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[Others] Wiki topics about Australia - Moreton Bay

发表于 7-6-2008 01:46:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moreton_Bay

Moreton Bay is a large bay on the eastern coast of Australia 19 km from Brisbane, Queensland.The waters of Moreton Bay are a popular destination for recreationalanglers and are used by commercial operators who provide seafood tomarket.
The Port of Brisbane coordinates large traffic along the shipping channel which crosses the northern section of the bay. The bay serves as a safe approach to the airport and reduces noise pollution over the city to the west of the runway. A number of barge, ferry and water-taxi services also travel over the bay.

Some features in the northern parts of the bay


 楼主| 发表于 7-6-2008 01:47:49 | 只看该作者

Sandbanks@Moreton Bay

Moreton Bay is filled with sandbanks.Between Tangalooma and Skirmish Point on Bribie Island are the MiddleBanks, Central Banks and Western Banks. From north of Moreton Islandtowards Caloundra are the Yulle Road, Spitfire Bank, and the SalamanderBank, amongst others.
Amity Banks are found just west of Amity Point, while the MoretonBanks lie to the west of the southern tip of Moreton Island. Thesebanks can be hazard for marine navigation because they are constantlychanging due to tidal currents.

Sandbanks in Moreton Bay

The Middle Banks area close to Moreton Island has been used in the past as a source of sand for large projects such as the nearby Brisbane Airport and port facilities. Past dredging has removed 18 Mn3 and the removal of another 40 Mn3 is planned[9]. Future sand extraction is expected to aid a major shipping channel straightening project.
To ensure the shipping channel remains open, several areas of thebay have been allocated for dredged material dumping sites. These siteshave been selected to provide beach nourishment, aiding the naturallong shore transport of sand along ocean beaches.


发表于 7-6-2008 23:55:16 | 只看该作者
how about moreton bay bugs? are they from there? just so delicious..


发表于 8-6-2008 14:29:57 | 只看该作者

回复 #3 cello 的帖子

yeah,moreton bay bugs live in THE bay, yummy~!


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