感觉楼上的解释有偏差吧。如果拿到PR后再拿到citizen, 就因该拥有所有公民应有的福利了。 而PR 转Citizen 的要求是:
People who became permanent residents on or after 1 July 2007 must have been lawfully resident in Australia for four years immediately before applying including:
12 months as a permanent resident
absences from Australia of no more than 12 months, including no more than ninety (90) days in the 12 months before applying.
也就是说拿着临时签证呆在澳洲的日子是算进4年累计时间中的。如果你拿了475 3年,并且3年内离境时间累计小于ninety (90) days in the 12 months before applying. 在获得PR 以后 1年以后将可以申请citizen...也就应该拥有公民福利了。。