Crowds overflowed along the torch’s route. One afternoon, Tang and I set off to watch the torch traverse a suburb of Shanghai.

Some younger spectators were wearing T-shirts inspired by China’s recent troubles: “Love China, Oppose Divisions, Oppose Tibetan Independence,” read a popular one. All around us, people strained for a better perch. A woman hung off a lamppost. A young man in a red headband climbed a tree.

The crowd’s enthusiasm seemed to brighten Tang’s view of things, reminding him that China’s future belongs to him and to those around him. “When I stand here, I can feel, deeply, the common emotion of Chinese youth,” he said. “We are self-confident.”

You can watch the video on Youtube here:


To be clear, I have seen nothing but healthy and exuberant patriotism by fans since the Beijing Games started, just as you would expect from fans anywhere. I think most Chinese are rightly feeling tremendous confidence and pride about the progress of these Games and their growing medal count. But the rest world still has not quite figured out how to handle a rising, assertive and increasingly self-confident China.

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On 08/14/08 GY wrote:


Very provocative. Keep up tbe good work.

On 08/14/08 pete wrote:
All american Olympic team should wear masks right now!!! all american in China should all wear masks in china otherwise go home for your american style fresh air!!!
所有参加奥运会的美国队员都应该戴口罩!所有的美国也也要戴口罩,如果不戴口罩,为什么不会你们老家去享受新鲜的美国空气呢?(看来说话这人是中国人)On 08/14/08 George and Wilma wrote:

Pete, your use of the english language lacks some techincal merit.
On 08/14/08 pete wrote:
All American Olympic team should wear masks right now!!! all american working in China should all wear masks, otherwise go home for your american style fresh air!!!

We are talking about Chinese issue; is it logical we write in Chinese? my english is not good but at least I am able to write in two languages. By the way; Dear George and wilma, are you guys able to write any Chinese???
On 08/14/08 Pelkyi Dorje wrote:

Pete, slow down! We Americans are very sensitive about our clean air. We are young, angry, and lovers of fresh air.

The rise of a reactionary, hyper-nationalist youth in China is an indication of how successful the PRC’s censorship and propaganda has been. Chinese in their 20s don’t even know that Tiananmen took place. When they are told incessantly that their country can do and has done no wrong, how can you blame them for reacting strongly to accusations of wrongdoing? Its a little bit like the more right-wing nationalists in the U.S.–any criticism of the U.S. or its policy is met with strong denunciations and denials and accusations of anti-Americanism or even treason.
On 08/14/08 Unknown wrote:

Interesting. When Bill Bishop was an executive at CBC marketwatch and DBS, he was fully aware of how the other a. hole exec. persecuted those Chinese professionals at the company.
有趣!当Bill Bishop在任CBC的这个网站的总裁时期,他本人十分清楚在其所在的公司内其他美国同行是怎样的压制和刁难华人同行的。
On 08/14/08 Joe wrote:

American deeds, indeed.
On 08/14/08 BrixenBad wrote:

Scary stuff — when will those youth start harking slogans in reference to the Middle Kingdom? This is not the only story out there on these trends and the trends are truly worrying. Those Chinese almost make middle-American youth look like educated and aware world-citizens!
On 08/14/08 Joe wrote:

What is interesting is that how uneducated many Americans are. They live in their own little world and have never been out in the world to see the world. What they hear is solely from their own journalists who in many cases are reporting one-sided stories.
On 08/14/08 Halh wrote:

I am chinese and really proud to in USA and thankful to my parents who left china. I have brothers and sister, we are bid family. If my parents stayed in china I am pretty sure that I would not be writting this. China has one child policy and I am really sorry for those selfish nationalistic kids and youth in China totally brainwashed. I support free Tibet movements. And all my chinese friend do too.
On 08/14/08 Matt wrote:

I agree with Brixenbad the trend is very worrying. A nationalistic, dare I say brainwashed, Chinese youth is just what the country is looking for as it expands globally.

It is just as interesting “Joe” that very few Chinese have ever been outside of their own province/town/state much less the country. I am sure visas to travel abroad are not abundant to Chinese youth for if they were they may find out that making shoes for New Balance at $2.44/day for a 10 hour shift is not the way of the world.
Nor is using slave labor camps, also known as prison camps, to industrialize a nation accepted by the world as a whole.

I do not buy in to the “clean” view of the PRC displayed for us all on tv during the Olympic games. The truth is out there on the PRC as a whole and I agree “Pete” the USA shouldnt even be at these Olympics. Last time they were held in a Communist country I believe we boycotted them. Unfortunately, our leaders have sold our future to China in the form of government debt and treasury bonds so now we must make nice.

