原帖由 bestkiwi 于 26-4-2008 20:41 发表
你好,我想请问一下,我在国内审请的136美发师由于背调原因被拒签了,我最近准备去澳洲留学读2年的tafe,请问我在国内办移民时获得的TRA职业评估是否可以在澳洲以后审请移民时用,是不是有了评估我就不用900小时打工证明了 ...
Skills assessment for people intending to migrate to Australia
TRA is a nominated assessment authority for a number of occupations in the General Skilled Migration program, under the Migration Regulations 1994.
If you intend to migrate to Australia under a general skilled migration category, you must have had your skills assessed by the relevant Australian assessing authority before lodging your application with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC).
TRA does not provide advice on visas or issue points for migration. Please refer to the DIAC website for details.
This page contains information on how to apply for an International Skills Assessment in your occupation. To learn more, scroll down the page or click directly on one of the topics listed below.
Does TRA assess my occupation?TRA assesses only [url=]non-graduate occupations/trade level occupations[/url].
Occupations assessed by TRA are listed in the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) (PDF 131kB)
What is an International Skills Assessment?An International skills assessment is an assessment of skills carried out for the purposes of skilled migration to Australia.
TRA determines whether your skills are suitable for your nominated occupation and applies the Uniform Assessment Criteria (UAC) as the standard by which a person’s skills are to be assessed.
Can I apply? You need to have:
- training and experience in an occupation assessed by TRA
- a mixture of formal training and on the job experience
- an apprenticeship or vocational traineeship
Applicants with Australian qualifications must have had at least 900 hours of relevant and directly related work experience.
How do I apply?You will need to:
submit a complete TRA Pre-migration Skills Assessment application form
- pay the correct application fee
- ensure your application is decision ready by supplying all evidence of your training and work experience.
What evidence do I need to supply?- Proof of identity (birth certificate, passport identity page, or official government identification)
- Proof of any training, apprenticeship or traineeship
- Proof of any industrial or occupational licensing or registration
- Detailed proof of relevant work experience
- Contact details for TRA to confirm all claims and documents.
How should the evidence be provided?- Documents not written in English must come with certified English translations.
- Documents must be [url=]certified true copies[/url].
- Do not send original documents.
- Do not send applications in folders or plastic sleeves.
- Do not use dividers or spiral binders.
How much does it cost?- AUD $300 for a skills assessment.
- AUD $300 for an internal review.
How do I pay the application fee?If paying from outside Australia, please use an international bank cheque or money order.
All payments must be drawn on an Australian bank (e.g. Commonwealth Bank of Australia, National Australia Bank, Westpac Banking Corporation, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group), be in Australian dollars and made out to 'The collector of public monies DEWR'.
If paying from within Australia, please use a bank cheque or an Australian postal money order made out to 'The collector of public monies DEWR'.
TRA does not accept credit card payments.
Application fees are not refundable irrespectiveof the result of the assessment.
Where do I send my application?
Trades Recognition Australia contact details
How long will it take?Occupations on the Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL) receive the highest priority. The MODL sets out occupations which have been identified as being in national demand with good employment prospects in Australia.
The majority of MODL applications are assessed within 10 working days.
The majority of applications for occupations not on the MODL list are assessed within 20 working days.
I have submitted my application, what happens next?If you are successful, TRA will send you a letter which can be included with your visa application to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). The letter will identify a designated occupation.
If you are unsuccessful, TRA will send you a letter outlining the reasons for the decision. Advice on how to apply for an internal review and how to obtain feedback will be included in the letter.
What if I do not agree with the decision?You may apply for an internal review. Before you apply for an internal review, you may ask to speak with the deciding assessor. You may provide more documents, information and evidence when you lodge an internal review. An internal review fee of $300 is required.
All internal reviews are carried out by a different assessor and all evidence is considered again. TRA does not undertake informal reviews.
Is the letter you sent me after a successful assessment a qualification?No. The letter sent to you advising your assessment was successful, is not a qualification nor does it entitle you to work in the designated occupation in Australia. The letter identifies you to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) as having completed a successful skills assessment.
Will I have to undergo further training, testing or assessment when I arrive in Australia?If you want to have your skills accredited or become registered or licensed in Australia, you may have to undertake further training, testing or assessment on your arrival.
How long is my assessment valid for?TRA’s assessments do not have an expiry date and you should keep your successful assessment letter in a safe place to be used with your migration application.
How do I contact TRA?Trades Recognition Australia contact details |