原帖由 thewall 于 4-12-2007 01:30 发表
。。。 国内的牛奶很香 。。。 蒙牛,伊利,光明这几个大牌子的“纯牛奶”,还有数不清的牌子的“奶粉饮料” 。。。
。。。 还真好喝,但看看配料单,原来是添加了不少“香料” 。。。
You got it right.
My wife was in a joint-venture diary prodect company before we came to OZ.
The company closed down 3 years ago, now not one real foreign diary company still there in China, Why?
They can not compete with local company, the local take all quality milk source, no matter it's good or not, if it is not good(lot of bacteria), just put in some extra stuff, cover up the flavor. They will never throw away unqualified product, but reproduce them.
The foreign company like big M, dutch lady... only collect milk that pass their test, not put in extra stuff, will discard unqualified product if it is detected before they are in the market. The cost is high if they doing that serious quality assurance process. The close down is not surprise to me.
I will not drink any Chinese made milk, forever. |