It is my firm belief that before 2020 the USA and the world as a whole will pay for our mistakes. It is ok to call me names or denounce my beliefs but I hold strong to the idea that when a billion Chinese come pouring over the Aluetian Islands and into Alaska it will be the end. The PRC is already building a stronger faster Navy and has 2nd strike capability. When will expansionism come into their nationalistic views?

Oh and “Pete” I dont need to write in Chinese as this is an American blog. Bad enough I have to press one for English in my own country. I will quit writing before I learn to write in Mandarin just so you know. I am sure you can understand.
On 08/14/08 bob wrote:

Halh-American have good people and bad people, also same as Chinese have good people and bad people. American aren’t proud to have you here in the US. American poud to have Michael Phelps, not people like you, because you are a sick person
On 08/14/08 BuDDaH wrote:

This Chinese nationalism does frighten. And the burst of nationalism all over the world is like a prelude to greate conflicts and wars. I do feel uneasy when I see the same rise of nationalism among some young people in my homeland Russia. And I donn’t want Russian nationalists to clash with the Chinese ultra-patriots. There’s a wide spread opinion in Russia that China will attack Russia to grab its Eastern lands - Siberia and the Far East.
On 08/14/08 xiaofei wrote:

“Angry Youth” is a misleading translation, as “Fen Qing” means nothing more than the “X-generation” or “Y-generation” in US. Calling them “nationalists” is enven more exaggrating since this generation is born after China’s reform began and they are just as arrogantly proud of China as American youth would be of US. The blogger intentionally uses these misleading translations merely trying to throw some negatives out there to attract viewers. Tell me a country whose young generation are not “angry” with the world around them.
On 08/14/08 xiaofei wrote:

not endorsing nationalism though. I was once an “angry youth”, and not any more after growing up. The young generation will find their way to maturity sooner or later. IMHO, a China with confidence is better to the world than a China with hurt self-dignity, and the young Chinese are on the right track.
On 08/14/08 dixteel wrote:

The only problem I see with this type of thing is Tibet and the Muslims of north west of China would get hammered. Any kind of surpression over those area could be easily justified by Chinese government in this type of domestic atmosphere.
Taiwan would be a bit better off because it’s not actually under Chinese rule, but it will probably feel the pressure as well.
On 08/14/08 Halh wrote:

To Bob,
So you are one of the bad people in USA. Intolerant and arrogant same like chinese nationalists. For your infomation, Chinese-Americans are fastest growing population after Latino in USA. And the best part of it you can’t do anything about it!Ha ha
On 08/14/08 crashn wrote:

I for one am very proud to have Halh, and many others like him,in my country. It’s people like him that keep us one step ahead of the rest of the world.
On 08/14/08 bob wrote:

American need new immigrans as Alan Greenspan acnowleage that. you don’t understandsome that. we saw some sick people stood on the street who laught to themself. you look very same as you used word “ha ha”. sorry couldn’t help you.
On 08/14/08 rrgg wrote:

It’s pretty interesting to hear claims of “one-sided” western journalists and so on. At least there’s the possibility of hearing two sides of a story in the west.

Sure there’s probably nothing wrong with a little nationalism. There’s something wrong with a LOT of nationalism though, as history clears shows.
On 08/14/08 gene wrote:

I am from China and now I am studying in the USA.

If you have lived in China for a long time you will know that it is still a backward, corrupt, third-world country. I don’t like living there and I would like to become a US citizen.
On 08/14/08 Hsin Chen wrote:

I enjoy this comment from Joe above - ”
What is interesting is that how uneducated many Americans are. They live in their own little world and have never been out in the world to see the world. What they hear is solely from their own journalists who in many cases are reporting one-sided stories.”

This coming from a resident state-controlled country.
On 08/14/08 Paul wrote:

halh: I am proud you are here. I’ve worked with many Chinese co-workers, and have a high opinion of most of them. IMHO, Asian immigration is our
best weapon against Asian competition. And look who’s
filling our musical schools: Chinese children.
On 08/14/08 halh wrote:

Here in US, we as chinese immigrants value our true chinese wisdom of kindness, sence of unity and tollerance to others who is different. It is shame that this nationalistic youth in China are loosing these traditions.
On 08/14/08 Jeff L wrote:

I think your last line sums up everything. I really don’t think the West knows what to do in this post-Cold War era. Does Communism still = evil?

