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Have you ever been given hard-times because of your feminine side as little boy?

发表于 27-7-2008 03:11:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Have you ever been given hard-times because of your feminine side as little boy?
When I was in Primary school, or even before that, since I started to remember to things, I was always the one that the other kids trying to pick up with.
They call me the GIRL... That actually played a big part of my childhood. As a little boy, I didn't know what to do to protect myself, I tried my best to change my behavior. I thought there were something wrong with myself.

Not until I grow up, I mean when I am was much older, I guess I wasn't that sad anymore, only because I learned to hide my personality and my real feelings. It was protection.

I know there is nothing wrong with myself, I just have to learn to be comfort in my own skin, but this process never came easily. It's a painful process, and I don't think one should suffer that much just because they are different.

Another thing I learned, kids can be quite naive, but really mean at the same time. Thanks to their stereotype of parents.

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 楼主| 发表于 27-7-2008 15:26:52 | 只看该作者

After years as a grown-up

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NO, I haven't been full recovered from those wounds, but I do learned how to protect myself and I try to make myself stronger. So everyone would think about it before they try to insult me.
However, because they have done, I did hate those people, and still the hate exists somewhere there inside of me. I can't help. It guess it's also a way for us to learn how to forgive.

I often think people are just such nonsense and ignorance when they trying to pick up something on someone, and that makes me mad! I am not that "girl" anymore, I am a lot more masculine (only because I feel that's the way I want to be). But ignorance and discrimination exists everywhere, could be upon anything.

I realized how the gay community isolate themselves from the major community. Although we have gay pride, still there are so much for us to face and work hard to win the equal rights. I don't really agree that they gays should appreciate the acceptance of the major society and keep it low-key. In fact, a lot of people say they accept gay....... they actually never finish that sentence. They accept gay conditionally, with lots of conditions.

Something happened to me lately which gave me the chance to know how they accept gay. I think gay have to not only live comfort as who they are, but also live everyday as the gay pride. Nothing comes easy, one have to fight for what one can get, I mean the equal rights.

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