1. 买一双耐克球鞋,澳洲120澳币,需工作1天半;中国¥230,需工作8天半。1:6
Never done that. (I bought my first adidas in my life soon after I came oz. short rugby pants, aud 20. then a casal bag $45. never bought nike/adi in China, usually expensive, well, compared with my income before)
2. 看一场容祖儿演唱会,澳洲160澳币,需工作2天;中国¥380,需工作14天。1:7
Never done that. (I kinda remember the cheapest ticket is ¥228 in Beijing, while about $58 in Sydney)
3. 买一台1.5匹的松下空调,澳洲1080澳币,需工作13天半;中国¥3000,需工作111天。1:8
Never done that.
4. 买一套普通办公套装,澳洲120澳币,工人需工作1天半;中国¥400,工人需工作12天。1:8
Never done that
5. 请1 2人一桌吃龙虾大餐,澳洲280澳币,需工作3天半;中国¥1500,需工作55天半。1:16
Never done that
6. 买一台东芝手提电脑,澳洲2800澳币,需工作35天;中国¥22000,需工作815天。1:23
Never done that. (I bought several 2-hand IBMs in China. T40s in very good condition around ¥3200 now I guess)
7. 买一台2 9寸索尼全平彩电,澳洲699澳币,需工作9天;中国¥6000,需工作222天。1:24
Never done that
8. 一年期环球世界机票费,澳洲2298澳币,需工作29天;中国¥20000,需工作741天。1:25
Never done that
9. 买一艘小游艇,澳洲18000澳币,需工作225天;中国¥230000,需工作8518天半。1:38
Never done that
10. 买一辆新丰田佳美小车,澳洲25000澳币,需工作312天半;中国¥450000,需工作16667天。1:53
Never done that.
11. 一年健身房会费,澳洲360澳币,需工作4天半;中国¥7000,需工作259天。1:57
Never done that
12. 一年高尔夫球会费,澳洲1800澳币,需工作22天半;中国¥175000,需工作6481天半。1:288
Never done that
13. 去医院生一个婴儿,澳洲$0,政府额外奖励7000;中国¥2000,需工作74天。
Never done that
14. 生病看医生住院作手术,澳洲$0,需工作0天;中国¥100甚至几十万,需工作几天
I used to pay 10% of the medical expenditure.
Sigh, I am Golden Saver...
btw, bankwest increasts the rate to 8.5% pa for term deposite. even Telenet(netbanking) goes to 8.25%pa.
1. 买一双耐克球鞋,澳洲120澳币,需工作1天半;中国¥230,需工作8天半。1:6
Never done that. (I bought my first adidas in my life soon after I came oz. short rugby pants, aud 20. then a casal bag $45. n ...