Despite the fact that China has moved far from Mao’s doctrine over the past decade, many in the West still continue to view this country as an enemy that is threatening. In these past few months alone, we have seen a tremendous amount of coverage re: human rights in Tibet. Oil consumption by the Chinese cause our prices at the gas pump to go up. Lead paint on Chinese-made toys. An offensive Newsweek cover story on how understanding China’s history of shame will help them understand its people.

As an American, what I observe is that anytime the West has an opportunity to criticize or put down China, it does. Did you see the advert with the Spanish b-ball team? There’s a lot of stupid haters out there. So really, what do you expect Chinese people’s reaction to be? Just to be nice and take it?

American media and foreign policies are pushing them further and further away instead of embracing them. For Americans, is this the American way that we so highly espouse?
On 08/14/08 pete wrote:

All american Olympic team members should wear masks right now!!! all american working in China should wear masks, otherwise go home for your american style fresh air!!!

Free Iraq!!!! you guys can not even take iraq and still dreaming about taking over China?

My english is not perfect; by the way do you guys speak any Chinese? it might be to difficult for you guys to learn Chinese anyway so stick with your simple 26 street sign instead.
On 08/14/08 Timelord wrote:

COme on Pete - simple 26 street sign? Do you mean alphabet? Frankly, English, with it’s 26 letters, is an extremely efficient alphabet. So there.

The bigger issue is that we humans can’t see a lot of people reaching at being at the top.
On 08/14/08 pete wrote:

here is the SUPER ANGRY:Free Iraq!!! occupation of iraq is the biggest crime of this century
On 08/14/08 dianna wrote:

Paul wrote: “Asian immigration is our best weapon to against Asian competition”. we know you used Asian to against Asian. you do not proud to have Chiness. As an American, we love peace, we love helping others. we do not encourage people against other people including keep criticize others. I voted George Bush for Prisedent. He is a great President of the US.
On 08/14/08 pete wrote:

On 08/14/08 Matt wrote:

What I find most interesting about all of these comments, and there have been some really great ones, is it seems that most Chinese-Americans are very proud to be living in the USA.
Even the Gene who is from China and on a student visa doesnt want to leave. I think this is great testament to the USA and our way of life and I am happy that all of the posters have made a life here and are proud of it.
I dont think Communism=evil Jeff L. but I do think that opression of basic civil liberties is no way to live. I refuse to “embrace” a country that I do not have respect for and, unfortunately, I do not respect China’s human rights policy. The great thing about the American way of life, the west, is that we do not have to agree with everyone else and can find humor in things. This has not been in the past month or year that I have come to feel this way but over a longer period of time.
On 08/14/08 XUN LU wrote:

It is OK to be proud of your country, but respect other countries too. I am chinese, but I am not proud of chinese government and how they are handling the Olympics. Fake fireowrks, fake singer, fake passport and fake audience! Who needs this? Surely, not ordinary chinese people.
On 08/14/08 racefanaz wrote:

OOOHHH! chi-com youth arl berly anglee, berly anglee , who cares, reminds of the little red book nut jobs in the 60s and 70s, of course if they really want to test us, and they will, try and take TAIWAN you punks
On 08/14/08 racefanaz wrote:

REGARDING PETE: um the century aint over yet dopey, its only 8 years and I’M sure the chi-coms will find away to harvest the organs of another million prisoners this year, NOW THATS THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY, sniff sniff, hmm u smell dog cookin?
On 08/14/08 you know what wrote:

Pete, we know who you are. Chinese goverment paid robot.
On 08/14/08 pete wrote:

You are all sub prime losers!
On 08/14/08 Duke wrote:

Been going to China 3 to 5 times per year since 1997.

History says China as we know today will be brought down by the people’s rebellion and become mini Chinas ruled by the warlords.

Discontent feelings had been suppressed by the public due to Olympic hoopla but it will boil up real soon. Many ordinary folks are very ANGRY having lost 50% of their life savings in the stock market.

It’s just matter of time until China explodes and disintegrates into mini Chinas.
On 08/14/08 Duke wrote:

Communist leadership’s biggest FEAR is that the angry youth movement can easily turn on a dime and mobilized to highlight corruptions at every level.

Combine that with horrible mistreatment of laborers from countryside means BIG eruption.

Add to this toxic mix ordinary people who lost 50% plus on the stock market. Take wealth away from middle class and they’ll protest in the street.

Add another discontent from farmers whose land had been unfairly seized.

