原帖由 蔚然成风 于 26-10-2007 01:06 发表
能偷漏说:是 哪里的吗?是墨还是 xini啊?
In Sydney’s far south-west, about 44km from the CBD off the South Western Highway on the way to Campbelltown, Ingleburn sits on the banks of the Georges River and is distinguished as an army town, although there are nowhere near as many soldiers stationed near here as there used to be.
The army still holds sovereignty over literally thousands of hectares near Ingleburn and some units are still on station, but many more have moved away. The firing range is still active, though, so don’t go wandering off into the bush.
A few years back the boffins were seriously considering the army land as the site for Sydney’s second airport, but this push has gone quiet lately.
The region is rich in early colonial architecture and on the corner of Campbelltown Road and Denham Court Road, just to the south of the Army base, you'll find a home designed by John Verge in 1832 for Captain Richard Brooks, one time master of convict ships.
Featuring a distinctive portico and entrance hall, the home has been described 'as one of the most interesting and historically significant early country houses in the colony'. It is only a short walk to another monument to Verge's work, St Mary the Virgin Chapel which was built as a memorial to Brooks in 1838. |