$10k question is which of these will be the trigger?
On 08/14/08 Duke wrote:

Be wary of angry sexually frustrated China men charged with nationalism may lead to WAR.

Why? There are severe sex ratio imbalance due to 1 child policy instituted starting 1980. 1.2 men for 1 women is the official stat but reality might be closer to 1.3.

Poor testesorone charged and sexually frustrated men unable to find wives mean instability leading to potentials for riots and WARS. Many women in China find that it’s better to become prostitutes as they make decent income and it’s almost legal and everywhere from neighborhood barbershops, street walkers, brothels to KTVs.

It’s just result of screwing around with nature.
On 08/14/08 pete wrote:

sub prime losers
On 08/14/08 pete wrote:

shameful sub prime losers are so happy!
On 08/15/08 sam wrote:

With the Olympics and everything going on in China, this is certainly a glorious time for the Chinese and it is just the beginning. Let it be and let it be.
People in the US buy products made in China everyday, and yet many of them know nothing about China’s history and its culture. China is big nation with rich natural resources that everyone wants. From the turn of the century, China has taken on much shame because of its weakness brought on by foreigners and its own leaders. The country at one time was carved up and controlled by European nations. The Japanese wanted China so badly that they slaughtered the Chinese in the Nanking Massacre. Hong Kong was forced to be given to the British as a territory because of the Opium War - the British thought it was perfectly OK to ship drugs to China and to poison its people. It is native to think that a country as big as China can change overnight and adopt the kind of democracy like that of the US without chaos. Likewise in the US, it has been over half a century since the civil right movement. It has been a long time since the Japanese Internment, Chinese Exclusion Act and the Rodney King incident, and yet racisim and discrimination is still deeply rooted in the American society. Dr. King’s dream hasn’t come true yet, neither has the Chinese’s - one day. Change is good but change will take time. It is easy for US journalists such as Bill and others alike to sit comfortably in China and talk about this and that when major US news networks such as the CNN is still using journalists, bashers and commentators to openly call the Chinese people “THUGS.” By the way, people in China do give foreigners (they don’t call them aliens like that in the USA. LOL!!!) some repect in general even though they don’t speak the language. The real danger I see here is that when China continues to flourish and many of its young people get to be educated, they will become scientists, Olympians, leaders and productive world citizens while many young people in the US continue to indulge in drugs, be ignorant about the world, graduate from high-school/college without knowing the basics, and more sadly not be able to compete with the rest of the world.
On 08/15/08 sam wrote:

ABC nightline 8/14/08.

On 08/15/08 John wrote:

Of course we need to boycott French products. Look at how the French cracked down on the riots 2 years ago in Paris. They are abusing human rights in France. Buycott French products now.
On 08/15/08 John wrote:

They told every broadcasters that those footprint fireworks were special computer graphics. So they were not faked at all. The NBC commentators clearly said that many times.
On 08/15/08 Blory wrote:

I am not chinese nor american. It seems there is kind of word war is going on between chinese and american readers on these comments. Comments from americans are probably genuine and freely spoken, but I am not sure of those who is defending chinese goverment. How many of ordinary chinese would have an access to this site, how many of them have internet or even computer? Everybody knows that most of the 1.3 billion of chinese population are still very poor.
On 08/15/08 sam wrote:

Are you aware of the fact that biggest loosers on suprime in Florida and CA are investors from China with their new money.
On 08/15/08 usa wrote:

Sam– get real, you mst know CHINA is bigger creditor of the US. without China goverment supported American, million of Americeans will be homeless and Sam, you will be the first one out at the street beging for food and money. Sam– do you know what is sham?
On 08/15/08 usa wrote:

Sam– get real, you must know CHINA is biggest creditor of the US. without China goverment supported American, million of Americeans will be homeless and Sam, you will be the first one out at the street beging for food and money. Sam– do you know what is sham?
On 08/15/08 Bill Murray wrote:

Why America is different from China:

“We’re all very different people.
We’re not Watusi.
We’re not Spartans.
We’re Americans.
With a capital A, huh?
You know what that means?
Do you? That means
that our forefathers…
…were kicked out of every
decent country in the world.
We are the wretched refuse.
We’re the underdog.
We’re mutts.
- Here’s proof. His nose is cold.
- So is his brain.
But there’s no animal
that’s more faithful…
…that’s more loyal,
more loveable than the mutt.
Who saw Old Yeller?”
On 08/15/08 k wrote:

why America is different from Indian:

Indian take nobody’s land

[ 本帖最后由 xblues 于 16-8-2008 11:37 编辑 ]


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